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  1. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to SillyBilly in Matchday Thread v Blackpool Away (3pm Sat 30th April)   
    Great way to end our away season with that monkey off our back now for next year. Great support today but no different to the excellent support we've had all season and hope we continue that form in the stands in League One next year. Also credit to Blackpool fans, one of the few clubs in the league that has not gloated at our potential liquidation and demise and shown some support. A class showing and wish them all the best in the Championship next year, hope they can get promoted again to the Prem.
  2. Haha
    derbydaz22 reacted to 1967RAMS in Matchday Thread v Blackpool Away (3pm Sat 30th April)   
    Perhaps b4 had told them how many Derby fans he was expecting to be there today 
  3. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to Red_ram in Allsop v Roos   
    For the longest time I wanted Roos to have his chance, ever since seeing him in that epic cup game at Fulham. He’s struggled for consistency though and for every few great saves you always feel there’s a poorly dealt with cross not far away that shoots us in the foot.
    Allsop I presumed had come in to make up the numbers and I didn’t really get it with the few squad spaces we had available. Especially seeing as his first few appearances he looked shaky as anything. Since then though I’ve been won around and especially crosses into the box, I’ve not felt as relaxed with our keeper in a very very long time. For all the pressure we’ve soaked up at times this season I think he’s done exceptionally, and in the grand scheme of things I’d guess his stats for goals being his fault versus his league peers is low. 
    Long story short; didn’t know why we signed him, but fully behind him now.
  4. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to RoyMac5 in Allsop v Roos   
    Allsop is better in every way. A proper keeper.
    Most importantly he is calm in what he does and keeps his defence calm.
  5. Haha
    derbydaz22 reacted to Seaside Ram in Allsop v Roos   
    I still maintain Kelle Roos is a better keeper than Ryan Allsop . You can say he wasn’t at fault for those 3 goals yesterday but for me he should have done better on them all . Roos is still the scapegoat from 2019 but for me is the one I would have as no1 next season .
  6. Haha
    derbydaz22 reacted to JPRamFan in The Administration Thread   
    No they'll probably accept it, sign off on it and find fault with it 2-3 years down the line.
  7. Haha
    derbydaz22 reacted to scout's dad in The Administration Thread   
    At EFL HQ right now

  8. Haha
    derbydaz22 reacted to Indy in The Administration Thread   
    I think they only accept submissions in Steve Gibson’s handwriting. 
  9. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to Caerphilly Ram in The Administration Thread   
    Hasn’t the point always been that this isn’t a straightforward, linear process? I always thought it was dependent on appointing a preferred bidder, them agreeing whether they would pay the debts up front or over time (the whole 35p vs 25p in the £ thing), which league we were going to be in may have been a factor also, plus the stadium. I remember reading HMRC wouldn’t discuss a final plan until a PB was appointed or something along those lines. Lots of moving parts.
    I’m not necessarily defending Quantuma, as they’ve presumably mishandled elements of this, nor am I willing to condemn them completely as MM clearly left the club in a complete state, which is one of the only definite facts available to us fans.
    Without all the other facts available to me about what has gone on behind the scenes I’d rather focus on the potential positives of a solution to this whole mess being apparently close and the club finally being able to move on from admin and the whole MM era.
  10. COYR
  11. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to Comrade 86 in Liam Thompson   
    Young lad who has decent technical ability and will be a very good player in time. Seen some silly stuff posted but it's been an absolute baptism of fire for our young'uns and by and large, I remain proud of the lot of them.
  12. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to Premier ram in Liam Thompson   
    Love Thommo , gives absolutely everything , my MOM on Friday
  13. Haha
    derbydaz22 reacted to 1967Ram in The Administration Thread   
  14. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to BucksRam in To the EFL Championship   
    Because they didn't have an owner who:
    directly challenged the EFL over a number of things, such as TV money, or who then subsequently embarrassed them with a somewhat out of the box (but not illegal) accounting policy, who further exacerbated poor feeling by his arrogant (I'm right) approach to business, such that the EFL saw it their purpose in life to do all they could to propagate the downfall of this club through
    inconsistent application of so called rules, retrospective changes to said rules when found wanting processing dealings in timeframes orchestrated to do as much damage to us as possible, applying maximum penalties and restrictions despite having discretion to be more lenient failing to discourage spurious and malicious claims from fellow members, revealing their lack of impartiality through the use of such phrases as "we are disappointed at the decision...." to name but one leaking (and probably encouraging) negative and detrimental information to press  All of which further fuelled the hate from fans who already bore us ill feeling.
    My one concern remains that L1 is still governed (I use that term loosely) by the EFL.  One can hope this really will be a fresh start for all.
  15. Haha
    derbydaz22 reacted to angieram in To the EFL Championship   
    You do all realise the EFL runs League One as well, don't you?
  16. Haha
    derbydaz22 reacted to RoyMac5 in The Administration Thread   
    Was he buying?
  17. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to CBRammette in The Administration Thread   
    What the....... "at least Mel has kept a dignified silence whilst simultaneously running the club to near extinction."  That's ok then. Well he didnt keep a dignified silence at the start did he and always on Talk Sport etc and was always extremely arrogant which created a lot of the hate and agenda towards the club. Then the whinge "woe is me" interview with radio derby and the narcissistic statement announcing his accord with Gibson. How is that anything close to a dignified silence? Really hope your post was ironic
  18. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to MaltRam in Swansea vs The Rams Matchday Thread   
    I want Wayne calling out injustices. Fighting our corner, and most importantly, the players' corner.
    He's nailed the response, once again.
  19. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to Rich84 in Wayne Rooney   
    Don't think that would happen with the Prem season running for 2 weeks after ours finishes so Everton unlikely to be relegated by that point.
    But, irrespective of whether he leaves or not, both he, the coaching staff and players need a big send off in that game, they've made us proud to support this club again.
  20. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to Gee SCREAMER !! in The Administration Thread   
    That won't happen again.  Came out of admin paying diddly and then spent millions without anyone batting an eyelid . embargos. 12 point deductions etc.  It's their lovely legacy.
  21. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to one_chop in The Administration Thread   
    If Roy Chubby Brown put a bid in nobody would bat an eyelid. CK puts a bid in and some childish tweets emerge from his younger days and suddenly he's on par with Adolf Hitler. I wonder if it's because he's American?.
  22. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to The_Sheriff in The Administration Thread   
    Tell you what. I am nothing like the person i was 10 years ago.
    Not saying CK would be my choice at all with his recent twitter spats but if hes willing to take us out of admin then i will eat humble pie and be grateful
  23. Haha
    derbydaz22 reacted to IslandExile in The Administration Thread   
    Well if he didn't have an incentive before...
  24. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to MACKWORTHRAM in The Administration Thread   
    Completely unnecessary for them to put the tweet out.
    If they have heard something do some digging in the background.
    Putting tweets out like that with everything we've been through and the countless times we've heard a PB will be announced shortly, imminently, within a week etc is just ridiculous.
  25. Haha
    derbydaz22 reacted to Mostyn6 in The Administration Thread   
    Is he s Saudi prince?? ? 
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