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Hector was the best

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    Hector was the best reacted to Rampant in V Plymouth (a) 7th March 20.00   
    Can't agree with the anti-Plymouth sentiment. They don't have the financial advantages of a Sheff Weds or an Ipswich and have steadily built up their squad to get to where they are now. Any promotion would be entirely deserved. Yes, their player dived but Argyle don't have the monopoly on players sh1thousing. Cheating and soft penalties are a scourge in the game but until the authorities have any desire to act then it will continue to ruìn many a match.
    Thought we were poor tonight. Hopefully Warne will address the soft underbelly in CM (adding Smith, Sibley or Rooney maybe?) and we can try our luck in the playoffs. I felt almost all the cute, creative play came from Plymouth and that is a concern. 
  2. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to InstaRam in V Plymouth (a) 7th March 20.00   
    Outfought and outthought against a okay team. But our players really looked second best in most situations today. Can't really see the fight from last season in them. The biggest concern seems to be that we doesn't really seem to have a clear ambition of how to play. Try to find McGoldrick and hope he can create some magic isn't sustainable. Also the decision making of some of our players seem dodgy. Managed to transform some great opportunities to shots in our box at times. Hopefully we can turn it around again but I am really worried now. We might actually miss play off which would be a surprise since most of the teams in this division looks really mediocre.  
  3. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to Mr Tibbs in V Plymouth (a) 7th March 20.00   
    Whilst the results tonight mean everybody's rearends are now twitching, I honestly don't think it was even that bad. Just tired/old/slow/young/inexperienced. Struggle to see what else you can do to make the midfield more competitive. Effectively had two DM's in there tonight and we got nowhere near them at times. 
    Fine for 59 minutes, even weathered the "storm" after HT. But momentum changes games, they got that from another Derby mistake. A s*** corner and a terrible penalty decision later and the games turned on it's head. Subs gave us nothing. Dobbin and Springett seriously lacking in quality. Collins completely ineffective (as was Didzy tbf). Plymouth the better team without having to create much, just more athletic and much more quality on the ball.
    Luckily for us we don't have to play Plymouth every week. Oxford, Fleetwood, Forest Green and MK Dons in our next 6. If you think we can't pick up enough points to stay relevant then fair doo's. I'm not too confident we'll make waves in the Play Offs but I think we're more than good enough to get there. Hang on in there chaps and lasses. 
  4. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to Rich3478 in V Plymouth (a) 7th March 20.00   
    This bunch of renegades were 16 games unbeaten, without ever looking like losing. Last seven games have been a real turn around from that. Three defeats and some pretty poor performances. Bird being injured can’t be the sole reason.
    also the having a club to support so be happy thing is getting old for me. That’s in the past, I want to look at the league and think how we progress and get back to the championship. Can’t just turn up and be blindly happy forever because of last season.
  5. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to HectorsHouse in V Plymouth (a) 7th March 20.00   
    Controversial decision aside, they had more hustle, bustle and desire in the second half with and without the ball. They controlled the game by not allowing us to settle for a moment.
  6. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Blondest Goat in V Shrewsbury Town (H) 4th March 15.00   
    Has it never crossed your mind that it only takes one referee / lino / efl person to not be corrupt and to whistleblow and bring the whole anti-Derby thing crashing down? 
    For your conspiracy to be true every single official and efl employee has to be corrupt and just go along with it.  Its totally ridiculous. 
  7. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Stripperg-ram in V Shrewsbury Town (H) 4th March 15.00   
    I think I’m a curse.
    only been to 3 games this season.
    Plymouth - we were 2-0 up then lost 2-3
    Port Vale - 1-0 up then lost 1-2
    and then yesterday.
    if I come again I promise to leave at half time.
  8. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Mucker1884 in V Shrewsbury Town (H) 4th March 15.00   
    Re comments about Didzy's booking:
    The ref went to blow immediately... and with some vigour!  It was a clear yellow card offence... but he just managed to hold back as he realised there was an advantage to play.
    He double checked who the perp was, and kept his eye on where Didzy was for the first few seconds.  I'm pretty certain there was also a gesture to let Didzy know what was coming.
    I then commented to the guy in front that he'll get booked once the ball goes dead.  It was all so obvious.

    It then transpired that the ball stayed alive for a good long while, despite both keepers having the ball in their hands during this play, so he waited... and waited... and waited... as he should.
    The ref didn't forget.  And there was no surprise or complaint from Didzy when it came... he knew it was coming. 
    Ref got it all spot on, imo.
  9. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to angieram in V Cheltenham (H) 19.45 28th February   
    I've not seen a lot of men's matches with female referees, but those I have it does seem the players have been less in the face of the official then they would normally be.
    That's a good thing, imo.
  10. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Gritstone Ram in V Cheltenham (H) 19.45 28th February   
    I doubt she can do any worse. 
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    Hector was the best reacted to Rich84 in Barnsley (A), Saturday 25th February 3pm.   
    Not read everything in here but here's my take on today from the stands.
    We were too predictable in possession,  looking for the ball down the channel or big diagonal pass, which clearly they were prepared for, the biggest problem was we had no midfield 1st half, so no other options out of defence,  missing Bird.
    They were stronger, quicker, more energetic and looked the better team from the start, we were way too passive,  especially in the absent midfield,  hence the defence got overrun at times. The 3rd goal a perfect example, it started from our throw at the half way line, lost the ball too easily and barely an attempt at a challenge. 
    As for the offside goal, my opinion which I said to those around me at the time, I thought he was in an offside position,  but the ball came to him from an attempt to clear which came back off a Derby player (Knight?) it was shambolic defending caused by their intensity, it was indecisiveness by the lino, presume he spoke to ref on the earpiece and that's why there was so much confusion and the ref correctly spoke to the lino and came to that conclusion that the ball got to Cole via a Derby touch, therefore not offside. 
    All in all, I don't think we've played well, apart from after Morecombe gave up at 45 mins, for weeks, we look tired, bereft of ideas and lacking all over the pitch, which against 2 good teams away from home has been exposed.
    But yesterday was a new level of poor, summarised by the 4th goal imo.
    On to Tuesday and go again,  put this to bed and move on, we are lucky to be in this position after the last 18 months, still in the driving seat to reach the PO's. Then let's hope we have a plan to deal with the better teams and the small squad we have aren't too jaded. 
  13. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to alram in Barnsley (A), Saturday 25th February 3pm.   
    Less so the result, but the performance was the most worrying thing today. We were outclassed by Barnsley in most areas of the pitch, they looked fitter and hungriest than us.
    the best thing about today was that Wycombe lost. You hope the gap is big enough that we will do enough between now & the end of the season, but our form will have to pick up again. We haven’t responded well since that first defeat in ages.
  14. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to sage in Barnsley (A), Saturday 25th February 3pm.   
    I'm concerned about Wildsmith.
    A very erratic performance after great form this season.
    I hope this doesn't become a loss of plot.
  15. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to HorsforthRam in Barnsley (A), Saturday 25th February 3pm.   
    Just on the train back to Leeds. Struggling to remember any of our players that played well. NML first half a possibility 
  16. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to RoyMac5 in Barnsley (A), Saturday 25th February 3pm.   
    We missed more good chances than they scored.
    NML put some exquisite crosses over first half. If only we'd managed to sign a striker. A poor performance just highlighted our small squads weaknesses. Very disappointing.
  17. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to Ram-Alf in Genuine question. Am I being a prude???   
    No! and that's from a supporter who's use of the Anglo Saxon language has curtailed at the games in recent years ?
  18. Clap
  19. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to angieram in Charlton Athletic (H), 3pm Saturday 18th February.   
    Don't mind that! You're only young once and I remember that feeling when all options were possible! ?
    I'm just pleased he's enjoying his  success with us at the moment. When we spoke to him last season he acknowledged how much he wanted to stay with us if he could, but he needed a job.
    Glad we could give him a contract and only hope we can enhance it soon.
  20. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to jono in Charlton Athletic (H), 3pm Saturday 18th February.   
    Interesting game. Until the second went in there was always the outside chance they might nick one against the run of play. Charlton have some good, strong quick and tricky players (17 was a handful) they aren’t afraid of hard knife edge challenges. Some were desperate and ragged. A physical side but they did try and play football. Just don’t think they are a bonded unit like us. 
    We earned that win - could have had more, some lovely breaks and passing only to stumble with the final touch / bobble / pass / shot 
    Thought the team played well and for each other. Love White, calm and controlled with some classy passes. Kept things ticking brilliantly. Got clobbered by their aggressive tackling - NML, Barks, Dobs all got hammered heavily too. Maybe legal but at times pretty ugly. Cash deserved his MOTM for a great performance against a bruiser (that was an old fashioned CF/CB personal war) and his goal. Even when he gets “done” his tenacity in recovery is exceptional. McG was a real line leader, Knight is our turbo overboost, never gave them a minute. 
    Barks looked really peed off when subbed, first time I’ve seen a bad reaction in this squad .. what was that about I wonder? Still, the South Stand gave him a great salute so hope he’s back on side so to speak. 
  21. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to Woodley Ram in Charlton Athletic (H), 3pm Saturday 18th February.   
    Just getting ready for the journey from not so sunny Berkshire.
    Petrol check
    Derby Shirts check
    Season tickets check
    Money check
    Win..........oh I hope so
    See you soon guys...COYRs
    ps.. For lunch I gave her the option on the Broadway or the burger bar in front of the East Stand, she went for the Burger bar, Pride Park, its where she wants to be and she is from London (but wears her Derby shirt with pride)
    the mi
  22. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to duncanjwitham in Lincoln City (H), 7.45pm Tuesday 14th February.   
    I'd say it's more than 2 games.  We were ropey against Bolton, absolutely dreadful for 88 minutes against Port Vale, poor against West Ham and pretty poor for the first half against Morecambe too. Even the Cheltenham game before that we were pretty sloppy.  We look way off what we were a month or so ago, and we've started conceding soft goals too.  Hopefully it's just a blip and not burnout from playing so aggressively with a lot of older legs in the team.
  23. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to ramboy63 in Lincoln City (H), 7.45pm Tuesday 14th February.   
    Pretty poor last night to be honest and right up until they had a man sent off we looked second best
    Not sure what Warne is seeing in training but his tactics for the last two games have been whoeful we could all see last night we were getting out fought in midfield the way they were set up and did nothing to change it,Collins could of been pulled off after 20 minutes to be honest.
    We go again Saturday and Charlton will be no easy ride,i know its only two games but all the sides around us keep winning we cant afford to many more poor performances or we will find ourselves outside the top six quick smart
  24. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to VulcanRam in Lincoln City (H), 7.45pm Tuesday 14th February.   
    Time wasting and gamesmanship is part and parcel of the game, always has been. When a player goes down, the ref has no choice but to attend to a player who claims he is injured. He can't pick and choose when he thinks someone is feigning injury; all he can do is add the time on, which he did. Nine minutes added time was right.
    That said, he was a weak official who increasingly lost control of proceedings, and if it is the case that the same linesman allowed two fairly obvious offside goals (haven't seen the video back) then he needs some kind of sanction. 
    Yet you can't blame the officials for our performance. In the first half Lincoln out ran us, out fought us and were more organised. Second half they did everything they could to secure something out of the game. It's horrible to watch and frustrating, but it is up to us to be able to beat teams like this if we want promotion, and we nearly did.
    Disappointing night but we should look no further than our own poor performance, especially in the first half again. I was surprised to see two in midfield again after a poor performance at Wycombe where we were overrun  in that area, and it was clear against Lincoln we had nothing in the middle and were essentially just playing in the two outer thirds of the pitch, left and right, which made it pretty easy for the opposition to defend. 
    Much to think about ahead of Saturday.
  25. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to LincsRam in Lincoln City (H), 7.45pm Tuesday 14th February.   
    Sorry but Cashin was dog poo in this game & Forsyth had to clear up his mess on more than one occasion... Anyway he has had enough good games to make up for it.
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