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  1. Like
    Wolfie got a reaction from GboroRam in Forum Issues   
    What a precious bunch we are.
  2. Like
    Wolfie got a reaction from TimRam in Rate the last film you saw partie deux   
    A better alien film than Alien:Covenant was
    Supposedly intelligent people doing stupid things but it wouldn't be much of a film if they hadn't. 
    Entertaining enough 6/10
  3. Haha
    Wolfie reacted to Mostyn6 in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    People pulling trousers down to pee at urinal! 
  4. Sad
    Wolfie reacted to Boycie in Forum Issues   
    I think a lot of people must have windows phones when I post.
  5. Like
    Wolfie reacted to jono in Random stuff that cheers me up thread   
    When the TV goes on that standby thing with picturesof nature. My niece once said "oh look the telly is dreaming" 
  6. Haha
    Wolfie got a reaction from Alph in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    We'd miss the "Heatwave / Arctic Blasts" Daily Express headlines though. No?
  7. Like
    Wolfie got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Rate the last film you saw partie deux   
    A linguist professor is signed up to try to communiate with aliens when 12 of their craft appear suddenly and hover over various global locations.
    A film about aliens but not at all in an "Independence Day" way and all the better for it. Great acting, sound, story, strong message and good plot twist.
    Felt a bit like Contact, to watch, but thankfully without the rubbish ending.
  8. Like
    Wolfie reacted to Phoenix in Random stuff that cheers me up thread   
    Amused me rather than cheered me up.
    Sign on the back of a white van
    Vehicle well driven?
    Ring 0800GETALIFE
  9. Like
    Wolfie reacted to Mostyn6 in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    sad news today that the lead singer of Linkin Park, Chester Bennington, at age 41, took his own life. Whilst I don't consider myself a fan of them as a whole, I was proper into a couple of their songs, but that is by-the-by.
    I hope all those that have contributed, and those that haven't felt comfortable enough to yet post on this thread are doing well mentally.
    Remember, it's okay and normal to have feelings that go against what you're supposed to feel. Please talk to someone, anyone, even if it hurts! It's gonna hurt you a lot less to open up, than it would hurt your loved ones if you made a decision as drastic as Chester Bennington has.
    I'll put this here, my (cyber) friend drew it, he's a cartoonist:-
  10. Like
    Wolfie reacted to JoetheRam in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Film trailers announcing a release date of "July 21".
    When did July 21st or 21st July go out of fashion?
  11. Like
    Wolfie reacted to Stive Pesley in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    I know its a legal requirement and all that, and I know why it has to be there, but the massive paper pamphlet in EVERY packet of paracetomol or ibuprofen.
    Makes me so irrationally cross when I'm trying to get the blister pack back in the packet and the big fat bit of folded paper is all in the way and everything. I can't be the only one right?
  12. Like
    Wolfie reacted to JoetheRam in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    The heat has got to me and I noticed this thread had been bumped to the top...
    Taking photographs of food in a pub/restaurant. I could almost forgive this if you were eating at Anthony Bourdain's, but you're not, it's just a really big burger and some chips.
    Sweet potato fries. Utter w*nk. P*ss off back to South America.
    Having integral parts of a meal on a separate plate/bowl. Seems impossible to get a full English now without the beans being in a little pot on the side. Beans next to bacon next to egg, use the sausage as a breakwater. Genuine sides like onion rings, no problem.
    Anywhere that serves food on a piece of slate or chopping board or square plate.
    Electrical items/technology that arrives without the means to connect to another appliance. E.g. Blue ray player arriving without HDMI lead, Internet Hub arriving without any cables whatsoever, electric toothbrush without a charger.
    Obese colleagues banging on about eating a celery stick for lunch. It's not going to work if you carry on having pizza and chips every night for dinner.
    Soup/tea/coffee slurpers.
    Been said a million times before on this thread, but I saw one today... the man-bun. 
    People in meetings/presentations that say aloud "yes", "mmmhh" when agreeing with someone who is speaking to the group, seemingly oblivious to the fact they are not being spoken to 1:1.
    Toe tappers/leg shakers. Sit still for f**ks sake or take some Vallium.
    Builders who think it's acceptable to come into my house, do their job and leave without clearing up the debris and detritus they've left as a result.
    Taking annual leave to watch Wimbledon on TV.
  13. Like
    Wolfie reacted to Coneheadjohn in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Thank's mate,of course.
    I always worry about everyone else.
    It's always nice to know someone gives a toss?
  14. Like
    Wolfie reacted to Angry Ram in Picture where you, and your knee are now.   
    Don't cell yourself short Wolfmeister. I had your u down for at least 4.
  15. Like
    Wolfie got a reaction from Steve How Hard? in Picture where you, and your knee are now.   
    Precisely. I do have third one but that's pretty much always pre-occupied with rumpy-pumpy
  16. Like
    Wolfie got a reaction from admira in Picture where you, and your knee are now.   
    Precisely. I do have third one but that's pretty much always pre-occupied with rumpy-pumpy
  17. Like
    Wolfie got a reaction from Rev in Picture where you, and your knee are now.   
    I do the same with brain cells.
  18. Like
    Wolfie reacted to LesterRam in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    I had a terrible day yesterday, my little ones terminally ill friend came around yesterday to play on the Xbox..
    What a difference four months makes, he was full of life like your average 11 year old lad and now he looks like a 90 year old waiting for God, the ******* cancer has sucked every little bit of life out of him, I was coping really well until he watched a BMW go by the house and he said "when I grow up I want a BMW M4", I replied to him that you can achieve absolutely anything you want, how brave and courageous you are right now you will always be a success in life.
  19. Like
    Wolfie reacted to HuddersRam in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Been a while since I contributed to this thread and things have changed just a tiny bit since I did back in January.
    Diagnosed with depression by the doctor back at the start of April and put on Fluoxetine. I've been going through counselling talking therapy sessions as well, stupidly thinking things would turn around quickly.
    Unsurprisingly they're not and since starting medication, I've felt even worse. I've had horrible feelings of guilt which have been racking my brain and body on a daily basis. Countless times a day I'll break down in tears no matter where I am, just struggling to comprehend the mess I've got myself into. Broke my own record today with seven separate trips to the bathroom stalls.
    I've got a girlfriend who I love to bits and she knows everything I'm going through and is being incredibly supportive. But over the last few days, I've noticed that I don't really feel anything when it comes to love or passion. I've read about the side effects of Anti-depressants and how they can take away emotions and feelings and I'm terrified they're going to ruin the best thing I have ever had with her - all because I'm not thinking properly.
    My mind is constantly telling me I'm a bad person and regularly makes things up to further put the point across. These I could just about deal with, but it's as if it's trying to now turn me against the person I love the most. I've vowed to come off the medication because they've made me feel worse than I ever imagined I could - suicidal thoughts and feelings of worthlessness. I've been on them for six weeks and can't face them for a day more before I do or say something stupid. For me personally, I'd rather take the feelings I had before than have my own mind lie to me and feel nothing.
    It's a really strange situation to be in is depression. I always thought it was something that was easily treatable - "oh it's only the mind, it's easy to control" sort of thing. I now realise mental illnesses are the most horrendous things you can get. Has anybody else had these sort of side effects from the pills?
  20. Like
    Wolfie reacted to sage in Rate the last film you saw partie deux   
    No. Try again.
    Aah, would that it were so simple
  21. Like
    Wolfie got a reaction from I know nothing in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Waking up on a glorious Sunday morning. Switch the TV in and be greeted by those Celebrity child neglectors' looking for sympathy and money again. 
  22. Like
    Wolfie reacted to Animal is a Ram in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Things that annoy me - people being outraged and offended by things unnecessarily.
    Case in point, the McDonald's advert about the child whose father died. Found this article, agreed very much with:
  23. Like
    Wolfie got a reaction from rynny in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Him, not you.
  24. Like
    Wolfie reacted to Coneheadjohn in Random stuff that cheers me up thread   
    I suppose this could be in the annoy thread but me and Joel think its funny.
    People the disabled toilets in hospitals with no (apparent)disability.
    Mrs Conehead is taking issue with anyone in this hospital who is making Joel wait while they dart in the disabled toilet.
    A sleep deprived,stressed Mrs Cone is not pretty and it is cheering us up.
    Joel doesn't care,we think it's funny but she is cheering us up with some great rants.
  25. Like
    Wolfie got a reaction from McRamFan in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Waking up on a glorious Sunday morning. Switch the TV in and be greeted by those Celebrity child neglectors' looking for sympathy and money again. 
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