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Posts posted by Dimmu

  1. Old thread, but I just saw a letter signed by General Secretary Stuart Webb and dated March 1979, how Derby County Football Club Limited was interested of arranging trial with Finnish footballing legend Atik Ismail. As those days were before my time, I've only heard how darn good he was.


    Unfortunately from Derby's part, he spoke only two words of English (yes and no) and decided against the move to England. Here's his short English wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atik_Ismail and only half decent video clip of his winning goal against Liverpool 1982. That Pool team was quite impressive at the time wtih Rush, Dalglish, Souness & co:


  2. It was hardly uncommon to not like Zelensky as 27% didn't want him as a president. Populistic and vague politics with some unresolved connections with offshore company makes it understandable and as such some where ready to put him in the same corrupted category as so many oligarks.

    But once the invasion started, his popularity has skyrocketed and is thought to be firmly over 90% since. 

  3. 16 hours ago, Leeds Ram said:

    I know this may come across as totally random but am at a total crossroads career wise and am looking for advice. I've now finished education (BA, MA, PhD) in Politics with my specialism in Political Theory and Middle Eastern Studies. I've got 4 years tutoring behind me both at the University as well as with private organisations such as Oxford Scholastica and The Brilliant Club as well as presenting at a dozen conferences in the two years I was applying including  PSA and Brismes (considered leading conferences in my field of study).  My viva went really well and the external examiner said  my thesis as it was rich, original and inventive and he recommended I turn it into a monograph.  

    However, I'm just totally unsure what to do now. Academia is the natural route for me but it is becoming hyper competitive defined by stagnant wages, very long hours and a total lack of security. During my PhD I've had to prioritise work that paid (despite this have written a book chapter and have 2 journal articles under review) so my cv is less hot on written material so that can be an uphill struggle. However, I've got no idea what to do outside of this field. I've been for a couple of interviews that I felt went really well but have been told no and felt that the only sticking point in the interview was the PhD itself. Additionally, moving fields at my age (29) means I'll be starting at the bottom as I've got 0 experience of working outside of academia.

    So to finally get to the point I'm just wondering if anyone had any advice about what to do about all of this. I've got no clue as to what to do and it's really playing on my mind. Especially as my gf has almost finished her architecture degree and we'd like to move in together at some point soon so time is now becoming a factor as well. 

    AH, the crossroads! Thwse pop up in your life ever so often. It can be damn stressful, yet the openness to possibilities can make it exciting as well. Are Oxford Scholastica or The Brilliant club using RMP profiles? If not, that could be helpful. It surely helped me and so much so that I went to certify myself to RMP coach as well. It's easier to make career decisions when you're better aware of your own needs, but obviously doing such profiles cost a bit.

    I hope you can handle the stress of not having the clear path. It'll come clearer as long as you can give it some time. I'm having a bit different background but personally I took the approach of having multiple smaller income streams and it suits me perfectly as I'm interested in various different topics. If you're more of an idealist, I think the academia is very good option, but the key parts of it, teaching and research, can be done in business as well. For example big companies are paying some serious money for good researchers.

    Good luck figuring out what to do and where! If you want to know more about RMP, check this one https://www.reissmotivationprofile.com/ and obvs I'll try to anwer if you have more questions.

  4. Too much schandenfreude in this thread for my liking. There's idiot fans with every club so I wouldn't put too much emphasis to some nasty chants.

    Let's not forget that the real reason clubs are struggling is the clueless governing body.

  5. On 09/11/2022 at 19:14, Reggie Greenwood said:

    Waiting for Tom’s Mum to put her application in. Apparently there is a lad called Haaland that she thinks could help our attack 

    Actually, Erving's little brother is still playing in Norway... Wish we were in PL and could make an offer for him. His stats are looking pretty similar to his big brother so far.

  6. 1 hour ago, Jayram said:

    Just back home in Oxford from the game - lousy first half but equalising when we did was pivotal. Different story 2nd half - excellent performance and got what we deserved. Brilliant seeing so many Rams fans everywhere - every restaurant/pub in the vicinity of the ground was full of Derby shirts. Proper away day and a great result.

    I first read this that you are just home from the Oxford game and I was thinking "Vow! 3,5 months runaway. That's impressive!" Unfortunately, I read it again now I feel like you've disappointed me.


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