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Posts posted by SSD

  1. Thought Warne's post match comments were spot on. He didn't look too upbeat or negative. I'm assuming some relief because if today went a bit sour then he'd be right up against the wall. I had the feeling from management 3-0 is probably what is expected of us, considering the teams at the top are hammering the lesser sides.

    Have to consider this is Burton's biggest game of the season and they did nothing 2nd half. As much as PW bumbled along on his interview on Tuesday, I think somehow it fired up Bird and a few others. Birdy looked superb today. A shame he fluffed his lines up when he had that easy chance. 

    Hopefully we can get some good results against those bigger sides now. Our achilles heel last season. Fingers crossed 🤞

  2. Watched his pre match interview.

    He says that the game didn't look as bad on replay. I thought we looked good 2nd half and gave Blackpool a game of it. 1st half I disagree with him. Crowd or no crowd it was absolutely awful to watch. Booing didn't help of course. It was still dreadful, the players can't defend that pile of misery.

  3. I'm fairly certain they'll continue with a back 5 again. I know it was only a cup game however the back 4 in the second half was just so much better. More control, better positioning. Don't think he'll drop Cashin, Bradley or Nelson though. He'll be trying his hardest to get them 3 to work together. He might drop Bird after his comments in the week? 


    Nelson Bradley Cashin

    Ward Hourihane Smith Thompson Fozzy

    Waghorn Collins

  4. I'm going to vent at Derby Evening Telegraph because they are one of the primary sources of this toxic problem. 

    Print Journalism is dead. It has been slowly dying for past 20 years. The Internet and online sources are picking papers off one by one. I wanted to look at print journalism when I left school, however the penny dropped when I realised why would someone in the future pick up a local paper when I can gain the same information online. It's a dying business and they know it. This is why DET have to flood their online content with a million adverts making it near impossible to read the "article" inorder to generate a form of revenue. And this god awful clickbait rubbish which are pretty much lies about a non story. Twisting words from various people to make a sensational headline for people to click on, only to find it is absolutely nothing of value.

    I wanted local papers to do well, to provide a good local service to readers who may not have access to online information. I supported DET for a long time. However my patience has finished. They are a disgrace. Desperate to be relevant and coming up with complete utter BS at the expense of the football club. 

    Radio Derby provide excellent coverage, honest information yet the BBC want to cut their funding and radio shows. They've mainly done more good for the football club over these dark times than any other media outlet. As much as they love to moan at the referees, at least they don't stir an invisible pot of negativity towards the manager and the club. I feel sorry for our local radio station. The local paper on the other hand can get lost.

  5. What can we realistically do though? If we binned him off and his coaching staff, we will more than likely will end up in the financial black hole of doom and having to promote Bucko as manager (love Bucko but he clearly demonstrated he wasn't ready to manage Burton). 

    As much as I really don't like Warne's way of playing football and his current lack of ability to defeat our rivals in our division, we need to stick with it and show support, even if like me it will feel infuriating to watch. We can't go back to sacking managers left right and centre. Warne knows the score, if we don't win promotion then he'll be out of the door. As long as we're not in a relegation battle, I believe he'll end up staying around this season. This is why I'm trying to stay level headed.

  6. Out of the cup, I'm really not fussed about that. Usually I can keep my emotions in control at the match, go away and think about it.. Not tonight sadly. 

    First half was one of the worst I've seen for a couple of years, possibly since Blackburn at home during COVID, nearly hiding behind my sofa. Blackpool to their credit played football how I would want to watch it. Nice slick passes on the floor, great movement, awareness of player runs. First goal was a nice cross and finish. They should have scored 3 or 4. Our defending was hideous and wouldn't look out of place on Chad Park on a Sunday morning. The worst moment for me was the hoof up the field from the Blackpool goalie and their striker escaped our 3 centre backs and nearly scored. I was looking through my fingers. Reminding me of the horrible years of Clod and Andy Todd. Not one player could come out with any credit. 

    Warne was mentioning how he didn't like how we past it sideways and backwards. I completely disagree. When we started playing it more patiently and actually made Blackpool run and close us down, we exploited their defence and had some good chances. This is why personally I'm always going to differ from how he wants to play football. Nothing personal against him. He's one of the most genuine men in the game. The way we tried to play it (hoof it) down the wing in the first 45 minutes was cringe worthy and amatuer. Zero skill, zero thought and our manager seemingly enjoys that standard of football. At least he agreed it was abject.

    Second half was much better, when we got the ball down and started playing it on the deck. Much more control of possession and created some good chances. Brown and Thompson looked dangerous when they came on. Made a difference and hungry to play. Give them more game time.

    When I watch a team like Blackpool pass rings around us at home, it hurts me. That period where they had 50 passes and dominated the play was embarrassing. It's clear to me Warne has his way and he won't change. He was so reluctant to change formation the first time round, he did it as a last resort. I can see this happening again if we're not careful. I'm not gonna start calling Warne out of a job because he might surprise me and go on another unbelievable unbeaten run. Watching him set his team out does test my patience but I'll never boo the team or degrade the players.

    I can definitely see why he's always struggled to take a team to the next level and I think I'll leave it there.

  7. 14 hours ago, ram59 said:

    It's not going to stop tactical 'injuries' though, is it? Take today for instance, England were under the cosh and down to 10 players, so our keeper gets 'injured' and everyone goes for drinks whilst the England manager gets everyone to reorganise themselves and breakup the other team's momentum and it worked. 

    Means more time added on though doesn't it? You might still get one or two tactical injuries however you're going to have play at least another 5 minutes at the end. Might make the teams think twice before doing it multiple times.

  8. I'm all for this.

    Seeing some of the reactions from players and managers, I'll be completely honest, they can suck it.

    No more time wasting, short changing supporters for the hideous amounts of stoppages. How about we actually crack on with the match now? Tactical injuries are no longer an excuse, thank the lord. It was terrible last season and it was getting worse. The biggest clubs have no case. The resources Man Utd, Man City etc possess, they could field 3 starting 11s. Maybe they'll actually start using their squads properly.

    Best thing the football authorities have done in years. If the players don't like it, ask for a sub to save the legs. Or.... actually try and play some more football and get the matches over and done with quicker? 

    Cheers from me 😎

  9. Watching the match yesterday felt like I was watching the same team and weaknesses as I did last season. I mentioned last season the good teams in this division will work out our very basic tactical play going forward. Funnily enough, Wigan read us like a book. They reminded me of our football and squad 12 months ago. Give them full credit, excellent performance from many young lads making their professional debuts. 

    The frustration for me is nothing of significance has evolved over the summer (yet). Same standard of play going forward. Incredibly predictable. Cross cross cross. No pace on the counter attack. Collins not getting into the match. Easy to defend against. We are getting shots away however not many were clear cut chances. 

    I know there's so much debate about football style and people saying it doesn't matter as long as you win. What I would say is I think most supporters will get behind a team who will try to play attractive football even when the team isn't winning. Whether that's fast flowing counter attacking or dominant possession based and wearing teams down. When you're playing a very old fashioned style and you're not winning, people will become more frustrated quicker. Biggest fear for Warne and it's a shame because I like him as a man.

    He has plenty of time to turn it around. 1 game in, 45 to go. Hopefully a few more signings might turn the ship on the right direction.

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