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  1. Like
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Derby4Me in Views From the Outside 21/22   
    "Better than Birmingham fans.".  She's not wrong there!    ?
  2. Like
    Mucker1884 reacted to chezzyram in The Administration Thread   
    The voting public don't have a great record for thinking things through
  3. Cheers
    Mucker1884 reacted to FindernRam in The Administration Thread   
    In pure terms you are probably correct, but Mr Joe Public wont understand the intricacies of capital financing (neither do I if I'm honest), so will assume his rates will cover it. Under those circumstances I dont think the support will be there.  "Why am I paying for a load of overpaid lads to kick a ball about?".
    But in a fit of unusual optimism I think it will get sorted out before next season.
  4. Haha
  5. Haha
    Mucker1884 reacted to Crewton in Views From the Outside 21/22   
    It's also great that they've confirmed we'll be playing at Pride Park next season... ?
  6. Like
    Mucker1884 reacted to angieram in Views From the Outside 21/22   
    We have been following FGR on our weekends off this year. Really looking forward to returning to the New Lawn with Derby County next year. 
    They are a great club and fully deserve their promotion. 
  7. Haha
    Mucker1884 reacted to Gaspode in The Administration Thread   
    The evil swines - perhaps we could teach them a lesson by not driving in the bus lane.....
  8. Haha
    Mucker1884 reacted to Ovine_Interferer in The Administration Thread   
    The City Council are raking it in from the Bus Lane on the Morledge....maybe there's something good that'll come from that eh?
  9. Haha
    Mucker1884 reacted to Dimmu in Wordle   
    Today the word was the same I have recently started with. 
    The most boring wordle ever, no joy of solving it.
  10. Clap
    Mucker1884 reacted to angieram in Awards Night May 3rd   
  11. COYR
    Mucker1884 reacted to Nishfan in Sombrero Day - v Cardiff at Home - 7th May   
    You lot are a bad influence on me. 
    just ordered 2 sombreros. The 25 year old daughter said definitely not when I asked her if she wanted one, so obviously got her one.
    I think it was  the octogenarian’s post saying they’d got one that did it!!
    our season tickets are in the East Stand so we’re getting around the ground with this 
  12. Haha
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from TimRam in Your favourite football-related fruit?   
  13. COYR
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Dordogne-Ram in Matchday Thread v Cardiff (Home) Sat 7th May 12:30...   
    That's right... 12:30 Kick Off.
    Having started my matchday thread career with a 1-0 defeat in the reverse of this fixture a couple of months ago, it'll be great to end the season with a two game winning streak, so do me proud, you big beautiful Rams, as you did so majestically at Blackpool! ?
    Big day all round, for this one...
    A not-so-fond-farewell to the Championship... close on 30k in the stadium... Quite possibly jumping around, despite going down... and sombreros galore, as we rightfully pay homage to the Div. 1 Champions of 1971/72... now 5 decades on, but never to be forgotten.  
    Those particular heroes will of course be parading on the pitch, and we owe it to them, and the club, to arrive extra early.  This is not a time for apathy.  These Guys ARE Derby County History!  Let's be there for them, as they were for us!
    Make it loud.  Make it proud.  Make it memorable... and then repeat for our present day heroes.  Two celebrations in one?  What a club! ?
    May The Championship weep in our absence!  
    Oh yeah... something, something football too... something team selection, something tic-tacs, something, something whatever, etc, etc.
  14. COYR
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Gap tooth ram in Matchday Thread v Cardiff (Home) Sat 7th May 12:30...   
    That's right... 12:30 Kick Off.
    Having started my matchday thread career with a 1-0 defeat in the reverse of this fixture a couple of months ago, it'll be great to end the season with a two game winning streak, so do me proud, you big beautiful Rams, as you did so majestically at Blackpool! ?
    Big day all round, for this one...
    A not-so-fond-farewell to the Championship... close on 30k in the stadium... Quite possibly jumping around, despite going down... and sombreros galore, as we rightfully pay homage to the Div. 1 Champions of 1971/72... now 5 decades on, but never to be forgotten.  
    Those particular heroes will of course be parading on the pitch, and we owe it to them, and the club, to arrive extra early.  This is not a time for apathy.  These Guys ARE Derby County History!  Let's be there for them, as they were for us!
    Make it loud.  Make it proud.  Make it memorable... and then repeat for our present day heroes.  Two celebrations in one?  What a club! ?
    May The Championship weep in our absence!  
    Oh yeah... something, something football too... something team selection, something tic-tacs, something, something whatever, etc, etc.
  15. Like
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Premier ram in Live football thread.   
    From a practical pov, you speak a lot of sense.
    ... But how wonderful would it be to see them miss out on autos tonight... or on Saturday if we must... and then fall flat on their faces in the Play-Offs... AGAIN!
    So with respect... 

  16. COYR
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Ramrob in Matchday Thread v Cardiff (Home) Sat 7th May 12:30...   
    That's right... 12:30 Kick Off.
    Having started my matchday thread career with a 1-0 defeat in the reverse of this fixture a couple of months ago, it'll be great to end the season with a two game winning streak, so do me proud, you big beautiful Rams, as you did so majestically at Blackpool! ?
    Big day all round, for this one...
    A not-so-fond-farewell to the Championship... close on 30k in the stadium... Quite possibly jumping around, despite going down... and sombreros galore, as we rightfully pay homage to the Div. 1 Champions of 1971/72... now 5 decades on, but never to be forgotten.  
    Those particular heroes will of course be parading on the pitch, and we owe it to them, and the club, to arrive extra early.  This is not a time for apathy.  These Guys ARE Derby County History!  Let's be there for them, as they were for us!
    Make it loud.  Make it proud.  Make it memorable... and then repeat for our present day heroes.  Two celebrations in one?  What a club! ?
    May The Championship weep in our absence!  
    Oh yeah... something, something football too... something team selection, something tic-tacs, something, something whatever, etc, etc.
  17. Haha
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Animal is a Ram in The Administration Thread   
    To be fair, I think that stated figure of "£100m per year" was first mooted when Leeds were still in the same division.  Their vast number of visiting fans brought in £90m per year all on their own!  ?
  18. COYR
    Mucker1884 reacted to BriggRam in Tickets on sale   
    Booked Friday night off work and got me and my boy a ticket, gonna be a long day travelling down by train early Saturday not getting home till 9 Saturday night, bit whatever happens gonna enjoy the day COYR
  19. Haha
    Mucker1884 reacted to Crewton in Adventures of Sloth, Jon Moss and their band of Merry men.   
    It's staggering how many of them have suddenly realised what a poor referee Stuart Atwell is ? 
  20. Haha
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from RAM1966 in Let's go out in style   
    This v2.0 ^^^ 
  21. Haha
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from RAM1966 in Awards Night May 3rd   
    Has WR got his PJ bottoms on under his trousers?  ?
  22. Cheers
    Mucker1884 reacted to Ghost of Clough in The Administration Thread   
    I recall Brett Wilson and John Vicars used to do similar in the GSE days
  23. COYR
    Mucker1884 reacted to Comrade 86 in Adventures of Sloth, Jon Moss and their band of Merry men.   
    I tried. Honestly, I really did. Despite an entire season's worth of snide baiting from the embittered 'house Gump' who's only solace from his own team's colossal mediocrity over this last quarter of a century has been the misfortunes that have befallen Brian Clough's beloved Derby. I swore I'd not bait him or other Notts Forest supporters, I'd refrain from sneery wumming and just, you know, be the better man....
    Well f**k that 

  24. COYR
    Mucker1884 reacted to uttoxram75 in Matchday Thread v Cardiff (Home) Sat 7th May 12:30...   
    I will drag, kicking and screaming, The Uttox massif out of the pub early to make sure they pay homage to my boyhood heroes. They'll moan like buggery about having one less pint but we are stopping in town after so I'm sure they'll make up for it.
  25. COYR
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