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  1. Clap
    Mucker1884 reacted to Simmo’s left foot in Away Tickets - 2022/23   
    I think football fans in general are in real danger of shooting themselves in the foot, not only are we routinely getting large numbers (Several 1000s or a whole end of the ground) of people standing in seating areas which massively increases risk, we now have people standing in the aisles, or pushing into areas so there are more people than seats. Did you see the Man Utd fans spilling over and knocking over the advertising boards at Forest? If this continues we risk a huge clamp down, possibly needing government to introduce new laws. All because a minority of people think they can do what they like?  
    If fans are not careful we risk having safe standing removed and a strict requirement to stay in our seats? We are now also seeing away fans buying seats in home areas because they can't cope with whats happening in the away end?
  2. Like
    Mucker1884 reacted to Archied in Is "woke" confusing kids   
    Right ,,,,, your both going a step beyond now
  3. Haha
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from SaffyRam in Bring them “Home”   
    I think you've answered your own question there!   ?
  4. Cheers
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from DarkFruitsRam7 in Is "woke" confusing kids   
    First off... Apologies, but I have no idea what age group "Year 6" refers to, as in my day, it was Infants, Juniors, and Seniors, with the odd 3rd form/5th form etc thrown in to narrow it down a bit!
    I will however... rightly or wrongly... take a wild guess and assume that "Year 6" relates to 11 year olds, or an age very close to that.
    ... and in answer to your question, I'm not saying they "Shouldn't", (That's not my call!) but imo, it wouldn't be natural... or even acceptable... to me!
    I am saying that...imo... any thoughts, actions, or reactions of a sexual ("Non-Platonic") nature, in an 11 year old, are "not natural".
    Now, I'd hasten to add that... again imo... a "peck on the cheek" is a kiss... but not sexual.  I'm tempted to say a puckered lips-to-lips 3 second kiss is also not sexual.
    However, if that first kiss involves open mouths/tongues etc, then yes, I'd argue it's sexual... Even as an isolated individual incident, but particularly if it results in stereotypical signs of physical/sexual arousal, and most certainly if it results in one and/or both* participants feeling the need to dash of somewhere more private behind a cubicle door, to "finish off"!  ?
    Ergo yes, I'm saying that such an intimate liaison should not be experienced by 11 year olds.
    Now, I fully appereciate things change.  Generations change.  The human race keeps-a-changin'.  To a point, even individuals change, but for some of us, certain opinions don't change.  Certain opinions cannot be changed!

    The odd 12 year old Peruvian girl becoming a biological mother back in 1979 would/did hit the headlines... because it was seen as being completely out of the ordinary (aka "unnatural").  I've no idea whether such an event in this day and age would raise similar headlines?

    I'm not trying to differentiate between right and wrong here, as I don't believe I know the answer to that question.  But I do know my own mind, and the opinion held within.
     You sir, are very welcome!  ?
    *The number of participants herein described were limited to 2 persons, purely for simplification reasons, and does not denote that the writer is some sort of prude, who limits all relationships and experiences... personal, intimate, or otherwise... to a similar number!  ?

  5. Haha
    Mucker1884 reacted to Rev in Is "woke" confusing kids   
    Same here mate.
    Although it finished my fledging teaching career.
  6. COYR
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from 48 hours in Return of the away singing block   
    Love that, but for full effect, the timing has to be just right.
    I vote Wembley, Monday 29th May, continuously for the last 37 minutes, once we're 2-0 up.  ?
  7. Cheers
    Mucker1884 reacted to Malagaram in Is "woke" confusing kids   
    Agree with you completely
  8. Like
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Ellafella in Return of the away singing block   
    Love that, but for full effect, the timing has to be just right.
    I vote Wembley, Monday 29th May, continuously for the last 37 minutes, once we're 2-0 up.  ?
  9. Like
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from hydraulic ram in Who has been key to this run we’re on?   
    Oh Diego, by a clear mile.
    Offers hardly anything other than being a massive lucky charm.  His matchday OP's are only one notch above "Whatever", so far from a heavy read!  No stats to digest.  No opinion to argue with.  No interesting facts to make one's mind boggle.
    They're just short, sharp, easy on the eye, and does precisely what it states on the tin.  
    B4's rallying cries are far too energetic for me, and best left to the young 'uns, imo. 
    All that standing up for a whole 90mins, constant jumping around,  non-stop singing, flanges on show for the whole world to see!  And as for all that ball-sucking!  I haven't done that sort of thing since Alan Biley left.   (If you're reading Al... Hi, it's me! ?)   
    *This post was compiled with no malice aforethought, without intention of harm and/or distress, either physical, mental, and/or spiritual,  and has been presented merely and/or solely for the purpose of entertainment. 
    The views herein aired do and/or do not reflect the thoughts and/or opinions of forum management, representatives. and/or hired electricians, etc, etc...
  10. Like
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Malagaram in Is "woke" confusing kids   
    Some excellent comments made above... many of which I utterly agree with and/or can relate to opinion-wise... and some, specifically the words "Pansexual" and "Cisgender",  I just had to google! 
    How the hell 11 year olds cope with all this stuff is mind-boggling.
    At that age, I still wasn't sure which football team I fancied, let alone any person... and any reference to sex/sexuality etc didn't even enter my head until a good few years later.  DCFC were indeed my first love, and girls (*in my case!) came much later.  (Should I re-phrase that!).
    I appreciate it's a generation thing, and "Kids of today grow up much quicker/sooner", but I still strongly opine that no 11 year old should be having any thoughts of anything relating to sexuality.  It surely cannot be healthy... physically OR mentally!  And I certainly don't envy the parents (of school age kids) of today.
    I'm not entirely sure "who is to blame" (If indeed blame is to be apportioned!), but it's clear The Internet/Social Media plays a massive part, as does peer pressure in general.  I certainly don't have any answers!
    I'm just extremely grateful that I don't have kids of this age, at this time.  Not sure how they... or me... would have coped!  (My youngest is late 30's.  Youngest (living) grandchild is now late teens).
    As has been said, we'll all be out of the equation before long, and generations to come may well see all this current confusion in a different light, in a more understanding way (literally and emotionally), and none of it will be a big deal at all... to anyone!  
    But for now... Ye Gads!  
  11. COYR
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Return of the away singing block   
    Love that, but for full effect, the timing has to be just right.
    I vote Wembley, Monday 29th May, continuously for the last 37 minutes, once we're 2-0 up.  ?
  12. Clap
    Mucker1884 reacted to Foreveram in Away Tickets - 2022/23   
    Or maybe they could just enforce the existing ground regulations ??‍♂️
  13. Haha
    Mucker1884 reacted to sage in Away Tickets - 2022/23   
    @Ramslad1992 will be going. His Mrs knows the score.
  14. Haha
  15. Haha
    Mucker1884 reacted to BramcoteRam84 in Serial Whingers Notts Forest playtime, which we simply cannot accept.   
    Don’t like talk sport and really don’t like Jamie O’Hara and Jason Cundy but had the Sports Bar on driving home from vale and they said no one wants to see a Southampton v Forest final, that’s like a championship playoff final ???
    Typical premier league arrogance and usually I’d be appalled but on this occasion I found it amusing!! 
  16. Clap
    Mucker1884 reacted to Ellafella in Return of the away singing block   
    The Great Escape chant with no lyrics is a great one if done continuously and repeatedly and peppered with “Derby!” at the appropriate moment. It should be our mantra like it almost became last season - save for 21points - I see this season as the great escape from League 1. The repeated and continuous song becomes a mesmerising and lifting experience especially if it has a background rhythm and beat {almost like Samba drumming} and I believe it serves to help players rise and lift the tempo of the players. Think about the psychology of music and how that affects behaviour- it can energise, transmit energy and raise spirits. The barrage of noise can have the opposite affect on the opposing team and can dampen them and raise their anxiety level. 
    it just needs leadership, organisation and planning. It seemed to occur organically at Port Vale the other night so can be achieved and yes many Port Vale fans separately said biggest noise by away fans for years. Blackpool away last year was likewise a huge atmosphere.
    So establish the principles and repeat them. Very notable that Man Ure and Scousers have leaders amongst the crowd who “orchestrate” and “conduct”. 
  17. Haha
    Mucker1884 reacted to hydraulic ram in Who has been key to this run we’re on?   
    Now, I like the clean lines of the @Diego match day preamble, but I like @B4ev6is for his ever optimistic view of the team.
    It's a dilemma.
    Who do I choose?...

  18. Clap
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Kinder in What did Didzy say......   
    "Don't suppose you know what the hell happened to my initials, do you mate?"
  19. Haha
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Adslegend in What did Didzy say......   
    "Don't suppose you know what the hell happened to my initials, do you mate?"
  20. Haha
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from mozza in What did Didzy say......   
    "Don't suppose you know what the hell happened to my initials, do you mate?"
  21. Like
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from TigerTedd in Who has been key to this run we’re on?   
    Oh Diego, by a clear mile.
    Offers hardly anything other than being a massive lucky charm.  His matchday OP's are only one notch above "Whatever", so far from a heavy read!  No stats to digest.  No opinion to argue with.  No interesting facts to make one's mind boggle.
    They're just short, sharp, easy on the eye, and does precisely what it states on the tin.  
    B4's rallying cries are far too energetic for me, and best left to the young 'uns, imo. 
    All that standing up for a whole 90mins, constant jumping around,  non-stop singing, flanges on show for the whole world to see!  And as for all that ball-sucking!  I haven't done that sort of thing since Alan Biley left.   (If you're reading Al... Hi, it's me! ?)   
    *This post was compiled with no malice aforethought, without intention of harm and/or distress, either physical, mental, and/or spiritual,  and has been presented merely and/or solely for the purpose of entertainment. 
    The views herein aired do and/or do not reflect the thoughts and/or opinions of forum management, representatives. and/or hired electricians, etc, etc...
  22. Haha
    Mucker1884 reacted to StarterForTen in Who has been key to this run we’re on?   
    Whenever I see B4's handle written out I can't help but think he's telling everyone his router password.
  23. Like
    Mucker1884 reacted to Crewton in Serial Whingers Notts Forest playtime, which we simply cannot accept.   
    Odd place to profess any preference for Forest ain't it? ?
  24. Haha
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from MaltRam in What did Didzy say......   
    "Don't suppose you know what the hell happened to my initials, do you mate?"
  25. Clap
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Rammy03 in Serial Whingers Notts Forest playtime, which we simply cannot accept.   
    You could just not shout for either?  
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