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  1. Like
    Rammeister reacted to i-Ram in v Salford (H) Match Day Thread   
    Happy with that team. No point risking the main Saturday starters. Bit more game time in the legs of Morrison and Jozwiak. Some young lads getting real opportunities to make their case. Don’t really matter if we lose as there is not much to be gained by winning a couple of league cup games. Do think we will win though. Looking forward to seeing a few lads step up.  COYR!!
  2. Like
    Rammeister reacted to Anag Ram in v Salford (H) Match Day Thread   
    Exciting but just a little bit scary.

  3. Haha
    Rammeister reacted to MuespachRam in Supporters Charter Group Apology   
    I only got to….Medication.? Got problems down below son, can’t perform.? Speak to @DarkFruitsRam7 he will give you a few tips…
  4. Like
    Rammeister reacted to Day in Supporters Charter Group Apology   
    I just want to apologise for the delay, my absence, my handling of the situation and try to explain what has happened.
    The meeting on Wednesday was scheduled to end at 8.45pm, my last train home was 9.33pm, I slipped out just after 9pm as I didn’t have clothes, medication, toiletries with me as I wasn’t planning on staying overnight.
    When the meeting had finished, an agreement was made where one statement would be written and signed off by all groups, this is the first time anything like this had been agreed, I was under the impression we would be allowed to report back as normal.
    Being completely unaware of this, whilst waiting for my train I saw a conversation take place on my Twitter timeline discussing the meeting minutes, when would they be out.
    I replied, that the meeting minutes were not taken and we would be sharing the information ourselves, which as I say I was under the impression would be allowed, why else attend? I thought I was being helpful.
    Now I can see on reflection I was clearly naive in not appreciating the number of fans waiting online for what was said at the meeting, would see the tweet whilst was part of a conversation, which was also public and could be seen and shared by others. The tweet blew up online having been retweeted, I’m not exaggerating when I say maybe hundred or more replies, some abusive to the point where I had to turn notifications off as my phone was freezing with as I came back into an area with phone signal.
    On the forum I did pre warn members not to expect anything Wednesday evening, the minutes can sometimes take a few days to a couple of weeks before being released. I was going with the intention of asking the club if the minutes could be released within 24 hours or that we could release the information immediately. Obviously once we was told the minutes would not be taken all that went out the window and believed we was free to report back immediately, and that was the plan.
    Again, I was clearly naive to the fact fans on Twitter would not be aware of this, so when I wasn’t replying to all the tweets with thumbs up or down if it’s good news, or are we going to have a club next week the levels of abuse increased, despite my plea for being understanding I wasn’t in the position to do so.
    With my write up, I had no intention of adding any personal opinion, it would be just what was said and allow you all to read and take it as you will.
    As you will be well aware, all fans see things differently and I didn’t want to raise any expectations or disappoint fans, then receive more abuse as it wasn’t what they were expecting.
    I put myself in this situation through naivety, but I don’t accept that the abuse was warranted at all, I have removed the twitter account from my devices and will no longer be active on that account, opting now for a private account as I have no interest in twitter fame.
    I would seriously urge anyone that did send me abusive tweets to have a think how they talk to people online and their demands, if this is this what celebrities have to deal with on a daily basis, I’m glad I’m just a nobody!
    Punjabi Rams, who I honestly can’t thank enough stepped in and put some tweets out from their account to give some information in my defence. You guys are awesome, didn’t need to do that but again, I honestly can’t thank you enough. Quick plug www.punjabirams.co.uk, @PunjabiRams on Twitter, go give them a follow if you are on there.
    On the train home I started to do the write up on my notes app, realising I need to get this out asap, first thing to defuse the situation I felt I had created.
    Thursday morning, as I was consulting my notes and finishing off the write up, there was a few things I wanted to fact check with the club were totally accurate, there has been times where things have been misheard in the past (Boycie ahem) and needed correcting, I didn’t want this to happen. We’re human, mistakes can happen, I believed I had time to ensure there were none.
    I decided, and this was not requested by the club but to send my write up to them, asking if they could read it over and everything I had written was totally accurate, leaving ??? <—— fact checks where I was a little cautious over.
    They agreed and I again naively yet again assumed that this would be back with me in a few hours……despite the previous night listening to just how busy they have been.
    Now whilst I understand and totally agree that this meeting is important, the club staff are as I’m sure you can imagine really busy, now I need to really stress here that this is in no way the fault of the club, this is on me 100%.
    No tweet, no forum post, none of this situation exists.
    Meanwhile The Supporters Charter Group are scratching their heads as to why I’ve gone it alone, I can only apologise to them also, as I say I was under the impression that we would all be reporting back ourselves which I have explained privately with them.
    A single statement isn’t something I would have been personally happy with but that is what was agreed in my absence.
    I haven’t felt comfortable coming back on the forum if I'm honest, ignoring the fact I insinuated what was said at the meeting would be out Thursday on the forum, I feel like I have let you all down and for that I’m sorry.
    Just to add, this apology wasn’t asked for, it's something I feel is owed to you all.
    Should someone have gone that could have stayed all evening? Ideally yes, although Paul (Boycie) was unavailable to attend. Since the formation of 2017 it has only been either myself or Paul that has attended, I didn’t feel it would be right to send someone new which in hindsight was the correct call, they may have also not been able to attend until the end of what I’m led to believe turned out to be almost a 4 hour long meeting, putting themselves unwittingly into a similar situation I have.
    I know you are all frustrated, the accusations of attention seeking, sitting on information, teasing, trying to get more views, followers etc. and even censorship on the forum are simply not true, they come from people that do not know me or how the forum is run at all, which is disappointing hearing it said by members that have been on the forum for a number of years now.
    Finally, I do want to say thank you to those who have sent supportive texts, PM’s, DM’s, tweets you name it over the last few days, despite asking to be given time, it’s you who I put the hours in for, I will learn from this and work on handling things better in the future.
    I would also like to thank the moderators who have been trying their best to keep on top of the situation, without them this forum would have crashed and burned over the last few days so please be respectful to them, even if at times you do not agree with decisions they have made. 
  5. Haha
    Rammeister got a reaction from i-Ram in The David appreciation thread.   
    Need to bring this thread back to subject.

  6. Haha
    Rammeister got a reaction from Ted McMinn Football Genius in The David appreciation thread.   
    Need to bring this thread back to subject.

  7. Haha
    Rammeister got a reaction from Mostyn6 in The David appreciation thread.   
    Need to bring this thread back to subject.

  8. Clap
    Rammeister reacted to kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong in Jozwiak- is it time to go?   
    Whoa,let's slow down here!
    We have done this before,condeming players and getting rid of them because the manager has struggled to get the best out of them(and this is a frequent thing,not every player suits their managers style of play)
    But,we need to remember that we change managers even more often than some change their pants and the next guys coaching and tactics may suit joz more.
    There's a fantastic player in there,it just needs unlocking as it has been on international duty and at his home clubs where he played previously.
  9. Like
    Rammeister reacted to Indy in Jozwiak- is it time to go?   
    Yes. I think he has quality and just needs to click. He played yesterday having had half a pre-season and a lot of travel and game time in June (when other players are resting). I think he’ll come good. 
  10. Haha
    Rammeister reacted to Eatonram in Promotion Watch   
    Great result for us last night, both Bournmouth and the baggies drop points.........I will start a relegation watch thread when I see what Cov and the dogs do.
  11. COYR
    Rammeister reacted to Lander in When everyone’s expecting you to fail, there’s only one thing you can do.   
    Prove them wrong. Us against the world, let’s get behind the lads today.
  12. COYR
    Rammeister reacted to Day in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    Let me try this again, I was forwarded your post and just online replying to say thanks, and I appreciate the concern. Posted and the topic was merged and my post lost as I submitted it. Cheers mods.
    I have an apology and what exactly has happened post which will follow the report from the meeting, I don't not can't want to go into detail now. 
    What I would say is, this is not the clubs fault, anyone using it as a stick to beat the club with are doing so without the full facts, which is unfair and not helping myself personally as I try to fix the situation and get the information out to you.
    I, David, has handled the situation poorly, been naive and been busy working my hardest to get back to you all with what you want.I would like to think that over the years we have built up some mutual respect, if you don't want to believe me that's fine, but please just stop until you have read what I put out.
    You must also all understand that the club staff are ridiculously busy right now working long hours on other important issues, whilst I feel somewhat in limbo, I'm more happy that we have an extra 2 defenders in the squad than missing out as they need to read through my emails.
    As for tomorrow, I am excited more than you will ever know, football is back, Derby are back, fans in the stadium, perfect.
    I'm just gutted I can't be there, but I'm doing the next best thing, taking a flight out of here so I can watch on RamsTV with a. few beers that are chilling in the fridge.
    Those that are going, regardless of your thoughts on the ownership, club, put all that to one side and get behind the team, we have a young team that doesn't deserve to play under a negative atmosphere. 
    Drop any protests, Mel chants, anti EFL or anti and sarcastic Rooney chants, focus on positive support for the team, this is when they need us the most, the atmosphere is all on us nobody else, if we crush those lads with booing and all that baalocks, we will have to shoulder some of the responsibility.
    I'm sorry for the lack of communication, I just didn't have anything to add and felt it would be best to stay offline. But please, regardless of what you think of me, the club, just read the above and take it from a fan that loves this club and wouldn't be saying any of this if I didn't mean it.
  13. Clap
    Rammeister reacted to Mucker1884 in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    Tomorrow is day one of what is almost certainly going to be "An interesting season"!

    I sincerely hope you are giving it the same excited attention as the rest of us Rams fans.

    If the reasons for the delay in posting your report from the meeting is in any way stressing you out... walk away from it... NOW!
    Forget your well meant intentions.  Forget any "promises" you may have made.  And most importantly, ignore any flak being thrown in your direction, whether that be full on abuse, or poorly delivered banter.
    You are not representative of Derby County Football Club, hierarchy or boot room, and you should not be bearing any burdens relating to such.
    You are just a bloke that runs an internet forum... for the benefit of others.  No better, no worse, and no more important than the countless factory floor workers, office workers, and street cleaners amongst us.
    Crucially, you owe us nothing.  If anything, we owe you, for providing us with this excellent forum of yours... of ours... for which many on here are extremely grateful.
    Do what is right for you.  No excuses.  No explanations.  No apologies.  Indeed, if it suits, then don't even make mention of it.  I repeat... you owe us nothing.
    Get your arse back on here.  Concentrate on tomorrow's game.  Bring actual real live football back into your life, and sod all those that expect more from you.  Let your minions wield their banhammers if need be, to keep the great unwashed at bay.
    This is your manor, and we are nothing more than your guests.  So head up, chest out, deep breath, and let's get this season started.
    UTR  ?
    *If the above is totally along the wrong lines, and your absence is in any way related to more personal family matters, then I can only offer my sincere best wishes to you and yours.  
  14. Haha
    Rammeister reacted to Anag Ram in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    Has anyone looked for him on the training pictures? ?
  15. Haha
    Rammeister got a reaction from hintonsboots in What time is Rooneys press conference   
    Our opposition each week may well be getting some basketball type scores.
  16. Clap
    Rammeister reacted to NottsRam77 in What time is Rooneys press conference   
    Cheers for the updates roy keep them coming if u can 
  17. COYR
    Rammeister reacted to RoyMac5 in Jozwiak   
    From an article in The Athletic:
    "Saturday’s opening Championship fixture against Huddersfield Town will mark the first competitive game where Jozwiak will experience with fans. He makes no secret that he enjoys playing with an intensity and, at times, a little on the edge. He is very much looking forward to a packed Pride Park for extra motivation. And he hopes to inspire a chant.

    “I heard that in England fans have songs for certain players they like. But in Poland, we don’t really have that. I don’t know if the Derby fans have one for me or not. But if I could get one, that would be OK. I missed them last season. Sometimes it felt like a friendly. I thrive off the crowd.

    “In Lech, I played in front of a lot of fans. I saw at Derby (on TV) that the fans are also very good and Krystian also told me how great they are. So I know the fans will fight with us.

    “When you do a good thing and they react you get additional energy. After the game against Sheffield Wednesday, I was trying to drive home and I couldn’t get out of the car park because all the fans came down to support us. Not every place in the world is like that. Sometimes fans only support you when you are in a good position. That was very helpful for us.”
  18. Haha
    Rammeister got a reaction from RAM1966 in What are the rules for going to PP?   
    Best advice is to wear a mask, as the smell emanating from the pitch last season was said to be ‘agricultural’.
  19. Haha
    Rammeister reacted to Day in What are the rules for going to PP?   
    1) When a player misplaces a pass, boo as loud as you can
    2) If we concede a goal, start singing we’re f’in poo, we’re f’in poo.
    3) If we score a goal, start singing how poo must you be, we’ve scored a goal.
    Nothing on Covid tests has been announced as yet, given tickets are now on sale I wouldn’t expect that to change.
    Remember the stadium is contactless only now, so no cash.
  20. Like
    Rammeister reacted to Day in Supporters Charter Meeting Questions   
    Ok, submissions and voting is over, below is the order of questions to try and put forward to the club.
    I say try, as I must stress again, there is no guarantees over how many I will personally be able to ask.
    That’s not because we’re yes men, brown nosers who will be sat around laughing and joking which I’ve seen accusations of on other social media platforms.
    I always knew the supporters charter meetings would draw criticism, but we have just a couple of hours with the club with several fan groups, all with a list of their own questions which they are looking to raise.
    Some of which will quite possibly turn into lengthy discussions/answers given the current situation. 
    I know we have a lot of fans that appreciate what we do, and I thank you. Tomorrow I will leave my house around 1pm and not be home until gone midnight, trains, taxis, £50 odd at my own cost, more than the price of a Huddersfield match ticket some of you are moaning about, to take questions that you all were given an opportunity to submit and vote on.
    These are not questions I have come up with by myself, but that we have all contributed to.
    I will do my best to represent you, and if my best isn’t good enough then I can only apologise. All I ask is be respectful.
    Finally please be aware that there is an agreement in place that the meeting will not be discussed until the minutes have been released to us all to share within our groups and on the club website.
    This is in my view the most important meeting since the formation of the Supporters Charter, with widespread frustration and anger at the lack of communication, it’s imperative we get the information out there to you all asap 
    David: Mel, how are you and how is your health? (81 votes)
    Rev: Can you give a cast iron guarantee you'll continue to fund the club with the minimum amount needed to ensure survival as a club, until any takeover how ever long that will be? (38 votes)
    G Star: It would appear that insufficient due diligence was carried out on the prospective sales to BZI and Erik Alonso.
    Who carried out due diligence and what measures have been put in place to ensure that we are not sold to such an unprofessional outfit? (38 votes)
    Tombo: Supporters are aware that the club is very much up for sale, but what is the plan for the next few years should a takeover not come to fruition? (37 votes)
    I-Ram: Upon completing the sale of the club, will it once again have a stadium that it owns? (28 votes)
    Ambitious: I think we need to get answers to every point on this, including the details behind each one. Why are we the only club in the entire football league default in payments to the HMRC. Do regulation 16.2, 16.3 and P&S non-submission of audited accounts really relate to purely amortisation or is there more to it? (27 votes)

    Ellafella: The name of Derby County has been radically sullied in the press of late, some of it very unfair. Does the Club have a communications strategy to set the record straight over some of the issues eg how we cheated relegation? How we fixed our accounts? How we sold the ground to ourselves? What we value as a Club eg fairness, community spirited, ambitious. (27 votes)
    Anag Ram: What can we, the fans, do to help at this difficult time? (27 votes)
    Carl Sagan: Derby County Football Club belongs to you, but also to the people of the city and the community of fans around the world. And many are very worried for the club's future. What are your plans for the club if the worst happens and you cannot find someone to buy it off you? (22 votes)
    California Ram: Have you considered selling a small shareholding of the club to fans to bring in immediate capital while continuing to make the club attractive to majority ownership buyers. (19 votes)
  21. Like
    Rammeister reacted to Carl Sagan in The Bookies aren't always right   
    Finally the bookies are offering odds on Derby for the drop, and we are odds-on for relegation.

    I'm happy that I'm not tempted to bet against us. Anything above 3 to 1 and I'd have considered it.
    Let's hope we can surprise a lot of people. We have two internationals to come back in over the season in Knight and Bielik. Will Ebosele be our Traore? Will Sibley dance his way through opposition defences? 
    Everyone starts level (unless we also get a points deduction!!!). It will be a tough ask but I really want the squad to be able to step up and all be heroes and give us all something to smile about.
    Come on you Rams!
  22. Haha
    Rammeister got a reaction from europia in Hey memberships are avabile to buy   
    What, to access Chinawhites?
  23. Like
    Rammeister reacted to plymouthram in Fans not from Derbyshire...   
    I was born in Holbrook, in the Maternity Hospital (now known as Brook House). Left Derby in 1972 to join the Royal Navy and have been living in Plymouth since the early 80's when I married a Devon beauty. Still have sisters, a brother, cousins and an Aunt in Derby. Go up regular for visits of family and matches.
  24. Like
    Rammeister reacted to Rampage in Pre-season Playing Time   
    This will surely tighten the defence at last.
  25. Haha
    Rammeister got a reaction from Rampage in Pre-season Playing Time   
    Yes- looks like Marshall and Roos will both start.
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