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  1. Clap
    Rammeister reacted to Sparkle in The Administration Thread   
    It’s worth commenting on that bit in the mail about what Ashley was allegedly saying about the value of the club reducing by selling off talented youngsters because any bidder must know they are buying debt for a badge name and very few players under contract. For me as time goes on I would be offering less and less which would obviously mean no CVA and a 15 point deduction and so again I would be offering less and less.
  2. Clap
    Rammeister reacted to RoyMac5 in The Administration Thread   
    No thanks.
  3. Clap
    Rammeister reacted to Foreveram in The Administration Thread   
    The turning point was when clubs got to keep their own gate receipts.
  4. Clap
    Rammeister reacted to i-Ram in The Administration Thread   
    In my view he had just got us on the turn. Yes, McClaren might have done a few tweaks that elevated us a bit quicker, but after 3 or 4 years of rebuilding a club in (another) financial hole, with very little real money to spend, he had assembled a squad playing some good football, with players fully behind him. He deserved at least another year. To also sack him immediately after the Forest game was brutal. There is another matter I think that was spoken of a time, something personal in Clough’s life, but it escapes me Nick. Perhaps someone else can add their twopenneth, although we would be going remarkably off tangent if we turn this thread into a Nigel Clough debate. Going to enjoy my beer now. Will try to catch up again on Zoom soon ?
  5. Like
  6. Haha
    Rammeister reacted to GboroRam in Poll: Do you think Boro & Wycombe will take Mel on?   
    Mel with defend this with Rigor.
  7. Like
    Rammeister reacted to i-Ram in The Administration Thread   
    They should say absolutely nothing at this stage. And ‘we’ should not be encouraging them to make a statement (not that they will be swayed by fan opinions). If Morris has done one thing he has shone a big media spotlight on both Gibson and the EFL. Quantuma should say nothing until both the other parties have put out their response, which they will be hounded to do early next week by media outlets, MPs, and supporter groups. Once they have made their reply Quantuma can use though replies to their better advantage.
  8. Clap
    Rammeister reacted to Comrade 86 in The Administration Thread   
    Could it now be any clearer? In the space of 48 hours the EFL have stated BOTH that the club has the offer of EITHER 'impartial' arbitration OR the High Courts as a means to satisfy claims AND that they now acknowledges MFC/WWFC as football creditors, which would leave arbitration as the sole route forward. Wholly contradictory statements and yet another example of their contemptuous abuse of power. There has been no discussion, no arbitration and no independent input to this decision, rather it is a call made arbitrarily and unilaterally by the EFL board with no outside consultation and in contravention of their own directives. Do these clowns even read what they regurgitate into the public domain? Do they not even cross-reference the claims made in one with the other? The inconsistencies (read: huge ducking porkies) are glaring and have been for two years now. Likewise Gibson who appears to have the attention span of a hungry toddler and the linguistic skills of one too.
    Heads must now roll at the EFL. There is NO ROOM FOR DOUBT anymore. In their poorly conceived and executed PR campaign seeking to shift the onus to Morris, the admins and even the 'highest bidder', they have absolutely tied themselves in knots and in doing so, have threatened both the stability and integrity of the League they are meant to govern and serve. 
    At this point, the 72 member clubs simply must act. There can be no remaining doubt that the EFL prioritises its own interests over those of its member clubs. Ladies and gentlemen, the tail is clearly wagging the dog. This is, of course, a wholly unacceptable state of affairs and will inevitably lead to chaos should the precedent they seek to set be entertained. Every subsequent season will start with multiple different fixture lists as the governing body and civil courts wade through dozens of spurious football related claims, clubs will be forced into admin and /or liquidation and the league system as we know it, will fail. A vote of no confidence and the immediate resignations of Rick Parry and Trevor Birch are now mandatory requirements on the long road back to credible and impartial governance of the League. For any governing body, as custodians of football, to bring bring the English game into such hopeless disrepute is simply unforgiveable and action must be taken sooner rather than later, irrespective of the situation at Derby County.
    As for Messrs Gibson and Couhig, your bluff has now been called. If you truly believe in the veracity of your claims and are not simply looking to leverage the threat of liquidation to extort funds from a club who has already accepted its punishment (in keeping with the EFL's own directives), it's time for you to accept Mr Morris's offer of your day in court. Any other course of action will merely confirm suspicions of the very unsavoury motivations that have led to what appears to have been a merit-less witch-hunt borne solely out of greed and petty personal grievances. I'm looking at you specifically Gibson. You chose to prioritise continuing your spat with Mel Morris over the future of the club, the welfare of it's employees, the sustainability of local businesses and the mental health of the wider community. This will NEVER be forgotten, nor forgiven. I speak only for myself when I say that having been a chairman whom I once held in high regard, I have now come to despise everything for which you stand. 
    I trust also that those on this forum who openly mocked posters who for two years have openly expressed the view that the EFL's treatment of Derby County Football Club has been less than impartial, will now take time to think about whether said posts were fair, warranted or helpful. Hindsight, it is true, is a wonderful thing, but so too is an open mind.
    A last thought in regards to Mel Morris; Mel, I was one of your staunchest supporters. I was wrong. It broke my heart when you placed the club into administration. Perhaps there are mitigating circumstances as yet unknown, but we are where we are and you sir, were the custodian of this club we all love. Inevitably, the buck stops with you. All of this notwithstanding, thank you for the steps you have now taken to break the impasse. What's done can't be changed, but I do hope that this will at least give harsher critics some small pause for thought. 
  9. Haha
    Rammeister got a reaction from RoyMac5 in The Administration Thread   
    Our quarterback and short stop.
  10. Haha
    Rammeister got a reaction from Ram-Alf in The Administration Thread   
    Our quarterback and short stop.
  11. Haha
    Rammeister got a reaction from DarkFruitsRam7 in Mel Morris: an example   
  12. Clap
    Rammeister reacted to B4ev6is in Go for it mel   
    Well mel I think you should go for it I am grateful you come back to do right thing by Derby county is any chance you could maybe clear some of these debts up please. 
    Go and take gibson and wycombe owners on.
  13. Like
    Rammeister reacted to Oldben in Mel Morris: an example   
    There's a work around here for MM and Derby, there's nothing to stop him undertaking the following ...
    1. Agree to pay Derbys legal fees for a court case against m/w
    2. Agree to pay any legal costs that arise
    3. Sign a contract for this with Derby, stating that the legal fees to be given by mm are only for that purpose and not to prolong the survival of the club which is dependent on a new buyer being found. That the money is only applicable for an long as Derby shall remain a club, in case it goes into liquidation,  why continue the case.
    This would negate mm not being able to stand in for Derby in the way he currently has preposed.
    Let the potential buyers know he's doing this, with a contract stating the removal from them of legal liability for m/w cost.
    Let the efl know that Derby wish to proceed in this way, requesting that under these circumstances, Derby be allowed to progress with the sale.
  14. COYR
    Rammeister got a reaction from Inverurie Ram in Mel Morris: an example   
  15. Haha
    Rammeister got a reaction from GeneralRam in Mel Morris: an example   
  16. Haha
    Rammeister got a reaction from Gritstone Ram in Mel Morris: an example   
  17. Haha
    Rammeister got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in Mel Morris: an example   
  18. Haha
    Rammeister got a reaction from Steve How Hard? in Mel Morris: an example   
  19. Haha
    Rammeister got a reaction from angieram in Mel Morris: an example   
  20. Clap
    Rammeister got a reaction from BucksRam in Mel Morris: an example   
  21. Clap
    Rammeister reacted to chipperram in The Administration Thread   
    Well, here is my take on this MM open letter. I believe he was waiting for the transfer deadline to finish to see if MFC/WW would acquiesce and drop the claims (only one at the moment, MFC). However, as we know they didn’t and it ramped up a little with the EFL, MFC and WW starting to feel the pressure to make statements against a tide of increasing questioning from various quarters, MPs, Parliament etc. These statements show they are all a little rattled, errors have crept in, inaccuracies, lies and partial information, information to maintain the ignorance of their supporters. This is what the main DCFC camp had been waiting for. MM has now been able to answer their errors in the public domain, as that is where they now are.
    As much as we wanted the administrators to keep us up to date, we also needed them to keep quiet so as not to compromise themselves in the same way the 3 stooges have done in the last 3-4 days. Unfortunately they do need to keep the club going and sadly players sales are needed, this will give time for the club to now start working with the Bidders as they will shortly know Gibsons and the EFL’s true intentions. If they stick together it is a vendetta against the club, with no sound foundations, if they go to court it will cost them a fortune. 
    In either event, if MFC lose I think we have a great chance of counter claiming for unnecessary litigation, wasting time, deliberately further harming the reputation of Derby and trying to reduce our ability to perform on the pitch. Perhaps we should call them the cheats as they have used an unfair advantage against us.
    End of transmission. 
  22. Haha
    Rammeister reacted to duncanjwitham in The Administration Thread   
    ?QC, give us a wave, QC QC give us a wave ?
  23. Haha
    Rammeister reacted to Mucker1884 in The Administration Thread   
    Play it cool, Gibbo.  Play it cool!  

  24. Haha
    Rammeister got a reaction from LeedsCityRam in Mel Morris: an example   
  25. Haha
    Rammeister got a reaction from Jortat in Mel Morris: an example   
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