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  1. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to kevinhectoring in The Administration Thread   
    This is the problem. £50 m may be too much for a league 1 club even one with our fan base and facilities. If so, MM has to throw in some cash. 
  2. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to Boycie in The Administration Thread   
    Maybe Ashley has costed his bid for league one status?
  3. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to IslandExile in The Administration Thread   
    Post of the year!
    Brilliant ?
  4. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to TINMANTED in The Administration Thread   
    in my opinion,agreeing to the nine point hit to speed things along was the biggest balls up,not agreeing could not have taken any longer and we would be out of the relegation zone,and not being made mugs of by the efl
  5. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to Crewton in The Administration Thread   
    You have a contact at the EFL? 
  6. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to ollycutts1982 in The Administration Thread   
    Is anyone else pleasantly surprised at which the speed of things are now moving? ?‍♂️ 
  7. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to LazloW in The Administration Thread   
    Can you imagine the moaning if the Council used taxpayer’s money to buy the stadium or help a private business in any way (never mind any legal issues relating to ‘state aid’)?
    The Derby populace go mental whenever the DT report that the Council have spent a few bob trying to make the City look a bit nicer; God knows what they’d say about millions on DCFC! This is assuming they have the money, which they don’t (again, imagine the furore if while they’re making people redundant they were spending cash on a football club). They might be able to spin it as an investment in the City’s economic well-being and a money earner through rent/interest, but I think it would go down like a lead balloon. 
    No, I can’t see Team Derby and the Council being any more than a well intentioned talking shop.
  8. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to i-Ram in The Administration Thread   
    There is quite a bit of irony that after weeks of singing, and protesting, by our fanbase that we should ‘duck the EFL’ when Q put it into practice that so many on here think they are not either communicating well or fulfilling their legal duties correctly. Chill everyone. DUCK THE EFL. We go at our own pace, we go at our own pace, we are Derby County, and we go at our own pace.
  9. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to Mucker1884 in The Administration Thread   
    Isn't that all they are asking for though?  Proof of funds by the mutually agreed deadline? 
    They can't do the Directors check until they have a name.  Are they asking for anything else?
    Having said that, yesterdays hint/request/snide dig should have been made directly to Q (Which they may well have have done, of course?) but ONLY Q.  There was no need for EFL to throw out that snide statement to the public.
  10. Like
    RAM1966 got a reaction from Sheff Ram in The Administration Thread   
    The purchase of the club had duck all to do with the EFL, other than the fit and proper directors test and proof of funds, if Ashley gets it we know that both should in theorybe a breeze in the park. 
    If the buyers do not agree to pay the unsecured creditors 25p in the pound they can not block the sale, which is why there are rumblings on a further -15pts.
    Q are holding dutch auction to squeeze every last penny they can, unfortunately with recent results, we look more and more likey to be heading for league one, which Im afraid has devalued the club.  2 weeks ago Q would have been talking up our survival chances.  Not now though, theres also pre-contract deals some players may well be considering which devalues the club further.
    Q needs to stop dicking about and announce the PB today and start the exit from Admin process once the £5m is in place.  Hopefully sufficient funds will be in place to allow us to pick up a few free agents...
  11. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to Gaspode in The Administration Thread   
    There certainly seems to be a vindictive nature to most of the the comms that come out of the EFL. The blame for this sorry mess lies squarely at Morris’s door, but we must never forget the role that the EFL have played in dragging out the resolution and increasing the stress felt by the supporters - despite their empty promises of trying to help the club…..
  12. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to Tyler Durden in The Administration Thread   
    Got lost in the post. There's a novel excuse I haven't heard in a while.
    Can't believe the EFl are that dumb enough to start making a load of noise about not receiving information that they've overlooked that they've actually received.
    Fraid this time the blame lies with the Administrators not the EFL.
  13. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to Comrade 86 in The Administration Thread   
    So perhaps the initial estimate of having the entire process wrapped up inside 3 months was ridiculously over-ambitious? Likewise every other forecast they've made. They can't have it both ways (and I know that's not what you're implying), even if we assume that this has been more challenging than the equivalent processes for Wigan and Portsmouth.
    Honestly, I can't see for the life of me why Quantuma should be immune to criticism given their performance to date. Nobody forced Hoskins to make his latest series of bold claims after all, same as nobody forced him to make spurious claims about not selling off player assets without Wazza's knowledge only to then leave him to find out from social media. I mean really, does that speak to professionalism or something rather less?
    It's not 'bashing' them as one poster put it, it's simply asking to what standards are these guys being held, if any, and by whom if not us? I mean, does anyone else really care but us fans right now, irrespective of our obvious inability to exercise any influence?
  14. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to uttoxram75 in The Administration Thread   
    He seemed to know that the EFL were going to release a statement before they actually did, pillow talk?
  15. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to S8TY in The Administration Thread   
    Blaming Admins is all well and good but mel got us into this complete mess by gambling with the clubs future....our club!!!!!!?
  16. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to strawhillram in The Administration Thread   
    Funding to the end of the season is not a problem - our season ends at midnight tonight
  17. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to Seth's left foot in The Administration Thread   
    So you have no faith in Mike Ashley getting his PR man to give an interview confirming his interest? At this late stage he will be well aware of what it will take to steady the ship.
    I expect his announcement as the PB tomorrow ?
  18. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to Kingpin in The Administration Thread   
    Can’t see the likes of M. A. being that keen on renting the stadium. 
  19. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to B4ev6is in Guess the crowd on Sat v Barnsley   
    The ground only 33k 
    I am saying 32 457
  20. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to Rambalin in The Administration Thread   
    From the man who said Ashley was nowhere near interested... Nothing story really, sure bidders want it as cheap as possible but they are not stupid enough to lumber themselves with a further 15 point deduction, and less chance to revive the club and a return on their money. 
    Garbage story with a sensationalist headline to sell a paper. 
  21. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to sage in It's Ashley   
    For those wondering who my favourite Coronation Street character of all time is, it's young butcher's assistant Ashley. 
    Hope that's cleared things up. 
  22. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to europia in The Administration Thread   
    "...I have absolutely zero information...but I need to post something on tw@tter, so here is a self promoting photo..."
  23. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to B4ev6is in The Administration Thread   
    I am on the fence with ashley but if he gets us I will give them a chance like anyone new who comes in.
  24. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to cosmic in Food you have Smuggled into PP or the BBG   
    Never understood why people feel like they need to eat something at the stadium, mid-afternoon. Did you not have lunch earlier?
  25. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to Rammeister in Food you have Smuggled into PP or the BBG   
    It’s people like you that have put the club in the dangerous financial position - millions of pounds in debt- that it finds itself in now.
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