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  1. Haha
    Jourdan reacted to Chris_Martin in Warne Out Out   
    Just a reminder. Paul Warne also has a 100% record of being relegated from the championship at every attempt
  2. Clap
    Jourdan reacted to BramcoteRam84 in Warne Out Out   
    Anyone driven away from a promotion campaign to try and get out of a god awful league where every team sees you as a cup final and make everything a scrap, to be honest we’re better off without them. 
    Seen enough decent performances and glimpses of us trying to play but lots of teams try to stop us playing. The Paul Warne style of play thing is a myth down to peoples perception of his time at Rotherham from those who never wanted him here.  Apparently the ball is in the sky more than on the ground at Derby these days with Paul Warne in charge. Not what I’ve seen. 
    It isn’t Steve McClaren football, nowhere near, but we’re in league 1 still under restrictions, people need to stop comparing us to what we used to be. Yes we want to get back there and is he the man to do it, Jury is definitely out. 
    In my mind it is bonkers we are having these debates on Warne when we’re second!! Just bonkers. 
  3. Haha
    Jourdan reacted to nottingram in Warne Out Out   
    If we end up in the play off final I’ll make sure I buy a seat in the top tier so the ball is at eye level the majority of the time
  4. Haha
    Jourdan reacted to Birdyabroad in Warne Out Out   
    Load of balls!
    No point rocking the boat now, whether he gets us up or not, shake hands at the end of the season wish Warne well, then go our separate ways.
    Not good enough, 6/10 (C-) football that reminds you of a trip to the dentist.
    We’ll lose somewhere between 2 or 3 thousand off the gates next year if he’s still in charge, serving up this warm diarrhoea.
    My mood tonight = 😞
  5. Haha
    Jourdan reacted to OwdGladysHinton in Derby v Shrewsbury Town - Match Day Thread   
    Northampton 1-0 Bolton
  6. Cheers
    Jourdan got a reaction from Lurker in Derby Vs Exeter Help   
    It’s unreserved so you can stand where you want.
    However I would suggest if you want the best view, get to the ground a little earlier before it fills up and people get into position.
    We got to the ground with very little time to spare last time and we were stood towards one end near the touchline and it does affect your view of other parts of the pitch.
    We had to move at half time, but luckily we got a great view of McGoldrick’s double in the second half. So all in all it was a very enjoyable experience.
  7. Haha
    Jourdan reacted to Gee SCREAMER !! in Derby Vs Exeter Help   
    I have to say mate, this pretty much sums up the misery of this league and why we need to get out ASAP. I'm not sold.😂
  8. Clap
    Jourdan got a reaction from SKRam in January Reinforcements   
    Would Georgie Kelly improve us? Would he want to sit on our bench? Maybe he has joined Carlisle to play first team football?
    Chris Martin? Was he ever likely to leave Bristol Rovers where he is scoring goals and playing first team football and obviously enjoying living in the city? He would have come here and had to prove himself to the manager and would have had to work his way into the team. Again, would he have jumped at that chance? Not convinced.
    It’s easy to say X, Y, Z were available but we have the easy job of sitting on the sofa, not dealing with all types of variables.
  9. Haha
    Jourdan reacted to Shipley Ram in January Reinforcements   
    At least we didn't end up with the pot noodle

  10. Haha
    Jourdan reacted to Foreveram in January Reinforcements   
    No, it wasn’t Ennis, not trying to be ITK all of a sudden but as I mentioned briefly on Saturday I met Mr Clowes on the way to the ground and we had a brief conversation.
    He said it was disappointing that the deal fell through at the last minute and I said was it Ennis, and he said no. Didn’t say who it was though, guess that’s the end of my journalism career 😂
  11. Clap
    Jourdan reacted to YorkshireRam in Where do you think we'll finish this season?   
    Except this isn't a new thing... The home atmosphere has been dogsh!t for a while now, and I chalk it up to toxic expectation. I remember it really starting in 14/15, the first season people started assuming we'd finish top 2. It seemingly changed from unconditional support, to entirely conditional. The team has to do something to warrant cheering, rather than generating atmosphere to gee the players on.
    I find it all very entitled. It's embarrassing when we come across as the fanbase that thinks they're better than they are. We should have a 'we're in league 1 so better roll our sleeves up and muck in'' whereas instead everyone is expecting champagne football and constant wins, and then literally boo'ing if we dare to have a blip... I think that reflects more poorly on our fanbase, than it does in any way on Warne or his football. 
  12. Clap
    Jourdan reacted to Day in Where do you think we'll finish this season?   
    You must have seen the comments I'm referring to, barely spend much time on here myself yet I've seen the signings are crap, the league is crap, we should be walking it. I'm not just pulling random crap out my arse here and it's not merged with comments from Twitter/X, don't even read replies to anything or view hashtags.
    This forum, the comments are there, even the Forest forum has referenced said comments.
    The Charlton TV co commentator, he was referencing fan podcasts, not sure which one(s) 
    The reaction to even drawing a game is way way over the top, we can literally not drop any points whatsoever without Warne having his balls under threat from the pitchforks.
  13. Haha
    Jourdan reacted to Gerry Daly in Steve bloomers washing errrrr I mean watching   
    No he’s right except for the bounce which looks great when the whole south stand and half of the rest of the ground does it like several times in the Rooney season. It’s gone a bit flat now along with the atmosphere more generally. But sorry Mull of Kintyre really works for Forest. Firstly it’s a really nice tune as opposed to the SBW mockney dirge. Secondly though it’s a nostalgic link to that period when they were winning leagues and European cups. 
  14. Haha
    Jourdan reacted to Crewton in Steve bloomers washing errrrr I mean watching   
    Is this meant to be satire?
  15. Haha
  16. Haha
    Jourdan reacted to uttoxram75 in Steve bloomers washing errrrr I mean watching   
    When we first did it we took our time and did it with rhythm and style. Now its rushed and over in a jiffy.
    Oops, sorry, thought i was texting my missus then................ 
  17. Haha
    Jourdan reacted to Van der MoodHoover in Where do you think we'll finish this season?   
    One of our best nights of the season results wise.
    We really should not play more often!
  18. Haha
    Jourdan reacted to VulcanRam in Warne Out Out   
    There are also better ways of using an apostrophe, but I'd never be so pedantic..
  19. Clap
    Jourdan reacted to VulcanRam in Warne Out Out   
    Is it not a moot point until things are in our own hands? Until then it doesn't matter what we do - we could be brilliant and win every game left this season and still end up in the play offs if Pompey and Bolton do the same.
  20. Haha
    Jourdan reacted to RoyMac5 in Warne Out Out   
    Too late he's gone to a bigger club until the end of the season.
  21. Haha
    Jourdan reacted to Returning ram in Warne Out Out   
    It's not about the results, it's all about performance...let's bring Warnock in 🤨
  22. Haha
    Jourdan reacted to kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong in Warne Out Out   
    I like the way you use your own metrics to describe our position in the table.
    Let's hope we don't get promoted in the automatics then find out we only had 1.97 and the fa decide to use Carl Sagan's system instead and send us back down,that would be so disappointing.
  23. Haha
    Jourdan reacted to Grumpy Git in Rotherham first team analyst joins   
    I applied and the interview was going swimmingly, until I told them my journey to the ground on matchdays would be via the Brunswick, Neptune and Merlin.
  24. Haha
    Jourdan reacted to Gee SCREAMER !! in Rotherham first team analyst joins   
    I'd have preferred a forward.
  25. Haha
    Jourdan reacted to Day in Rotherham first team analyst joins   
    Think he might have tried to join here under the same username a while back, assumed it was a Forest troll and never approved it.
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