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Posts posted by MadAmster

  1. Reading the negatives on here and elsewhere I get the feeling that most of the moaners don't understand that, each and every game, there's 11 other players on the pitch doing their level best to frustrate us and to defeat us. Failure to win is always seen as a failure when it's just as likely to be down to the oppo XI doing their job well. 

    Take Cheltenham as an example. 6 good stops by their keeper and 2 goal line blocks by defenders. They managed just 2 shots on target, one of which was gifted to them by us. We managed to create chances. Some we missed the target but their keeper and back 4 also played well. Do people not see that?

    Look at Citeh when they went to Wolves. 68% possession. 23 shots to 3. 8 shots on target versus 1 from Wolves. Wolves won 2-1. How many thousand of bets, including my 10 game accy that would have paid out just over a grand, went south because of that result. 

    The vitriol is, IMO, over the top and unnecessary.

  2. 1 hour ago, jameso said:

    I echo all of your points above. I've said elsewhere that if we ever put him up for sale, other (good) teams in our league will be interested, because he has a lot of good qualities, especially at this level.

    Now, how do we stop him from giving away silly free-kicks in every game he plays? That's enough to shut me up. It's been going on too long and I can't understand why he keeps doing it.

    If I could answer that question I wouldn't only have the UEFA B licence I'd be employed by a prof club coaching it out of him 😉

    Having thought about it, maybe a stern "keep on doing that and you'll be on the bench at best" might work.


  3. Some fans really are desperate to prove their point. Over on FB, a chap posted a couple of seconds of video from last night to "prove" how crap Collo is. In the video, he's central inside the 6 yard box and the pass goes behind him, he manages to reach back with his left foot but, obviously, can't get it on target. This is proof, said the poster, of how crap Collo is. 

    Half a second later the ball is in the air around the right hand post, gets nodded back across goal by, possibly, Bird (?), Collo executes a decent overhead kick, keeper sticks out a hand and knocks it away... straight to Sibs' left foot and he gets his, and our, 2nd of the night.

    How the bloke took no more from what happened than "Collo is crap" is a total mystery.

    Do I think Collo works hard, does his defensive duties well and has a great work rate? Yes.

    Do I think his control could be better, he should foul less, jump more often for high balls and spend more time in the opposition box than he does? Yes.

    Do I think he's possibly the best player we currently have for the wat PW wants us to play? Yes.

    He's not Coldplay. He doesn't have the hold up game CM has. He does have the likes of NML, Bird, Barks, Sibs who could do the "running on to the ball" that the likes of Hughes, Hendrick and Bryson did when playing together with CM. Unfortunately Collo isn't a CM playalike. Of the #9s we have, I think he's better in the role, as required by PW, than Wash or Waggy. I've not seen enough of Dajaune Brown to make a call on him.

    Does Collo frustrate? Yes. However, IMO, and some will disagree and that's fine, he's the best we have for the role PW wants his #9 to play.

  4. On 09/10/2023 at 16:45, Blondest Goat said:

    How do you know this?  Who's to say it hasn't been ring-fenced?  Would be pretty stupid not to.  Particularly after Warnes under-performance last season.

    It might have been but, this is Derby we're talking about. Plus that good old business plan with a maximum spend, apparently higher than last season, but does it factor in sacking PW and 3 coaches? I doubt it.

  5. 1 hour ago, Blondest Goat said:

    Clowes won't have run the club very prudently if we can't afford to sack the manager before the end of his contract.

    Managerial sackings are ten a penny in football, surely he would have budgeted for this possibility?

    We've not paid out transfer fees, probably preferring to pay the available money under the business plan out on wages. Compo to the gaffer and staff would come out of the same pot/budget and that is, apparently, reasonably empty with, hopefully, some kept to fund any incoming in January.

  6. Limited budget. Can we afford to sack the staff and pay off the remaining 3 years on their contracts? Probably not if we are to keep within the business plan.

    He learns. Folk were calling for a back 4 rather than a 3 (or 5). Once he'd got a right back in, Nyambe, he went back 4. IMO the best back 4 we currently have available is Nyambe, Nelson, Cashin and Forsyth.

    The best DM pairing we have is Smith and Fornah.

    The 3? Barks, Bird, Wilson

    The 1? Probably Waggy as I think he'd work better with Bird (or Sibs) in the 10 role than either Collo or Wash would.

    Wildsmith in goal. That's probably our best XI in the current preferred system.

  7. Not a good start to the season but things are better than they were.

    Dropping Bird was a mistake. He was excellent when he came on... until Hourihane came on and he had to change position to accommodate CH and much of the game after that was played over his head...

    Our 3 best dead ball takers are Bird, CH and Sibs (not necessarily in that order). All 3 started on the bench. Not a decision I would have made.

    NML needs a rest, IMO.

    Fornah made an error of judgment which led to their goal. We had 17 shots, 8 on target. Saves, blocks on the line helped see us get just the one goal. 

  8. 6 hours ago, Kokosnuss said:

    I don't think he's a brilliant footballer without some big drawbacks, or that he's key to unlocking every defence we struggle to score against.

    I don't think he deserves an uninterrupted run of starts simply by virtue of being able to smack one in from range or simply because he's 'one of our own', or to have special allowances made for his presence in the team, or anything like that.

    He doesn't have to start games but he does need regular minutes off the bench. 

    He needs to know, at the very least,  that when an opportunity does arise for him to get at 25-30 minutes on the pitch, in the correct position and with the game balanced in a way that would benefit the introduction of his skillset, that he's going to be given those minutes.

    Otherwise, what's the point? If we're not going to use him in that situation, where he may actually be able to build some form and confidence, then we may as well not use him at all.

    ...but that exact situation presented itself against Cambridge and presented itself again today, and what happened? And what happens next?


    Whether starting or off the bench, he should be played in his best position and that is not left back, left wing back or left wing or defensive midfielder. I sincerely hope PW knows and understands that...

  9. "social" media (overall SM not just here) is full of "scoreboard warriors" again. Eejits going mental because we drew at Cheltenham. To put it into perspective, Bolton lost 1-3 at home to Carlisle.

    More perspective. 62% possession. 17 shots to their 6. 8 on target to their 12. According to the "warriors" we were crap. In that case Cheltenham must have been awful. In reality, the game is all about goals and our luck seems to have been out. 2 NML efforts were well off target. Cash had one saved by the keeper, another blocked on the line by a defender. Collo mis-hit one giving the keeper an easy save, the one he did catch properly was straight at the keeper. On another day we'd have had more than one to show for our efforts but that's what defenders and keepers are there for, to prevent goals. We don't have a divine right to romp away with games.

    The keyboard warriors also seem to have missed the fact that their other point this season came away at Pompey and they are top... add in new manager syndrome...

    I was surprised Max was back on the bench following his performance at Blackpool. He started the 2nd half exceedingly well and had us encamped in their half. Never mind, PW to Cheltenham's rescue, Hourihane on and Max moved upfield and not getting the ball... CH didn't exactly set the world alight. He may be skipper but I don't think he's worthy of a start at the moment.

    NML was very ineffective. He needs a rest but is now jetting off halfway round the world with his Guatemalan teammates. Following the break he needs to have some time on the bench.

    Their goal? Bad choice of move by Fornah who was a mere shadow of his previous performances in a Derby shirt. A gift for their first goal of the season.

    I feel for Sibley. Getting little to no game time and when he does it's never in his favoured position. Must be frustrating for the lad.

    PW will have had his reasons for the starting XI and his choice of subs and positional changes. They were not the ones I would have made.

    1st half showed a lack of urgency/sharpness from the Rams. 2nd half started very well until CHs introduction, IMO. That destroyed much of the momentum. Last 10 to 15 saw them utilise a massed defence and we couldn't break it down.

    Still 3/4 of the season to go. The potential is there to do well. I just hope team selection is more Blackpool than Cheltenham.

  10. 6 hours ago, Will the Ram said:

    Jewell selling the spine of our attack in Howard & Oakley (Oakley was also the captain) was probably a big part of our demise in the latter half of the season. I would say Oakley was definitely better than Savage who was bought in to replace him.

    We lost 0-2 to Chelsea. The goal we did score was wrongly disallowed for offside. If only we’d had VAR that day.

    You are correct. I'd forgotten our "goal" had been wiped out. Both their goals, though, came from free kicks we should have had that they got given... or has my addled brain got that wrong as well? 😉

  11. 4 hours ago, Jubbs said:

    Not a chance that's a foul, Cashin has to be stronger. If that's given as a foul, ever aerial duel there is going to be a foul.

    The Laws state that you shouldn't have hold of an opponent or his shirt. They also say that you shouldn't lever yourself upwards using your arms on an opponent or by pushing him so he can't go for the ball. We might just see more goals if the holding and pushing was punished by refs, as it should be but hasn't been for ages.

    "Pundits" will tell you it's "all part of the game". The Laws say it isn't. 

  12. 12 hours ago, DavesaRam said:

    SSSIIIBBBBLLLLEEEEYYYY!!!!! Its a no-brainer, and actually having to drop him at the slightest opportunity is the only remaining condition of administration still imposed by the EFL. 

    He's usually on the bench, though... impossible to drop him from the starting XI as he's not in it. 🙂

  13. 1974/75 season we ended up as Champions of England. Using 3 points for a win, we had 14 points after 10 games. Perspective people, perspective. It's a marathon, not a sprint.

    We've had players not settling in like Bradley. We've had a shedload of injuries. We've had some atrocious refereeing decisions which almost certainly cost us points such as Wigan's 2nd which should have been disallowed and the 2 penalties we didn't get at Bolton plus the one they wrongly got... 

    Some players now back, others will be available after the international break. With the exception of Jake Rooney, we should have a full squad to choose from. Having said that, the way we played at Blackpool, those still out injured will struggle to make the bench unless we get some fresh injuries. Possible exception being JJ who would give us speed late on in games against tiring defenders...

    It's not been all sweetness and light this season so far but folk should look beyond the scorelines at reasons/causes and there have been enough to keep us hopefully buoyant awaiting the return of the crocks.

    Even Citeh managed to lose at Wolves despite 68% possession, despite 23 shots of which 8 were on target to Wolves 3 and 1 (one of their 2 goals was an OG). These things happen. 

  14. For me, Fornah. First 2 games saw early doors, unnecessary yellow cards and I doubted him. Since then he's become a rock in defence and exciting going forward. His performances have allowed Bird to play the #10 role where he started slowly but grew into the game providing some very good attacking passes. Downside of him playing there is it denies Sibs the chance to play his preferred role...

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