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Posts posted by MadAmster

  1. 9 hours ago, CBRammette said:

    Spirit in the sky has never caught on other than small pocket in south stand and is the dullest song i have ever heard at a football match as sung too low and too slowly - sounds like a few drunk old men at the end of a wedding slurring their words as they nod off - sorry!!!  
    We need more lively bangers that everyone can get easily and sing without needing a song sheet. Seems like we reserve good chants for loan players. always go on about it but Sammy Winnall's song was perfect - surely current player would fit it well. Same for osula - first time sang it at cambridge away last year and was brilliant. Everyone instantly got it. 

    Also why does every song we have have to have the f*** word in? People shouldnt moan about people not singing when that is the case. 21 points you could easily change it to sing "stuff" but I'm not a prude and sing loud but just will never yell the "f" word. Even the bounce which kids love  - why the "f" word?  

    "Bounce" is nicked, verbatim from Sheff Wed. One friend of mine had her daughter believing it  "if you don't jump and bounce" for a while. The kid now knows different. Started taking my 2 in 1999, when they were aged 5 and 6. First game was the 4-0 Kinkladze game when we were over visiting friends and family. They were given strict instructions. Any words you know to be "wrong" and any words you don't know/understand are not to be repeated. All to no avail as the F word has now become a mainstay of the Dutch language. When I was teaching, the Dutch kids, even after I'd explained it, didn't quite understand why I didn't want it in my English or Computer Science lessons. It's commonplace in phrases like WTF or used as an adjective/adverb. It's heard at least once on any talkshow. It's use did slow down a bit when I uttered it, in a loud voice, in a literal translation. They looked bemused so I explained that what I'd just said was WTF in their own language.

    Hark now hear.... on the other hand is ours. Stems from Boxing Day 1978. 1-1 draw at their place. 

  2. 7 hours ago, IslandExile said:

    Formation: 4-2-3-1


    Wilson.     Nelson.    Cashin.   Forsyth

                      Bird.        Fornah

    Mendez-Laing.  Sibley.    Barkhuizen


    I think that's pretty good with the Arsenal kid, Rooney and Thommo to come on as needed.

    You do realise that Warne isn't going to play that formation, don't you? It's all the players I'd probably go for but in a formation that PW would contemplate. That would be either 3-5-2 or 3-4-3.

    Wildsmith in goal.

    Back 3 Nelson, Cash, Foz

    MF 4 of Wilson, Bird, Fornah and one of Sibs/Barks

    Front 3 of NML Waggy and the other one of Sibs/Barks



    Wildsmith in goal.

    Back 3 Nelson, Cash, Foz

    MF 5 of Wilson, Bird, Sibs (playing in between MF and the front 2) , Fornah, Barks

    front 2 of NML and Waggy

  3. 15 hours ago, ap04 said:

    As Kokosnuss mentioned above it 100% comes off the defender, and I am yet to see one like this being given.

    However the above is just a recommendation to Uefa from a panel, no guideline has been issued. From the little I read the official Ifab/fa rules here still mention nothing on deflections just unnatural position, or the 2nd case here for example, so maybe penalty was correct after all.

    Which highlights just how difficult refereeing can be and often is. Fans should possibly cut refs some slack on a lot of occasions although the criticism is, all too often, also warranted. 

  4. 21 minutes ago, Kokosnuss said:

    It hits their player on his side / upper thigh before being deflected up toward his arm. In which case, no penalty.



    Looks that way.. If it came off his side it shouldn't have been given...

  5. 3 hours ago, ap04 said:

    Sorry, I assumed this as the ball deflects off his body onto the arm - there was a recent recommendation to Uefa on this and every such incident I have seen has not been penalised, for example this in the weekend.

    As it turns out unnatural position may be the only factor at least in England, it would be useful if you have more info on this.

    About the Fornah incident I am not sure it was a free kick at all.

    Here's an excerpt from UEFA with regard to this season's interpretation of the rule where there's a deflection...

    European governing body UEFA, has moved to do just that with guidelines for the 2023/24 season already released. Most importantly, the European governing body wishes to relax the whistling of handball offences with regards to deflections, as well as relaxing the punishment for yellow and red cards shown.

    The guidelines for 2023/24 suggest that "no handball offence should be called on a player if the ball is previously deflected from his own body, and, in particular, when the ball does not go towards the goal."

    Both at the game and on the RamsTV highlights earlier today, I was, and still am, of the opinion the ball deflected off Waggy and not off the defender's body. In that case a penalty was the correct decision. If the deflection was off the defender himself then no penalty should have been given but, as I said, I thought the deflection was off Waggy, hence my take on it.

  6. 4 hours ago, RoyMac5 said:

    In the 'Referees' thread: from @ap04


    Thanks RM5. So, this is the point where the Pompey player plays the ball forward for the ex Red Dog to tap home. B4, who is offside in this picture? The answer is nobody. Their goal was sound.

  7. 15 hours ago, B4ev6is said:


    He need eyes checking then it was miles offside.

    Somebody posted a photo yesterday, I can't find it again, taken from behind the goal at the point the Pompey player played the ball to the lad who scored. Not an offside in sight. 

  8. Those pushing to get PW and his staff the sack, a question. Can DCFC afford to sack them all and pay off the remaining 3 years of their contracts? Probably not. If we could scrape the money together, that would likely be January's transfer fund up in smoke.

    Who would you replace them with? Colin W seems to be getting a fair few votes. He's probably more expensive than Warne. Who would CW bring in as his assistant and coaches. Would we have to compensate their current club?


  9. On 17/09/2023 at 11:23, ap04 said:

    She got them both wrong (penalty we were awarded and hand ball for the equaliser).





    As a recently retired ref, I'd be interested to know why you think it wasn't a penalty. Defender had his arm well above his head. That is not a natural position. Penalty all day long IMO. 

    She did miss the handball for their equaliser though. She should also have walked Fornah. We got away with that.

  10. 2 hours ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    Sigh. I've never been convinced it's the best approach, it keeps the pressure on you and makes life easier for the other side. A defence that knows what it's doing is preferable to having another of your attacking players standing around to just be there.

    You n me both but PW has his theory and will stick with it come hell or high water

  11. On 16/09/2023 at 19:58, deanoakaram4life said:

    The problem with him for me is that he talks about a high pressing, all guns blazing approach but the amount of times we sat deep today was concerning. Every time we defended a set piece, every single player was back! After we scored we again….. sat back! 


    I'm one of the "always have at least one man up" brigade. Warne disagrees. He has stated that he has all 11 back at corners, free kicks and long throws to prevent the opposition having space in the box. Reduces the chances of them scoring and it's not going to change.

  12. 16 hours ago, RoyMac5 said:

    I don’t get your point, I quoted the whole of your post?

    How do you know we may only pay ‘moderate’ fees, or even what moderate is?

    Read it on dcfc.co.uk in an article on the "business plan". 2nd part of your last sentence is something I've asked several times on here. My guesstimate has always been around £300K to £500K max and guess at it is all we can do.

    What you quoted should be taken in context, your understanding of what I wrote bears little resemblance to my post.

  13. 2 hours ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Didn’t Warne say he didn’t want to go that way, paying £1m for a player? He didn’t say we couldn’t afford it as an amount.

    JCH nearly sold for a lot less than the rumours so I imagine that other fees bandied about on social media were exaggerated too.


    1. I never said "we can't afford ..." What I have, on several occasions said is that we may only pay "moderate" fees and I believe £1M is well beyond moderate for L1

    2. The figures were there. News outlets reported that Posh wanted £5M for him. No takers. Then £3M and then even less. The point being that the comment to which I replied asked for where people had talked of big fees...

    You're not wrong but your comments take us away from the context of my original post to which i-Ram replied and to which I also replied. Quoting should entail context, shouldn't it?

  14. 4 hours ago, i-Ram said:

    Go on, amuse me by giving me a couple of examples of posters who are asking for mega bucks to be spent on players and their wages.  Otherwise I think it Idiot Wind, as written and sang by Bob Dylan in 1975.

    I lost count of the number of posts wanting us to buy Jonson Clarke-Harris whose club started off by wanting £5M for him. In the end it, depending on where you read it, was somewhere between £800K and £1M. This season we are allowed to pay "moderate fees". I don't see £800K to £1M in L1 as "moderate".

    May 19 - suggestion to buy Nisbet from Hibs. someone replied "Hibs won't budge for anything under £2m."

    June 9 - Aron Collins Bristol Rovers. He would have cost 7 figures.

    June 9 - Ben House. Same as Collins.

    You may not have noticed but there is much more to social media than just this forum. Player suggestions who would cost up to £3M abounded during the window. They all seem not to understand what "moderate" means.

  15. The sugar daddy method looks attractive to many on here. That is obvious from all the we need to spend..... posts. As Bob Dylan wrote and sang... the times, they are a-changing.

    The days of billionaires buying a new toy to play with are past their peak and clubs will have to come to grips with living within their means. I really can't believe that so many seem to be wanting the exact conditions, spending mega bucks on players and their wages that saw MM nearly kill the club to return. Spending doesn't automatically equate to success on the field. Just look at Chelsea last season. Look at us under MM. From a club with no debt, owning the stadium, owning the training complex to, including what we "owed" MM, £240M of debt, not owning the stadium, not owning the training ground.... and in L1.

    Football is, slowly, reaching the conclusion that breaking the bank isn't sustainable. DCFC is now, and will, hopefully, remain sustainable. For reasons I've posted in other threads on here, I think we have money. Come next summer, I think PW will be allowed to spend some of it once we don't have an EFL agreed business plan to stick to. However, I'm certain we won't be plunging the club into debt any time soon. If David Clowes does sell, I'm of the opinion that part of the contract will stipulate the club has to remain sustainable. If it didn't state that I'd be hugely disappointed in Mr Clowes. Summer 2022 was not the first time the club has almost gone into liquidation in my lifetime. I genuinely hope we never get anywhere near that again. Acting sensibly is the only way to guarantee that. I'm far from certain that we'd survive another near extinction...

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