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Posts posted by MadAmster

  1. Pompey game, I had the munchies so got myself a cheeseburger in the East Stand concourse. Cob was stale, burger was cold and there was maybe 1 sq cm of cheese. Bloody awful. HT I was still hungry so had a Balti pie. The crust was crispy which I liked as it meant the pie didn't self destruct in my hand and the filling was very tasty indeed. 

    Next time I'll have one of those excellent cheese and onion cobs and a pork pie in the Brunny. I won't need to eat at the ground.

    The burger vans are still better value than the concourse. Better cobs, better burgers, excellent onion, foot long sausages are class. I must remember that in future.


  2. 17 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    The thread is about how Warne survives. I pointed out how we set up last season. Fair enough you didn't get the link.

    ... and someone posted about LR and the slow ball circulation, IN THIS THREAD, which prompted my reply, also in this thread. Threads, just like conversations at work or in the pub, tend to have their boundaries stretched. Nothing strange there...

  3. 3 hours ago, RoyMac5 said:


    How we lined up against Oxford, first game of the season for Rosenior.



    And how we lined up for his last game against Wycombe.

    Maybe Rosenior should have stuck with his earlier line up? 😉 😄 

    Anyway what a difference having a mobile striker makes? #COYR


    3 hours ago, RoyMac5 said:


    How we lined up against Oxford, first game of the season for Rosenior.



    And how we lined up for his last game against Wycombe.

    Maybe Rosenior should have stuck with his earlier line up? 😉 😄 

    Anyway what a difference having a mobile striker makes? #COYR

    Both sides you painstakingly listed in a graphic had the problem of not moving the ball through the thirds quickly. Slow ball circulation. LR had said repeatedly he wanted a higher tempo, players agreed that that was what he wanted. They didn't deliver.

    I asked why the circulation was still slow.

    Your graphic, IMO, doesn't answer the question except maybe in your own mind.

    IMO your graph

  4. 1 hour ago, kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong said:

    We weren't playing like that when warne took over Roy,all we did under rosenior was play side to side,endless pointless passing football,this was nothing like that.


    Partially correct. Under LR we were, indeed, employing too slow a tempo of ball circulation. However, that was not what he wanted. He said in several interviews he wanted the ball played faster. That was backed up by interviews with Sibs and other players confirming that was, indeed, what LR wanted, more urgency through the thirds. The players didn't deliver. Could they have? IMO most certainly. That begs the question, WHY? Unfortunately, I don't have the answer to that. 

  5. 1Wildsmith 6. One shot on target all game and that was a slow grass cutter from 40 yards that wouldn't have troubled me and I'm just 4 months off 70.

    24Nyambe 7 

    23Ward 6. 

    35Nelson 7 Imperious.

    5Bradley 8 Showed why both PW and the fans wanted him in, in the summer.

    3Forsyth 7

    4Hourihane 7

    22Fornah 6.0 Back on it & looked hungry though the game was done.

    12Smith 7

    7Barkhuizen 7

    8Bird 🦅 9

    39Brown 6

    11Méndez-Laing 7.5 

    16Wilson 6.5 

    14Washington 7.5

    9Collins 5.5 


  6. Where did that come from? 4-0 and with a bit of luck we could have had more. That 2nd minute tackle on Barks had me thinking the Cobblers would be putting the boot in as their sole tactic and that we would struggle but they started to play the ball about. We beat teams that do that and we did. Loved the game, the last 30 was a bit scrappy but umpt-een changes can cause a side to become disjointed.

    JW didn't touch the ball until the 19th minute. The oppo managed 3 shots, one of which, a 40 yard slow paced grubber counted as their one and only effort on target. Conversely, we put 4 well worked chances away, saw half a dozen balls miss the attacker in place by an inch or so. Goals, goalmouth action, fighting to get the ball back when we lost it. Pass and move, making yourself available for a pass, closing the oppo down. All the things that have been done well sporadically over the season all came together at once. Let's hope we can recreate that over the coming weeks and months on a consistent basis.

    Nyambe played well again. I hope we're looking to give him an extension to his contract come January. However, the level of his performances might see him get offers from Championship sides in which case I think he'll go.
    Nelson was a rock again.
    Bradley showed us why not only PW but also the fans wanted him in the summer. Solid defensively. Some cracking passes, on the ground putting teammates into great attacking positions. If PW sticks to his "play well and you'll keep the shirt" mantra, Cash is due a spell on the bench at that rate.
    Fozzy played well defensively and going forward.
    Hourihane just in front of the back 4 was excellent. That gave Smith and Bird more leeway to get forward. Time to put my hands up, I got it wrong posting CH shouldn't play that role in the starting XI. I may have had a point at the time but last night he did it very well.
    Smith had a good game
    Bird was excellent. Will the club take a million for him in January or will they gamble on going up and keeping him? I hope they gamble.
    NML very good again.
    Barks put in a very good all round performance.
    Wash showed what it was that made PW sign him. Excellent.

    Now, lads, more of the same please.

    Not sure what went awry with the Cobblers last night. They had only conceded 17 goals in 14 League games this season. That increased by 23.529% last night. One of their 4 victories was against the Posh so they can't be that bad..... We played well, that is part of the reason. They didn't, but why? Did they succumb to crowd pressure as they're not used to gates even half that size? No idea.

  7. That's Bostyn Mostyn.

    Critique is fine. Well reasoned critique is even better. Suggestions as to how things could be improved are the best. All with a vested interest in all things DCFC should have their say but without the vitriol. I'll be watching, as per usual, here in NL via RamsTV, still get back for around half a dozen games a season and enjoy those weekends. 

    Folk SHOULD say what they think but it is always better to explain why you think a certain way and off improvements. Improvement suggestions, other than "sack Warne" are pretty scarce.

  8. On 29/10/2023 at 09:22, Nuwtfly said:

    Agree with the sentiment but he can’t just be immune from any criticism because he bought us. It was his decision to chop Rosenior and bring in Warne after all. 

    Looking down from my helicopter...

    IIRC, the internet was full of people slating Rosenior's apparently preferred slow play through the thirds and crying LR out. I wasn't one of them. It was his first rodeo and he had us in 7th place. Not bad for a rookie. He had said in interviews on several occasions that he wanted the players to up the ball circulation tempo. Sibs and other players also confirmed that in interviews they did. Unfortunately, the play didn't speed up. IMO, the players were capable of moving faster through the thirds but didn't for some reason. I'd have kept faith in LR.

    David Clowes didn't keep faith. It surprised me but his motivation for the change looked solid. PW had 3 promotions from L1 in 5 seasons. OK, so 2 relegations in between as well but that could be seen as more a "Rotherham thing" than a Warne issue. The 4 year contract? Might that be down to PW having seen how totally keen DC was to get him and his staff that he knew he could push the boat out with regard to his contract. Hence the 4 years. Maybe DC had been too enthusiastic towards PW and his staff which would have been a mistake. However, IMO, you can't fault the logic DC used. He wanted someone with L1 pedigree with a record of success there. PW ticks the boxes, doesn't he? last season he had the Millers in 8th when he jumped ship to come to Derby. Dizzy heights for RUFC, They ended the season jus 6 points above the drop.

    None of us know the background. It is totally feasible that, under the terms of the business deal, we may well have the money to pay PW and his staff off but aren't allowed to spend that amount within the terms of the agreement. Would exceeding the spending limits invoke a points deduction? Wouldn't that be great...

    Speaking from hindsight... fans have their opinions and are entitled to them. However, they should also take into account all relevant facts. DC might actually want to change managers but is hogtied by the business plan. All manner of things. The state of the poll at the moment is there have been too few good performances and too many less than average and poor ones.

    If you think DC has made mistakes, say so by all means but leave out the vitriol.

    PW looks like he's here for a good while yet so let's look at games and criticise what we deem to be errors. Leave out the vitriol.

    Criticise poor performances by players, by all means.... no vitriol.

    Say what was poor, explain why, offer improvements. Just commenting that so and so was dog poo and leaving it there is plain negative. Get behind the XI on the park. Starting tonight, let's see and hear the fans on the front foot from the off. They keep telling us it gives them a lift. Lift them. You never know, it might just help them put on a positive performance... Player play, supporters support. Twas ever thus.

    COYR !

  9. Bird, Sibs, Cash. All out of contract in the summer. From January they are allowed to talk to other clubs and sign a pre-contract agreement. It's far from impossible that they will not sign any new deal and let their contract run down so they can negotiate higher wages and signing on fee in the summer. We'd get whatever pittance a tribunal decides to award us for the money spent on their development. It won't be a lot.

    DC won't, IMO, sell the club to someone cut price. He's going to want to break even at least.  That will only happen if we get back to the SBC and do reasonably well...

  10. 6 hours ago, DavesaRam said:

    If the Rams got their school report right now it would say “Could do better”, and that is the issue. On our good run last season we saw what our players at the time were capable of, but it wasn’t Warne’s prowess that got us that run. Injuries meant that he had to move away from his methodology, but as soon as he could he went back to it and the good run hit the buffers.


    .... are you certain that the run didn't end when Max Bird got injured?

  11. On 29/10/2023 at 11:09, Mihangel said:

    Couldn't agree more, we have a decent squad but, I think, a manager who is now out of his depth. I don't think it's a coincidence that Fornah among others appear to be going backwards under Warne's leadership.

    I'm sure it's been mentioned but the body language of the players for the 3rd goal was desperate, they were all at sea. The response of whoever was playing left back at that point (Collins? Waghorn, Lord Lucan??) was eye opening.

    Barks or Collo should have gone with their #2, he crossed and it was swept into the net from 3 yards out. Had one of them tracked the bloke their 3rd could have been avoided. At 2-1 there's a slight chance of getting the equaliser. At 3-1 the life went out of the team.

  12. Lots of ball. More shots. Less than them on target. Their XG 1.89, ours 0.77. They play the type of "industrial" football Derby struggle with. They also have the skill to play "proper" football as proven by their 3rd goal. They can vary their play, we, apparently, can't. That's the difference.

    Did Foz play the ball first when he got booked and they scored from the free kick? I though he did.

    Did CH commit a foul for the free kick for their 2nd? I didn't think he did.

    Was Wash fouled and should that have been a penalty? Hard one to call. It was one of those that would be given half the time. Am I the only one who thinks it would have been given at the other end?

    Warne saying Northampton are another good side. They are only out of the drop zone on goal difference. That game on Tuesday at PP has to be a really convincing victory. Anything less than that and the levels of toxicity will hit record heights and understandably so.

    Many will disagree with this next sentence. We have the players to make a very good side. We have seen that in just 3, maybe 4 games this season. Games in which the opposition tried to play football the way Derby fans like the game to be played. Solving the struggle against "industrial" sides is the key to success. I had hoped Fornah might be the solution but after some positive performances he seemed to go off the boil.



  13. The narrative has been said many times by PW this season and last. They don't get overly carried away by a win, neither do they get really down following a loss. That will include fan comments. Bird and NML had very good games on Tuesday. neither of them are a Lionel Messi... they will have their feet kept on the ground, not 3 feet above or below. That is the staff mantra, IMO.

  14. On 26/10/2023 at 09:42, jimtastic56 said:

    Eric Steele said the other night that Barker did most of the coaching and he does most of the enforcing on the touchline . I have not heard why he did the post -match interview.

    PW does most, Barker does some and Hammy has done one so far this season as well. Same goes for the preview interviews. Sharing the workload and showing that they are a "team"?

  15. This will be a real test. They are 2 points and 1 place above us but they are the home side. They've scored 19, us 20. Conceded 16 to our 12. Stats tell us that we, considering our away form this season as well, should have the upper hand. There is, however, another side to this story. Namely, they are a physical side and will be all over us like a rash. Not the kind of side we have done well against of late.

    I'll be happy enough with a scrappy 0-1 win with the winner going in off Cash's derriere.

  16. 53 minutes ago, Foreveram said:

    I predicted 3-0 so I feel cheated 🥹

    You'd have been right if the ref's assistant hadn't cocked up...


    Now, where the hell did that performance come from? Cracking 1st half. 2nd half almost as good. Patience moving the ball backards and forrards and sidewards when necessary/wise. Some adventurous forrards passing (which wasn't always accurate) at speed when the opportunity presented itself. Nels and Cash the 2 worst culprits at that but both had some good passes as well and were solid at the back so I won't complain. Keeper and back 4 solid. MF 4 defended well and attacked better. The front 2 had the odd opportunity to have a go, all to no avail.

    Floater from Waggy out wide to Foz who played a cushioned pass into Bord's path, low cross that nutmegged the defender and NML put it away with the outside of his right boot. Wonderful move. More of that through the coming games please.

    Quality ball down the line from Foz to Wash who took the ball forward, cut into the box and put it away right footed just inside the post. 2nd good goal of the night.

    Should have been the 3rd. Sibs from central in his own half, great ball to Barks, wide right. Cross into Waggy who nods it back to the near post where NML heads it back into the far corner. 2-0 for everybody in the ground except the ref's assistant who thought he saw an offside. He didn't. Perfectly good goal wiped out thanks to yet another mistake by an official. How many's that this season? Way too many.

    Collo. Should have passed to Barks, absolutely. I understood it though. He's a striker and strikers are selfish when in and around the box. Might the solution be to make the bonus for an assist the same as that for a goal? That way strikers might become less selfish and play the right ball more often...

    If we can keep on playing like that top 6 shouldn't be an issue come May. Top 2 isn't out of sight. The key word being IF

    26 shots, 8 on target. We still need to improve our accuracy in and around the box but I'm not a greedy sort, this was a massive improvement on the previous 3 games. Consistency at this level and higher is what the team need to aspire to. Will it happen? We all hope it will. Time will tell.

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