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Posts posted by MadAmster

  1. On 30/09/2023 at 09:38, OUTSIDER said:

    Was given this by ccfc lad when on international duty


    They really haven't got over that cancellation and makes it worse when I tell them that we was only thinking of their safety ..

    It didn't go down well 😕 



    Martin? Grit and shovel? is that a spoonerism? 🤣

  2. 3 hours ago, Anag Ram said:

    I feel a bit sorry for Hourihane in that one of his key skills is whipping a ball into the box for someone to run onto but we just don’t have the personnel to take advantage.

    If we’d managed to get Rhodes, Hourihane would have a few more assists to his name.

     I agree with other posters that he needs to shoot more from distance. More give and goes around the box to get an angle. Waghorn and Co should be able to assist.

    He's being played as a DM. Tackling isn't good, the speed to get back quickly enough is disappearing. We have 3 better players for that role. Smith, Fornah and Bird. He's not, IMO, a #10 so that more forward role also looks unlikely. Hence my assertion that he's not worth a starting place. 

  3. 55 minutes ago, ram59 said:

    I think CH has a role in certain types of matches.

    Since 2011, nobody has scored more long range goals from outside the penalty area. This should be utilised when playing against a packed defence. He needs to find space outside the box and be picked out, rather than just aimlessly pumping crosses into the middle. Given a bit of space and time, there should be no better player in this league for being able to pick his spot.

    Whether it's starting against a defensive team or coming on against a team defending a point or points.

    You only really need to look at the Cheltenham game. Bird came on at HT and tore them a new one for 20 minutes. PW then "has to" bring the skipper on. He takes Bird's role over and Bird gets moved forward and spent the rest of the match watching the ball sail aimlessly over his head. Why on earth was Bird moved when he was being so incredibly influential on the game?

  4. Keep up decent away form and fix the inability to get round the parked buses at Pride park and we're well in with a shout.

    We've had a lot of injuries to deal with as well. Leave NML and CH on the bench, neither has been on form this season, and give Smith, Fornah, Bird and Sibley, all of whom could form the basis of a successful DCFC for the next few years, the chance to gel and push on.

  5. On 12/10/2023 at 22:37, CongletonRam said:

    Joe Wildsmith: Used as a bit part player for Wednesday (74 games in 9 seasons).

    Kane Wilson: Has played the majority of his career in League Two on loan at very small clubs.

    Criag Forsyth: Has started to show signs particularly in recent games that age is catching up with him.

    Conor Hourihane: Played the majority of his career at League One level or below (but did play in the Prem for a time at Villa)

    Sonny Bradley: Played the majority of his career at League One level or below.

    Eiran Cashin: A good prospect and will go on to play at a higher level, but both times I have listened to opposition radio commentary of our games, and in both games they claimed they were targeting Cashin for his lack of pace. Brighton were reportedly interested but the fact that he remains at Derby likely tells a tale.

    Tom Barkhuizen: Released by Preston as he clearly wasn't considered good enough for them.

    Max Bird: A good player at this level and has shown he can be a decent player in the Championship.

    James Collins: Played the majority of his career at League One level or below.

    Martyn Waghorn: 14 goals in his last 3 seasons. Any goal is a bonus.

    Mendez-Liang: Played the majority of his career at League One level or below (but did play in the Prem for a season at Cardiff)

    Korey Smith: A player who has yo-yo ed  between Division One and the Championship.

    Scott Loach: Played the majority of his career at League One level or below.

    Conor Washington: Played the majority of his career at League One level or below.

    Liam Thompson: Not sure PW trusts Liam, as he struggles for playing time.

    Louie Sibley: Needs to produce more and learn to be a little less rash in the tackle (or even learn to tackle if he is going to be played deeper)

    Tyreece John Jules: 9 goals in 56 in the main at League One level. Hardlly prolific for a player who is dubbed a striker.

    Callum Elder: Played the majority of his career at League One level or below.

    Tyrese Fornah: Played the majority of his short career at League One level or below.

    Joe Ward: Played the majority of his short career at League One level or below.

    Josh Vickers: Played the majority of his career at League One level or below.

    Jake Rooney: Played all of his short career at League One level or below.

    Curtin Nelson: Played the majority of his career at League One level or below.






    When players are rumoured to be coming, looking at their past is relevant. When they arrive, it's more what they do for us.


    Joe Wildsmith: Used as a bit part player for Wednesday (74 games in 9 seasons). Played very well for us, so far. 

    Kane Wilson: Has played the majority of his career in League Two on loan at very small clubs. 23 years old. Started low level, came to us and has had injury problems but has looked good in his few appearances.

    Craig Forsyth: Has started to show signs particularly in recent games that age is catching up with him. Agree

    Conor Hourihane: Played the majority of his career at League One level or below (but did play in the Prem for a time at Villa) Not worth a start at the moment IMO

    Sonny Bradley: Played the majority of his career at League One level or below. Not the best of starts for us but has looked better in his recent sub appearances. Won't be replacing Nelson of Cashin just yet.

    Eiran Cashin: A good prospect and will go on to play at a higher level, but both times I have listened to opposition radio commentary of our games, and in both games they claimed they were targeting Cashin for his lack of pace. Brighton were reportedly interested but the fact that he remains at Derby likely tells a tale. Not the fastest over 5 yards but does get there. Apparently, once BHA finally agreed to Derby's terms  which included a loan back for the rest of this season, there wasn't enough time to get the deal registered with the FA before the deadline.

    Tom Barkhuizen: Released by Preston as he clearly wasn't considered good enough for them. Not the world's best but he has looked good when fit.

    Max Bird: A good player at this level and has shown he can be a decent player in the Championship. A class player who will move in the summer if we don't get promoted

    James Collins: Played the majority of his career at League One level or below. Immense work rate. Very good in his defensive duties. Not a hold up target man, that's not his skill set. He needs to spend more time in and around the box rather than dropping deep or going out wide as often as he does. Also needs to get on the end of crosses.

    Martyn Waghorn: 14 goals in his last 3 seasons. Any goal is a bonus. 6 goals already this season

    Mendez-Liang: Played the majority of his career at League One level or below (but did play in the Prem for a season at Cardiff). Has looked off the pace a lot this season. Not in my starting XI but could be a very good impact sub

    Korey Smith: A player who has yo-yo ed  between Division One and the Championship. Didn't like him at DM last season but he did well at right back. Has looked better this season at DM

    Scott Loach: Played the majority of his career at League One level or below. 3rd choice keeper and is as good as you'd get for that role at this level.

    Conor Washington: Played the majority of his career at League One level or below. Scored goals at this level but hasn't set the place alight yet

    Liam Thompson: Not sure PW trusts Liam, as he struggles for playing time. Yet, prior to his injury, PW was singing his praises...

    Louie Sibley: Needs to produce more and learn to be a little less rash in the tackle (or even learn to tackle if he is going to be played deeper) He can tackle, proved that during his long stints at left back and left wing back last season. Something, no idea what, appears to get him seeing red and taking a player out, unnecessarily. That's the problem that needs solving. As well as LB and LWB, he played left wing right wing and DM last season. He's a #10 who never gets played there. He's never had a run of games in a single position. This, IMO, is why he hasn't developed as much as one would hope. I think PW will put Waggy or Max at #10 ahead of Louie. Taking that into account, I hope he gets a run on the wing instead of NML

    Tyreece John Jules: 9 goals in 56 in the main at League One level. Hardly prolific for a player who is dubbed a striker. This is his 4th season meaning he's been getting an average of 18 appearances a season. A fair few of those won't have been starts. A class striker would still have got a higher return. This maybe his level, we'll find out when he's had some more playing time. In his 2 appearances for us so far he has shown flashes of skill and he is very fast. Possibly a good impact sub?

    Callum Elder: Played the majority of his career at League One level or below. Injury has meant we can't judge how he'll do with us at this level.

    Tyrese Fornah: Played the majority of his short career at League One level or below. Unnecessary yellow cards in his first 2 games but looked good. There followed 3 good performances and then 2 lesser ones. For me he looks like a good signing, hopefully that will prove true.

    Joe Ward: Played the majority of his short career at League One level or below. Injuries mean we can't judge him yet.

    Josh Vickers: Played the majority of his career at League One level or below. Brought in as #2 keeper. Looked good enough against the 'pies for us to be reasonably confident when he comes on.

    Jake Rooney: Played all of his short career at League One level or below. Pre his ACL, looked good enough to keep the shirt.

    Curtin Nelson: Played the majority of his career at League One level or below. Looking solid alongside Cash.


  6. 13 hours ago, Stockport Ram said:

    Almost perfect summation of my feelings. 

    My quasi psychotic hatred of the knuckle dragging, dense sounding Bluenoses was pleased that their decision  to dismiss a man who has turned the club around in a short time at the start of what I expect will be an excellent managerial career will be one they regret.

    They weren’t too far away from going up and doing it the right way. They may still do, but by throwing mega bucks at it which would make me hate them even more (if that’s possible). 

    Fact, your Bluenose aversion will keep right on to the end of the road.... and further. 

  7. On 10/08/2023 at 02:51, Guest said:

    If you are relying on Morris's appointment of managers to further your argument I think you have completely lost the plot; he flushed c£30m down the pan compensating his appointments when he fired them. He claimed he appointed Cocu having personally identified him as the perfect fit for youth development but soon lost faith. It was Morris that brought Rooney into the club when we couldn't afford him. It was absurd. I am only supportive of Rooney in respect of his leadership when the wheel came off and Morris had thrown us to the wolves. You really do have some worrying thought processes and I find that completely boring. You are as effective as Mogadon. Your own perceptions of Rooney seem to be based on an obsessive dislike of him, probably going back years. It's irrational Rumpole. 

    32RED upped their sponsorship by the amount of Rooney's wages and he agreed to be some kind of ambassador for them. The net cost of Rooney's wages was zero. All paid for by the extra sponsorship, money the club wouldn't have got had Rooney not come in...

  8. On 13/10/2023 at 15:17, Carl Sagan said:

    I liked the breathtaking young Rooney with his world-leading brilliance and love for the game. It didn't last long. For a decade he became an impediment to the England team. His arrival at Derby completely undermined Cocu, who had the potential to do something special at our club, if Mel hadn't insisted on this absurd bit of tinkering. Yet in the administration season, with the club leaderless, Rooney stepped up and held everything together which was an immense task - over those months, despite being a poor football manager, he was a magnificent leader of men, and I'll remember him fondly for that. But after he buggered off my attitude to him is now much more "meh". I don't especially associate him with us mentally, and I don't care about him or Birmingham. I do care that Paul Warne isn't making nearly enough of some talented players at his disposal (including but not limited to Cash) which means those players will almost certainly leave. In which case I don't care where they go, as long as we get the most money for them. But it will be heartbreaking as they should be at the club leading us to promotion.

    ... having shelled out >1.5M out of his own pocket to pay the players' wages one month. I don't rate him as a coach but as a crisis manager he got it spot on. Then, when the yank came in along with 2 people Rooney trusted, WR made the mistake of throwing his weight behind the bloke. When it turned out the fella didn't have a pot to piss in, it left WR in the position of having backed a loser. 

    What happened next? We'll never know. I think it's perfectly feasible that, once Mr Clowes decided to save the club, WR was (made?) aware that his wage of a rumoured 75K simply wasn't on under the financial difficulties the club was in. He decided to leave. That was the right thing to do, IMO. No idea what the driving force behind his decision was. It would be great if he quit for the right reasons. Less so if he'd decided that the move was good publicity.... again, we'll never know.

  9. On 13/10/2023 at 16:19, Stockport Ram said:

    Two rows back directly in line with the far post as Commons crossed the ball. 

    IIRC the tree huggers had gone something like 18/19 away games unbeaten but McIntosh thought we were so poor that he’d go with two up front instead of the lone striker which had been working so well for him away from home. 


    IIRC their lossless run was in the 20s... made the day all the more pleasurable

  10. 3 hours ago, Ghost of Clough said:


    My point stands. If Brighton offered £3m, and they sign him on a 'free' in the summer, they would have to have very good reasons to now value him at a fee below that figure.

    The shorter time left on a contract, the lower the fees offered. If BHA come back in January for Cashin, they won't be offering Derby £3M. That's how it works, unfortunately.

  11. 52 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    Not based on tribunal rules. Tribunals usually arrive at a fee halfway between what the selling club is askign for and the buying club is offering.

    Take Cash as an example. Brighton. allegedly, offered £3M in the summer. His contract expires in the summer. They'll offer next to nothing and let the tribunal decide what compo is to be paid to recompense DCFC for what his time at the club has cost.

    The same will be true for Max, Sibs and Tommo. We will get a fraction of what we'd have got last summer.

    The Derby Way. Will we never learn?

    It would be interesting to know if the club hasn't yet offered new deals or if the players have turned them down/been dragging their heels.

  12. 16 hours ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    If 'free' is the same as 'compensation', where a variety of factors, such as recent genuine bids are considered (ie. the £3m Brighton offered for Cashin), then yes. They will be free.

    compo tends to be a fraction of what any transfer fee would have been

  13. 2 hours ago, MackworthRamIsGod said:

    No one is paying 4 million for Cashin, that ship sailed unfortunately.

    1 million and we have done well.

    If the likes of him, Bird, Sibs et al hang fire, they can all go for free next summer thereby increasing signing on fees and wages...

  14. With all the Rams fans going, the Meadow might finally get to see a croud 😉

    I am of the opinion that NML won't start the game. He had looked tired of late. Their game on Wednesday is a 3 o'clock kick off in Panama. That's 22:00 UK time. Game finishes around midnight. 

    Had a quick look on Skyscanner and it looks like there are no direct flights. Flying early morning Thursday would see him in London some time between 21:00 Thursday and 04:00 Thursday. Then back up to Derby. Jetlag will put him out of a starting place IMO.

  15. 4 hours ago, kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong said:

    More fool them.

    I thought he was a mediocre manager at best whose wages helped to drain the club's finances even further at a time we could ill afford to do so.

    Plus I feel he was always instrumental in the removal of cocu and undermined him as the manager in his own desire for management.

    And he will always be the man who was in charge when we were relegated to league 1.

    A massive mistake by Birmingham that won't them take long to regret I fear.

    When he came, as a player, he also became some kind of ambassador for 32Red. In return 32Red increased their sponsorship of the club to the tune of Rooney's wages. He didn't cost the club a penny as it was extra sponsorship money from 32Red. money we wouldn't have got if he hadn't joined DCFC.

  16. 12 hours ago, europia said:

    Successful teams have to find a way to play against those teams out to frustrate and contain. It's also about turning those draws into wins. I don't think people are being negative when they are disappointed at not winning a game against a bottom of the league team who hadn't scored a goal all season. That's not an unreasonable expectation. The manager being happy with the performance is however, a bit of a concern.

    Context. 6 good saves by their keeper and two goal line blocks by defenders. You'd think those had no effect on  the result...

  17. 19 hours ago, Stockport Ram said:

    The Commons free kick onto Hulse’s head in the last 10 minutes - the Jay McKeveley touchline fracas when Billy claimed Nigel kicked him in the shins (Aimed for the groin but forgot what a short ar$e Billy was) ? It’s days like that which keep you going in seasons like this....

    South end of the West for that one with a lad from the village. We got the free kick and I said "Commons onto Hulse's head at the near post".... Later in Jorrocks folk heard us speaking Dutch... they were impressed we'd flown over for the game. Was bought a fair few beers that evening.

  18. 2 hours ago, Srg said:

    Both can be true. Cambridge, for example, we had a few chances to win and it was individual wastefulness that didn't win us the game. With that said, tactical changes and better substitutions second half, would have put us in a better situation to try and get more chances to win the game.

    ... which means it's not all PWs fault 😉

  19. 5 minutes ago, jameso said:

    I think there could also be an element of wondering why those 11 other players on the pitch don't manage to frustrate other teams as successfully as they manage to frustrate us, and whether it could be down to things that our manager is (not) doing.

    Anyone who has had enough may of course ignore this comment!

    Whetever XI we select in whatever formation, they are going to have off days or face an opposition who grind out a 0-0 draw. It happens frequently in football, not just to Derby. Look up the recent Wolves v Citeh stats and think how frustrated Citeh fans will have been at their failure to score from 23 shots, 8 on target... and they are all top class internationals, including that rubbish Haaland lad who hasn't scored in the last 4 games. He needs dropping, doesn't he? 

    We are not going to win every game. We are not going to steamroller every opponent. They are not going to roll over just because we are Derby. IMO, the major cause of the current disgruntlement is expectation among fans. There was an expectation we'd steamroller Cheltenham. We didn't. This sort of thing has been common to Derby teams over my lifetime and I've been watching them since 1961. Teams on a poor run of form tend to do well against us. We tend to do well against teams on long winning/unbeaten runs. I remember just a few years ago. We hadn't won for 8 or 9 games, the Red Dogs came to Pride park on a 20 odd game unbeaten run. We won 1-0.

    Maybe this is the Derby Way? 

  20. 6 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    Cheltenham, the two main criticisms being:
    1. Not bringing a goal scorer off the bench when we're struggling to score
    2. The one-dimensional tactic of getting the ball out wide and crossing to Collins and Waghorn when they're surrounded by CBs who specialise in dealing with crosses.

    Last night, there were a lot of positives. However, the two main negatives were:
    1. Players tiring
    2. Poor finishing from Collins
    These both directly lead to Warne not using the bench because he doesn't trust young players. If he should even a little bit of trust in them, the team wouldn't have looked so tired during the last 15/20 mins, and we may have had a forward who was able to shoot. Those two criticisms go away.

    Our 2nd. Collo couldn't get a shot away as the pass was behind him. Still manged to reach back and get is left foot to it. Ball went up in the air towards the far post where Bird headed it back. Good overhead from Collins but it hit the keeper, bounced out to Sibs who put it away. Collo's initial contact was as good as we could hope for given the poor quality of the pass. Bit of luck that it bounced up nicely for Bird to put back into the mix. Collo hit the target with his bicycle kick. He didn't do much wrong there...

    Having said that, I can think of occasions in the last 2 games where he ought to have done better.

    I get PW not wanting to play through the middle. I don't agree with it but I think I get it. If we had a Coldplay type of hold up, target man, going through the middle more would be a great idea. Collo isn't that type of player. Hence why PW prefers going down the outside and getting crosses in. With the inverted wingers last night we had other options and it worked. Play that again but with Waggy or Wash central and we can create more opportunities. Possibly even more so when JJ is fit.

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