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UEFA Euro 2024 Thread


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15 minutes ago, therealhantsram said:

I have enjoyed watching Belgium so far this tournament, but both teams are so scared of conceding we might as well just have the penalty shoot out now.

Belgium have been awful here. Made no attempt to press high and attack.

Their only moments of excitement have been when Doku runs at the fullback. KDB is playing closer to the CBs than Lukaku. Awful.

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I may have criticised England and Southgate’s record against the better teams.

But England were miles better when we lost to France at the World Cup compared to Belgium here.

They have showed no attacking threat at all. Seriously, who plays KDB as the deepest midfielder, 10 yards in front of 3 CBs?

They stunk the place out.

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1 hour ago, Bris Vegas said:

Both Belgium and France are retreating out of possession. No pressing high at all.

Germany and Spain are the only sides doing it. Their 1/4 final should be the actual final, best two teams by a distance.

That's not how it works though.

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27 minutes ago, Grumpy Git said:

And that my fellow Rams, is why I wish both us and England would shoot more often.

If its got some pace and is going generally in the right direction, it can always get a deflection and wrong-foot everyone.

It looked more like a cross to me. I'd be interested to know what the ball's trajectory was before it was deflected.

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