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B4 - for ever a Ram 🐏


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9 hours ago, B4’s Sister said:

I picked that song for the entrance for Daniel’s funeral. I saw Elton at Glastonbury last year and recorded him singing Daniel. Played it to Dan while I was saying goodbye to him in the hospital

It's a lovely song and will always remind me of him now.

I wish he was here to challenge some of the thinking in the realistic predictions thread - he'd tell us to have more faith! 

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So another season Daniel, the first without your fabulous ideas for players. I wonder what you would have made of Goodminge and Ozone. I do know that you would have made all of those squabbling about Paul Warne stop months ago. Your positivity and no nonsense rebukes were always a joy to read. So get your scraves and flanges ready as we are off tomorrow. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright B4 lad. Hope all's good with you and you're keeping out of bother. I'm probably pushing my luck asking for another favour since you sorted us right out end of last season when we asked you to chat to the Big Man, but I need to ask for your help again. It's not the Chief in Charge this time though, as I gather he's still a tad pissy over your last milk hunting expedition. Three days I heard! Fair play son!  Anyways, this time it's some of them on here. Wall to wall moaning, I'm afraid. You'd be livid, so probs best you don't look mate, but if you could drop a site-wide DM and tell everyone (especially the usual suspects) to shut up moaning for a day and get behind the team, that'd be grand, as I don't think some of them got your last memo.

Still miss ya mate,

86 x

Edited by Comrade 86
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Cross posting with the DCFC v Bristol City thread. RSPCA Derby was the chosen charity for Daniel Beavis funeral collection. If you will be at the match and can spare £1, please do so for Dan. If you would like to donate online in Dan’s name you can do so via this link https://danielbeavis.muchloved.com/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR31yS8Pw9P5pmyXhshDDfLBx0_SgsorHjUJqQmr7EDOBcpbIhmRMEYAqqA_aem_8pOXlH9AYlKwchbKxJFCMg 

I know many of you have already given donations. Just £1 and a short message in Dan’s memory is more than enough 🐏


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On 30/08/2024 at 03:00, Comrade 86 said:

Alright B4 lad. Hope all's good with you and you're keeping out of bother. I'm probably pushing my luck asking for another favour since you sorted us right out end of last season when we asked you to chat to the Big Man, but I need to ask for your help again. It's not the Chief in Charge this time though, as I gather he's still a tad pissy over your last milk hunting expedition. Three days I heard! Fair play son!  Anyways, this time it's some of them on here. Wall to wall moaning, I'm afraid. You'd be livid, so probs best you don't look mate, but if you could drop a site-wide DM and tell everyone (especially the usual suspects) to shut up moaning for a day and get behind the team, that'd be grand, as I don't think some of them got your last memo.

Still miss ya mate,

86 x

He heard you loud and clear.

He would have absolutely loved that today.

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On 01/09/2024 at 01:34, Crewton said:

He heard you loud and clear.

He would have absolutely loved that today.

When the crowd were chanting ‘we’re on our way to the premiership’ I said to my dad Daniel would have been the first one singing that. He will be looking down and absolutely loving it 🐏🐏🐏

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