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Favourite UK cities

Bob Mash

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Glasgow is perfect for a city break imo. Plenty to do in the city plus you can be out pretty quickly to Loch Lomond. Edinburgh is ok but I’ve only been during the festival times. Glasgow probably pips it because it seems a lot friendlier.

Sheffield is great to live in, but like @Coneheadjohnim somewhat biased.

Leeds and Nottingham I feel are similar, in that I like them but I don’t think they were as good as they were 10 years ago. Added to the fact that I’ve always found them a bit intense especially on a Friday/Saturday night. Neither really have that quiet pub in town that you can get away from the stag and hen dos if you need to. It’s another plus for Sheffield that the party people tend to have a couple of streets where everything is leaving us pale ale sippers in peace in The Bath Hotel or Red Deer. 

Derby is very under rated in terms of a night out and its heritage. Just needs a bit of a revamp like most places do

Want to go to Newcastle again.

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Love most of the northern cities, the history alone warrants a visit. Though Edinburgh and Glasgow will always be favourites (even though most folk can’t handle both). Middlesbrough and Sunderland…well, there’s nice bits nearby.

Derby still has loads of fond memories and is nowhere near as crap as some would like to make out and I’ve time for the East Midland cities. The West Midlands I struggle with.

London’s the curate’s egg for me. For a weekend in a neighbourhood, why not, just could do with some ear muffs some times.

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On 02/06/2021 at 17:46, Bearwood Ram said:

With travel potentially on the horizon, in this country at least, what are your favourite UK cities? No particular order and feel free to include your own place of residence. For me:





Nottingham (I'm aware that choice may upset some of you..) 

I was in my teens when I noticed a preponderance of feminine beauty in Nottingham!

Years later I heard a poem which ended with the lines...

"Nottingham for pretty girls

And Burton for fine ale!"

Maybe the Trent has a lot to answer for!

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18 hours ago, 2tups said:

London’s the curate’s egg for me. For a weekend in a neighbourhood, why not, just could do with some ear muffs some times.

Yes. The frequent "Leave it aht, guv'nor" and "Lavly jabbly" is a bit wearing.

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1 hour ago, uttoxram75 said:

Liverpool is superb for a weekend. Great museums, nightlife, ferry 'cross the mersey', stroll along the prom to New Brighton.....

London to visit the places you never had time for on the last visit.

don't forget the best part, you're never gonna bump into @MuespachRam 

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