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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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To be fair just because he voted Democrat doesn't mean he didn't vote right wing and isn't therefore a right wing bullshitter. Before Rees-Mogg and the rest of the hardline back bench nutjobs* ousted the more moderate Tories, the Democrats were probably to the right of the Conservatives who most would consider centre-right. They probably still are.


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8 hours ago, Mostyn6 said:

You can only see one side of this so it’s pointless wasting my time trying to spell it out to you. Put your trust in magic beans if you like. But dont expect people to stick experimental drugs into children under the con/guise if fighting a disease that has a 99.5% survival rate, with a dose of something that cannot stop the 0.5% from even contracting it. 

You sound like you’ve been brainwashed by Piers Corbyn or that other nut case Icke.

I bet you’ve had your jabs when travelling?or have you only been places like Greece with the lads?


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3 hours ago, Red_Dawn said:

I’ve had both original covid jabs in May. Didn’t stop me getting Omicron and I won’t be getting anymore. 

It’s neither justified or proportionate for me to get one basically every six months for a minor cold that has almost no chance of making me severely ill.

Others are different, I think boosters are a great option for those who are vulnerable, but me personally I won’t be continuing with it. 

Also - comments like those made my Trudeau, and in this country Blair and Javid, make me less likely to comply. People don’t react well to be coerced, threatened or scapegoated. 

A forest fan talking sense , the world has truly gone mad , only joking , good post mate

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9 hours ago, Mostyn6 said:

You can only see one side of this so it’s pointless wasting my time trying to spell it out to you. Put your trust in magic beans if you like. But dont expect people to stick experimental drugs into children under the con/guise if fighting a disease that has a 99.5% survival rate, with a dose of something that cannot stop the 0.5% from even contracting it. 

So can you. The flip(ped) side.

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For the record, if you're arguing Joe Rogan doesn't have some right wing nutjob tendencies, go check out his views on Palestine, climate change, public funded healthcare and feminism. I'll take that into consideration when I hear about his views on covid. 

Still not watching his videos BTW. 

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39 minutes ago, Boycie said:

You sound like you’ve been brainwashed by Piers Corbyn or that other nut case Icke.

I bet you’ve had your jabs when travelling?or have you only been places like Greece with the lads?


You sound like you’ve been brainwashed by boris or that other loon Ferguson,

I bet your happy working from home , or have you been out working with the lads from day one ?

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3 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

For the record, if you're arguing Joe Rogan doesn't have some right wing nutjob tendencies, go check out his views on Palestine, climate change, public funded healthcare and feminism. I'll take that into consideration when I hear about his views on covid. 

Still not watching his videos BTW. 

Fingers in ears ?
boris has right wing tendencies and your still listening to him and backing the stuff he says that you agree with ??‍♂️

Edited by Archied
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8 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

For the record, if you're arguing Joe Rogan doesn't have some right wing nutjob tendencies, go check out his views on Palestine, climate change, public funded healthcare and feminism. I'll take that into consideration when I hear about his views on covid. 

Still not watching his videos BTW. 

All joking aside , when did it become a thing that we have to agree with EVERYTHING a person says or thinks , whatever happened to being able to disagree on some stuff but agree on other stuff??‍♂️, what kind of world does that create?

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16 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

Still not watching his videos BTW. 

Good why should you?  The MSM have you exactly where they want you - Ivermectin is horse wormer don't ya know y'all. 

Anyone that tells you otherwise is clearly a nutjob and the only place you can now find out there may be another side to the story is on a right wing bullshitters podcast which we know you won't watch because we've told you he's bad cos he may or may not have opinions about stuff. 

If you can't sue someone for saying something, delegitimize both the person saying it and anyone hosting him.  Job done ?

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1 hour ago, GboroRam said:

For the record, if you're arguing Joe Rogan doesn't have some right wing nutjob tendencies, go check out his views on Palestine, climate change, public funded healthcare and feminism. I'll take that into consideration when I hear about his views on covid. 

Still not watching his videos BTW. 

Additionally you are conflating what Joe Rogan thinks about covid when 95% of the 3 hour interview is Dr. Malone talking.  

I don't care what Joe Rogan thinks about covid.  I don't really care what Dr. Malone thinks about covid.  I do care about the topics Dr. Malone covers that can be quantified with data and I especially care about the insights he has into the politics and apparent suppression of information - if he's wrong about those he needs to be sued for his last penny, if he's right and hundreds of thousands have died needlessly then somebody else needs to be held accountable. 

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5 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

Ok, you're clearly struggling to see that just because an opinion appears to be the majority/popular opinion, it does not mean it is, nor does it make it right. 

What do you think was portrayed as the majority/popular opinion in 1930s Germany.

I'll leave that one with you.

What did Germany 1930 have anything to do with science. You have taken my words way out of context my friend.

Ultimately, people can make their own decisions for their own reasons.

I base my decisions on the advice from science. Not what some nutcase with an ulterior motive is telling me. 

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2 minutes ago, Bris Vegas said:

What did Germany 1930 have anything to do with science. You have taken my words way out of context my friend.

Ultimately, people can make their own decisions for their own reasons.

I base my decisions on the advice from science. Not what some nutcase with an ulterior motive is telling me. 

You do realise that certain ideas in the scientific mainstream in Germany in the 30's was used as justification for many of the more abhorrent things they did to Jews, Slavs, Romani etc...

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 I read the bit in the Guardian earlier and had a little smile to myself, if only Sweden had listened to the DCFC forum scientists……….

“That said, as the second anniversary of Covid’s arrival looms, governments are beginning to see merits in the Swedish approach. In part, that’s because Sweden now has a lower death rate than countries that went down the full lockdown route, including the UK, France, Spain and Italy. It is in the bottom half of the EU league table for deaths once the size of population is taken into account. Economic recovery has been pretty brisk. The UK is still struggling to get back to pre-Covid levels of output: Sweden had managed that by the middle of 2021” 

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19 minutes ago, Anon said:

You do realise that certain ideas in the scientific mainstream in Germany in the 30's was used as justification for many of the more abhorrent things they did to Jews, Slavs, Romani etc...

And I do realize that wasn’t a popular belief worldwide instead a view made by a minority group of radicals.

Another majority view was brexit. I didn’t agree with that.

Edited by Bris Vegas
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2 hours ago, Archied said:

You sound like you’ve been brainwashed by boris or that other loon Ferguson,

I bet your happy working from home , or have you been out working with the lads from day one ?

Never stopped working me. Front line Sparky.

Happy to serve and protect you and your tin foil brigades without prejudice ?

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9 minutes ago, Boycie said:

Never stopped working me. Front line Sparky.

Happy to serve and protect you and your tin foil brigades without prejudice ?

As I’m happy to keep a roof over the heads of the covoholics, 

ps ,I did know you were a sparky ,read it a few times on here ??‍♂️, the post was a presumptuous barb mirroring yours re mostyn and predictably Gainsborough jumped in rubbing his hands with glee????

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53 minutes ago, Bris Vegas said:

What did Germany 1930 have anything to do with science. You have taken my words way out of context my friend.

Ultimately, people can make their own decisions for their own reasons.

I base my decisions on the advice from science. Not what some nutcase with an ulterior motive is telling me. 

And as explained on numerous ocassions, there is no such thing as 'the science', there are many scientists out there that have a different opinion to the one you choose to listen to, its just that they dont get access to the platforms to the media that you use.

As @maxjamhas pointed out, the term nutjob will also be applied to people without any basis, other than a difference if opinion. 

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