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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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3 hours ago, Andicis said:

Interesting graph in the financial times today seems to indicate presently that Omicron isn't driving an increase any higher than delta did in the summer. 



I was reading this. Very interesting… man with twisted scrotum in AnE who has a mild incidental Covid case elevating the stats…

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2 hours ago, Archied said:

Pick me up some chilli pickled onions

Sure thing - although I have thought of doing my own next year.

I have a few Armageddon plants (Seriously hot - 1 million+ Scoville) which I have brought indoors and pruned back, ready to go under LED lights in January. The Memsahib grew loads of onions last year, and the plans are for her to grow some shallots next year for pickling. If that's the case, I'm happy to chuck some in some vinegar with a chopped Armageddon or Scotch Bonnet, mustard seeds and peppercorns.

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2 hours ago, Archied said:

Nope , the last line is guff that just drives people away from having it if they are sick to death of lies hypocrisy and dishonesty from above ,you want to get boosters then crack on ,your choice

Strangely enough, I agree.

The way to protect yourself is vaccination, whereas the way to protect others is:

  • Regular testing, contact-tracing and self-isolation as appropriate
  • Social distancing
  • Wearing a mask, especially if you are under the weather
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3 hours ago, Eddie said:

There was a lot of ridicule recently aimed in the direction of forecasters with respect to the number of confirmed cases.

93,000 yesterday. Any betting on 100,000 today? Double that by next Wednesday perhaps? I sincerely hope not.

I really hope that the optimism voiced by (the same) people with respect to the (relative) mildness of the Omicron variant is not unfounded. It is very early days to be making extrapolations with respect to overall hospitalisations and deaths in South Africa in relation to the number of cases and using them to predict what to expect here when the demographics of the respective populations (SA v UK) are so disparate.

I have been very careful (and perhaps quite lucky - I do go out shopping but try to choose my times, and go to one pub which is never packed) so far in avoiding catching the disease, but I shall be taking that care to (what some would consider to be ridiculous) extremes this week. 

We have one family get-together per year, on Christmas Day. Therefore, this week only, my forays out of the house will be limited to

  • One round trip to Sheffield to deliver freezer stuff (turkey etc) to my daughter's house (she and her partner both work from home anyway, and my grandson is home-schooled)
  • Taking the bins out on Monday
  • One shopping trip to Morrisons on Wednesday for essentials (panic-buying chilis for a start)
  • One round trip to Keynsham on Thursday to collect my son (he works from home too) and to tank up with petrol on the way home
  • Christmas Day trip to Sheffield for the family get-together

Everyone involved is being super-careful

I dont think how careful you are if you are going to get it you will.

Even through me my mum and dad been careful as you can be and we still got first one and that even when my dad sanerties everything.

Not that people are even listening now because they are not 

We all had 3 japs so we cant really do anymore than that mate.

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13 minutes ago, B4ev6is said:

I dont think how careful you are if you are going to get it you will.

Even through me my mum and dad been careful as you can be and we still got first one and that even when my dad sanerties everything.

Not that people are even listening now because they are not 

We all had 3 japs so we cant really do anymore than that mate.

After Christmas, I won't be too bothered, but our Christmas Day together is very important so I will do everything I can to ensure that it takes place. If that means a few days of being extra-extra careful, so be it.

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39 minutes ago, Eddie said:

Strangely enough, I agree.

The way to protect yourself is vaccination, whereas the way to protect others is:

  • Regular testing, contact-tracing and self-isolation as appropriate
  • Social distancing
  • Wearing a mask, especially if you are under the weather

Well we are getting closer , the mandatory mask issue we will disagree to an extent but then again that’s because it’s handled in the same roughshod treat people like they are stupid manner from above ??‍♂️

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27 minutes ago, Archied said:

Well we are getting closer , the mandatory mask issue we will disagree to an extent but then again that’s because it’s handled in the same roughshod treat people like they are stupid manner from above ??‍♂️

As an aside on face covering s / masks , if the government were serious there would be proper masks recommended and supplied and proper sanitary bins on our streets and other places for disposal , 

we are expected to go along with the stupidity that people wearing anything from the wife’s tights to a loose fitting on and off all day bit of paper cuts transmission by 53 % 

the problem is Eddie when people at the top talk so much garbage and lies there comes a point when people just stop listening ??‍♂️

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1 hour ago, Eddie said:

Sure thing - although I have thought of doing my own next year.

I have a few Armageddon plants (Seriously hot - 1 million+ Scoville) which I have brought indoors and pruned back, ready to go under LED lights in January. The Memsahib grew loads of onions last year, and the plans are for her to grow some shallots next year for pickling. If that's the case, I'm happy to chuck some in some vinegar with a chopped Armageddon or Scotch Bonnet, mustard seeds and peppercorns.

I'm sure I saw a programme once stating the worlds hottest chili was from Lincoln

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7 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

I guess the official stance is to not give morons the oxygen of publicity - like when you get a pitch invader at the football, the cameras cut away

Really? it’s a publicly funded organisation. Surely it should be reported if the public paying for it existence are uprising against restrictions imposed on them? I guess only if it fits the narrative right? #defundthebbc

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