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Camping Holidays.


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8 hours ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

gathers up into one confined space all the little things that really really irritate you about family/friends.

And you get to poo in a bucket  or stand in line at the communal bog block at 7.30am with all the other newspaper wielding 40-somethings ?

Its a valuable social service.

40 somethings you say?       Forty Sixteen are you?

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Camping is fantastic fun.

Nothing beats getting back to nature, sleeping under the stars and eating beans cooked in a WWII stacking saucepan from a plastic plate with plastic cutlery, while sipping a lukewarm tinny and wondering quite when the donkeys making love in the next door field will finally be sated.

While wearing every item you've bought with you to keep warm as you sleep on a slowly deflating airbed with condensation dripping of the canvas walls.

















Apart from a hotel room, cottage, caravan, lodge, chalet, builders skip or police cell, obviously.

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I really enjoy camping & find it very relaxing. We have to have electric hook up though. Otherwise the gin gets warm.

Nothing better than sat outside the tent on a fabulous evening (as we did last weekend), playing cards and drinking.


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