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Rate the last film you saw partie deux

Ovis aries

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Agree but overlong. Hitchcock said that the length of a film should be directly related to the endurance of the human bladder. Hear hear. 

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The Revenant


Stunningly violent and beautifully shot film... Enjoyed it so much it didn't feel 3 hours plus... The scene with the bear is amazing.


Think Di Caprio is nailed on for an Oscar


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11 hours ago, Inverurie Ram said:


I don't rate this fellas England shirt or his tattoo. Looks Grim to me. Is that you Daveo?



must admit the bit in the 3rd trailer where he said seduce the girl in the green dress shes gorgeous, that did make me laugh. Got a feelin this is one of those all the best bits in the trailer mind, could be fun though.

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Revenant - easily the best film I have seen at the cinema in years. Fantastic and incredible story, amazing settings and photography , enthralling journey, a really affecting film, with a subtle soul  to offset many scenes of violence. 

Felt that I needed a stiff drink and a holiday at the end. 

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Seen a whole bunch of pretty decent movies since I last posted: The ones I can remember that I recommend are worth watching.

Revenant 9/10

Martian 9/10

Prisoners 8/10

Night Crawler 9/10

Hateful Eight 7/10

Everest 8/10

Concussion 7/10

Bridge of Spies 8/10

The Walk 8/10

UNCLE 7/10

The Gift 8/10




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Creed 7/10 purely because they are milking the Rocky series still, not a bad film, isn't cheesy or anything but still, kinda seen this format already. Creed 2 will become World Champion, 3 will see him go tits up and retire, 4 will be the comeback

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I watched Airplane! twice over the weekend. After what must be 30odd watches, I'm still noticing new visual jokes or throwaway comments I hadn't spotted before.

Leslie Nielsen must have been the best at deadpan delivery of properly funny lines. I can only think of Will Ferrell of the modern comedy actors but he's not in the same class.

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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

I watched Airplane! twice over the weekend. After what must be 30odd watches, I'm still noticing new visual jokes or throwaway comments I hadn't spotted before.

Leslie Nielsen must have been the best at deadpan delivery of properly funny lines. I can only think of Will Ferrell of the modern comedy actors but he's not in the same class.

Charlie Sheen is generally regarded as a younger version of Leslie Nielsen. Not too sure about now though.

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