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Rate the last film you saw partie deux

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9 hours ago, RebelScum said:

Intelligent and reasoned people believe leaving Europe will be a good thing which I accept. I was only referring to the masses.

Didn't want to start a political debate  - I just took the opportunity to get a cheap shot in!

Nice post & a. typical example of the remainer I'm alright Jack masses.

To hell with the environment let it suffer under the poisonous CAP, let austerity reign down on the poorest, let those who want a vote on their right to self govern in Catalonia be beaten back into line...nowt wrong with the black shirted Jack booted approach in our EU gang....as long as my smug existence isn't threatened.

Sorry but just wanted to replicate your cheap shot.

Edited by sheeponacid
Sorry I didn't want to turn it into a political debate either
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Getting back to the title of the thread I saw The Mule yesterday. Liked it. A gardener who grows day lilies and exhibits them to the extent that he forgets his family. Gets accidentally involved with a Mexican drugs cartel. Buts funny, bits sad. But a hell of a shock to see Clint looking so old and stooped and thin. Mind you he is nearly 90 and still looks better than me!

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10 hours ago, Turk Thrust said:

Getting back to the title of the thread I saw The Mule yesterday. Liked it. A gardener who grows day lilies and exhibits them to the extent that he forgets his family. Gets accidentally involved with a Mexican drugs cartel. Buts funny, bits sad. But a hell of a shock to see Clint looking so old and stooped and thin. Mind you he is nearly 90 and still looks better than me!

I thought it started really well and Clint's portrayal of the likeable but flawed old gent was great.  Dragged a little towards the end and needed a bit more going on but still worth a watch. 7/10.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Secret of Marrowbone

A young man and his three younger siblings, who have kept secret the death of their beloved mother in order to remain together, are plagued by a sinister presence in the sprawling manor in which they live.

Very good. More unsettling than scary but keeps you guessing.


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After not been to the pictures for ages, have just seen three films in quick succession. Stan and Ollie, Steve Coogan and John C Reilly doing a superb understated performance in the title roles. Really good insight to what happened after their height of fame , funny and sad, very nostalgic, solid 7/10.        Can You Ever Forgive Me, Richard E Grant and Melissa McCarthy. Not a fan of her films but she was really good in this, playing an author with one published  book to her name, functioning alcoholic and down on her luck. Not a nice character at all but Richard E Grant brings some fun and daring to her life, he’s fantastic in it. She finds a celebrity letter in a library book and sells it, then realises she can fake them, based on a true story. 8/10

Finally, Green Book, a New York bouncer Viggio Mortensen takes a job as a driver for a talented black pianist touring the Deep South  in the early 60s played by Mahershala Ali. Best of the bunch, fantastic performances , seeing racism and bigotry in all forms but still a feel good movie, 9/10

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On 05/02/2019 at 02:50, Carl Sagan said:

Bohemian Rhapsody 


This is meant to be Freddy Mercury we're talking about. Way too anodyne for me. You can see why Sacha Baron-Cohen didn't work out in such a sanitized version of the story. Astonished his replacement Rami Malek is up for an Oscar. 

Wow is that true?? He would've been brilliant.

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On 05/02/2019 at 15:52, 86 points said:

Malek definitely a strange call to play such a vibrant and larger than life character. Was OK in Mr Robot and would think that's more his thing really. Didn't know Ali G was in the running! Would have been fascinating to see how that worked out - have a hunch Baron-Cohen would have been excellent. Also a dead-ringer for Freddie. WIll give it a swerve I reckon, in any case. Thanks for write up ?


41 minutes ago, Parsnip said:

Wow is that true?? He would've been brilliant.

Films take forever to make. Bohemian Rhapsody began about a decade ago and they picked SBC as first-choice Freddy in 2010. But he walked in 2013. There are differing opinions as to what went wrong, but clearly he didn't agree with the film Queen wanted to make and Queen didn't like the film he wanted to make.



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5 hours ago, Carl Sagan said:


Films take forever to make. Bohemian Rhapsody began about a decade ago and they picked SBC as first-choice Freddy in 2010. But he walked in 2013. There are differing opinions as to what went wrong, but clearly he didn't agree with the film Queen wanted to make and Queen didn't like the film he wanted to make.



Figures. I think the article sums it up pretty well. One thing I'd be nigh on certain of is that Freddy would have like SBC's version better. Straight-washing his sexuality would have been an absolute no-no and rightly so. I've a hunch Frears would have rather shot a more true to life version too. The irony is that Queen are trying to protect an image that does not exist. In terms of public awareness of Freddy's personal life, that horse hasn't just bolted, it's run the length Newmarket High Street and far beyond. 

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13 hours ago, Parsnip said:

Do you work in the industry @Carl Sagan?

A little - I'm lucky and flit about. I did work for the British Film Institute for a while and am still connected, but I'm more TV, space and publishing. I would love to work more in film as it's my favourite format but it's just so hard to get anything made. For instance there are tens of thousands of books published every year (way too many) but not very many movies so your odds are way worse.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 05/02/2019 at 02:50, Carl Sagan said:

Bohemian Rhapsody 


This is meant to be Freddy Mercury we're talking about. Way too anodyne for me. You can see why Sacha Baron-Cohen didn't work out in such a sanitized version of the story. Astonished his replacement Rami Malek is up for an Oscar. 

I watched this last night.

Firstly I have to say I don't think much of Queen's music. In fact I find it utter poo.

In that context, I was surprised that what annoyed me about the film was not the music, nor was it the Freddy Mercury impersonator, who was rather impressive. It was the whole notion that Freddy Mercury broke up the band to pursue a solo career, which simply isn't true. Far from being estranged or not on speaking terms, when Live aid occurred, Queen had only recently finished touring 'The Works'. That Brian May and Roger Taylor were executive producers makes me conclude that this was a deliberate hatchet job that they could have put a stop to at any time.

A nasty little film.

Oh, and the songs were in the wrong order.

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Decided to watch The Wife last night to see if Glenn Close was robbed of the Oscar. It's about a dysfunctional family who are travelling to Stockholm for the husband (Jonathan Pryce) to collect the Novel Prize for Literature.

Looked as if it was originally written as a stage play - very small scale. And lots of exaggerated "acting". Silly idea at the heart of it.


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Welcome Home

Some brunette piece and the guy who played Jesse in Breaking Bad go on a romantic break in some house in the hills of Italy. Some dude who looks a bit like Javier Bardem, only with less acting ability decides to have the house wired up with cameras and takes a shine to said attractive brunette. Goes weird, attempts to kill them, the couple whack him. Not great but killed time before bed.

Pablo Mills/Igor Stimac.

Good Will Hunting: Quality - Craig Bryson/2013

The Departed - one of my favourites from one of my favourites featuring some of my favourites. Jake Buxton scoring against Leeds under Schteve.

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Captain Marvel

I appreciate that by this point, the 21st film in the MCU, only fans have any excitement for another Marvel film. But once again, like a few other recent Marvel movies, this is a great watch regardless of how many minutes you’ve racked up watching the others and the amount of knowledge you have. There are lots of references to previous characters and films, knowing nods to the past and a glimpse into the future. But this, at its heart, is a good action movie with a likeable female lead. Builds towards Endgame nicely. 8.5/10 Mason Mount

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9 hours ago, r4derby said:

Captain Marvel

I appreciate that by this point, the 21st film in the MCU, only fans have any excitement for another Marvel film. But once again, like a few other recent Marvel movies, this is a great watch regardless of how many minutes you’ve racked up watching the others and the amount of knowledge you have. There are lots of references to previous characters and films, knowing nods to the past and a glimpse into the future. But this, at its heart, is a good action movie with a likeable female lead. Builds towards Endgame nicely. 8.5/10 Mason Mount

Wensleydale Larson is one of the least likeable people in Hollwood right now. 

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