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Rate the last film you saw partie deux

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4 hours ago, Chester40 said:

Star Wars The Last Jedi. 6/10.

I think I have actually just got tired of Star Wars films. It's like Xmas where you look forward to it so much and then it's a let down. Eventually you get jaded and even the good ones don't seem to be like when you were a kid.

I can't shake the feeling if it wasn't Star Wars with all that brings.. I'd find it slightly pointless, a bit slow and merely a kid's CGI driven movie without a heart. 



I thought it was the best Star Wars film since the original trilogy. My son and wife who haven't seen the original trilogy or are into Star Wars in general really enjoyed it. The best film I've seen for a long time 


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Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets, 5.5/10

Watched this because it's scifi and stars Rams-scarf-wearing Cara Delevigne (see @Posh Ram's avatar)

I like that people are trying to do space opera scifi that's not Star Wars (like Jupiter Ascending or Guardians of the Galaxy) and some of this is interesting, but there's just no tension and it's let down by some of Besson's puppets and ideas (as though nothing's changed since The Fifth Element. There are good bits such as the potted history of humanity's transition into a galactic-faring species but it ended up being more like one of those bad early movies based on videogames.

However, the beautiful Cara is excellent as ever. I genuinely think she's a star and has seamlessly made the transition from world's hottest/most in-demand model to credible actress. She's added a couple of points to the score on her own, and the whole film scores through interesting visuals. There's a good cameo from Rhianna too.

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Came here because of @Carl Sagan's tag, stayed for film reviews.

Hell or High Water - 7.5/10. Modern Western with Jeff Bridges, who I'm a big fan of.

The Big Sick - 8/10. Not a huge rom-com fan but watched it with the family at Christmas. This mixes up the tired usual formula and is an interesting exploration of interracial issues.

Logan Lucky - 6/10. Decent enough Ocean's Eleven knock-off.

Inherent Vice - 9/10. Weird stoner film but it could be a cult classic. Great acting from Joaquin Phoenix/Josh Brolin.

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Jumanji 2: Welcome to the Jungle. 8/10

Took the kids, the eldest enjoyed it as did me and mrs rynny, the youngest had a bag on because we weren't watching Despicable Me 3 so didn't enjoy it as much.

Very funny in parts, Jack Black as a 17 year old girl was brilliant. Would recommend it to anyone who has a stupid sense of humour.

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Paddington & Paddington 2

Having missed it at the cinema, we watched Paddington after Chrimbo & followed up by a trip to the cinema on NYE for Paddington 2.

They're both just lovely films. My little one (5 years old) loved them both & enough comedy nods to the adults. Utterly heart warming & feelgood in nature.

Paddington: 8/10

Paddington 2: 9/10 (an extra mark for Hugh Grant as the pantomime villain in this one)

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1 hour ago, rynny said:

Jumanji 2: Welcome to the Jungle. 8/10

Took the kids, the eldest enjoyed it as did me and mrs rynny, the youngest had a bag on because we weren't watching Despicable Me 3 so didn't enjoy it as much.

Very funny in parts, Jack Black as a 17 year old girl was brilliant. Would recommend it to anyone who has a stupid sense of humour.

Ruby roundhouse, Oh Yeah! ?

Film was alright too!

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Bright 6/10

Not as bad as the reviewers say, fantasy film so you have to let yourself go a bit and not question what would usually be questionable.

Funny in places as well, managed to get a few chuckles out me along the way. 

Not a must see by any stretch of the imagination, but not a complete waste of 2hrs either, you will see worse, much worse. 

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Red 2

Helen Mirren, Bruce Willis, John Malkovich, Anthony Hopkins - never has international espionage, intrigue, terrorism and murder been such fun.

One of the funniest films I've seen in decades.


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On 1/7/2018 at 22:11, TimRam said:

The Foreigner starring Jackie Chan and Pierce Brosnan. Brutal, gritty and very well acted. Yes, there are martial art scenes from Mr Chan but not 'over done' as in some of his films. Great supporting cast led by Pierce Brosnan. This is worth a look. 8/10.

Agreed. Watched this the other day and Jackie Chan/Pierce Brosnan are excellent in this film, it's an 8/10 from me as well.

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Get Out - 7/10 was ok, I dont think as good as the hype but quite scary at times.

Girls Trip 8/10 - Totally didnt expect to enjoy that much ,was really funny, well worth a watch.

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Seems the season to be


Watching dark comedies 

Death of Stalin and Three Billboards 

If you like powerfully accurate exploration of the dark silliness of life then have a watch 


Don't think they need big screen so might be worth getting DVD for second viewings

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