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Can't believe how little good / provisions are available in the shops , Went to try and do our weekly shop this evening  and even the beer shelves had been ransacked since the announcement that bars were closing.

Yet to meet anyone admitting  to bulk buying but I've hardly been able to buy anything but cheese and a few bits in over a week.

The local pub tonight was heaving with people , crowds flowing into the car park.

Hard to believe that their are so many thoughtless selfish inconsiderate people in my local community and so many idiots rammed in the pub. Do these people not realise they are threatening the health of others,jeopardizing the economy,creating the longevity of sanctions and possibly costing others their jobs in the future.


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7 minutes ago, ram1964 said:

Can't believe how little good / provisions are available in the shops , Went to try and do our weekly shop this evening  and even the beer shelves had been ransacked since the announcement that bars were closing.

Yet to meet anyone admitting  to bulk buying but I've hardly been able to buy anything but cheese and a few bits in over a week.

The local pub tonight was heaving with people , crowds flowing into the car park.

Hard to believe that their are so many thoughtless selfish inconsiderate people in my local community and so many idiots rammed in the pub. Do these people not realise they are threatening the health of others,jeopardizing the economy,creating the longevity of sanctions and possibly costing others their jobs in the future.


A friend of ours gave some poor old bugger a loaf of bread yesterday she bought in the local shop, when he came into the car park at Asda with some Jam and Ham in his hand. He was almost in tear's with thanks .  If this carries on might have get electric fencing to protect my only loaf of Warburton's White. 

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Sith Happens
34 minutes ago, RamNut said:

50 cases in Derbyshire now. We're 17th in the Coronavirus Premier League. 

How many have leeds got?

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I’m an NHS worker, I’ve been doing overtime all week and I’m pretty tired and stressed but I got really angry last night when our local pub put up a £2 a pint offer and it was rammed to bursting. I’ll never go in there ever again. It feels like all our efforts at work have been for nothing, those selfish idiots who think this is some kind of ‘nice idea but it doesn’t apply to me’. I wish they’d have seen the nurses crying at work that I saw. Just doing their jobs to help those selfish morons. 

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17 minutes ago, Ewe Ram said:

I’m an NHS worker, I’ve been doing overtime all week and I’m pretty tired and stressed but I got really angry last night when our local pub put up a £2 a pint offer and it was rammed to bursting. I’ll never go in there ever again. It feels like all our efforts at work have been for nothing, those selfish idiots who think this is some kind of ‘nice idea but it doesn’t apply to me’. I wish they’d have seen the nurses crying at work that I saw. Just doing their jobs to help those selfish morons. 



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9 hours ago, smiths_tavrn said:

You will make a veiled threat like that and get away with it scot free. I  guarantee the mods on here will condone it. 

If you feel like a post has broken the forum rules please use the report function.

What veiled threat is there? @Coconut is saying that if don't follow the advice of the government and health officials there is a good chance you will catch Coronavirus. He is not threatening you.



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People think panic buying is buying bulk. 

You know if you have bought one extra because, you know, never know if you will be able to get more then you're panic buying. 

Everyone buying one extra just thinks their sound. Except there are millions of you doing it. 

Seen helpful people on facebook buying extra to then share. Leave it on the shelf. There's loads of you doing that as well. 

If you're not buying with your normal amounts then you are panic buying and stopping other people getting supplies. 

I know several people now that have bought extra so that the panic buyers don't get it all. Duh! 

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52 minutes ago, Ewe Ram said:

I’m an NHS worker, I’ve been doing overtime all week and I’m pretty tired and stressed but I got really angry last night when our local pub put up a £2 a pint offer and it was rammed to bursting. I’ll never go in there ever again. It feels like all our efforts at work have been for nothing, those selfish idiots who think this is some kind of ‘nice idea but it doesn’t apply to me’. I wish they’d have seen the nurses crying at work that I saw. Just doing their jobs to help those selfish morons. 

I can see your perspective and how dispiriting it must be.

But you can't really blame the pub. Boris told people to largely carry on as normal til yesterday. 

Kids have been together in school all week, most workers have been in work all week, people have been having meals out/going to the cinema until a day or two again as normal ...and the pub will have tons of stock and likely no income for potentially months, so I can totally see why they offered and many people thought what the hell difference does one more day make. 

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13 hours ago, Mucker1884 said:

It may only be the leisure industry that has been "Told to close down" today, but every High Street in the country is going to be even quieter tomorrow, as although shops aren't on the closure list (Yet!), Arcadia Group have closed indefinitely from 4pm today.  That's Billionaire Sir Phillip Green's mob.  A big chunk of virtually every High Street in every town... Burton's, Dorothy Perkins, Miss Selfridge, Evans, Outfit, Top Shop, Top Man, and Wallis.
Staff told they'd be paid for March, but beyond that, nobody knows what happens next.
I can only speak for one member of staff affected, but there was no warning.  No notice.  The call came (Her day off today) at 15:30... 30 mins before closure!
Fingers crossed it's a temporary measure, and all down to The Virus, but it's been no secret that "Times have been hard", and this particular Group has been struggling for some time, (even if the boss isn't!), so permanent closure(s) wouldn't be the biggest surprise.

They're not on Boris's list of shutdowns today, so one can only presume they are not covered in his "80% wages covered".
That's a lot of High Streets affected.  A lot of shops... and a lot of staff!

It seems this Virus might just be the final nail in the coffin for both large and small businesses!   

Elsewhere, rumours abound that Debenhams, Primark, and M&S may not be far behind.  Rumours mind!  Don't quote me on that!  



I’m pretty sure everybody is covered by the 80% of wages support. He included charities and not for profit organisations as well so, pretty much everybody in employment. Self employed and the gig economy workers are another matter but, things are moving fast and the government have a lot to contend with so, I wouldn’t be surprised to see something for those sectors as well.

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42 minutes ago, Chester40 said:

This is worth listening to.... 



  Please everyone listen to this! This is not scaremongering, this is real. My niece is a nurse. She did a shift on a CV ward at the Derby Royal a couple of nights ago. I say a ward because there were already three. She will be in self isolation, but only until her next shift I presume.

  My wife is a nurse over here in Spain. She's normally in day clinic, in gynaecology or dentistry or whatever. When she goes in on Monday, she doesn't know where she will be sent. She's never worked in the ICU, she's never been "frontline". Nearly all her experience has been clinic or day centre. She's sh**ing herself.

  Please, stay indoors and away from the general public the maximum you can. Don't go for a jog or a bike ride, no matter how much you're going to avoid proximity. Just by going out you're going to bring the virus into your house. Find other ways to exercise. You're lucky, you have gardens. You don't need to go into the street to get fresh air. Talk to your neighbour over the fence, maybe you'll become friends.

  Following rules just for once may save lives, maybe even your own.

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2 hours ago, Chester40 said:

I can see your perspective and how dispiriting it must be.

But you can't really blame the pub. Boris told people to largely carry on as normal til yesterday. 

Kids have been together in school all week, most workers have been in work all week, people have been having meals out/going to the cinema until a day or two again as normal ...and the pub will have tons of stock and likely no income for potentially months, so I can totally see why they offered and many people thought what the hell difference does one more day make. 

I’m sorry but I disagree. People have been told to ‘socially distance’ themselves. I wish I could but I have to go to work in a critical role. Kids were kept in school to allow the parents to carry on working. You should count yourself extremely privileged to be able to stay at home. I know there’s financial worries, I have adult children I worry about, but honestly this is not mucking about. I’m not here for an argument, I’ve faced enough stress this week but I won’t change my mind, it was a selfish act by all of them. 

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