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1 hour ago, Turk Thrust said:

I recall reading an autobiography of someone who went to Eton and they were allowed 3 sheets of bog roll - one up, one down and one to shine

David said 3 sheets is excessive. Thought I must look like a mummy. 

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Interesting hearing about the Vo experiment in Italy. A town of 3000/4000 folk where one of the first fatalities was recorded

they sealed it off and tested 100% of the citizens. And 2 weeks later tested them again.  1st point. 75% of those infected had no symptoms at all. No illness, nada. 2nd point They were still able to pass on the virus. 

The modellers are using this data to devise strategies on the hoof but as each day goes by we become more knowledgeable. 

keep well everyone. This will pass 

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7 minutes ago, smiths_tavrn said:

Dr. Vernon Coleman has his say.


PMSL, this guy retired as a GP 30-years ago with no background in immunology.

And he's utterly, utterly, wrong saying they are only testing really sick people.

I think I'll listen to Dr Fauci - a guy that actually does this for a living.

OTOH, Dr Quacky Coleman did write Mrs Caldicot's Cabbage War amongst a bunch of other fiction though. so there is that.

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18 hours ago, Tamworthram said:

How many volunteers would be required to achieve those sort of savings? He must have used some data. Not dismissing the idea but it sounds like an awful lot of volunteers would be needed. You could infect the whole of Derby but that isn’t going to help much in other parts of the country. You could infect 10% of a particular age group (a very big number) but that would still leave 90% exposed to everyone except the 10% volunteers.

Good questions. The modelling is American-based assuming you can infect and immediately quarantine 10 million volunteers (out of a total population of ~330 million) so the UK equivalent would be 2 million volunteers. 


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17 hours ago, richinspain said:

@Carl Sagan Surely self infecting a certain percentage would only work if the rest of the population stuck strictly to the self isolation? Those that have to go out and about, whether it be for work or just to buy (even the panic buyers will need to buy eventually), will still be exposed. Add in the complete bamfords, as we saw in the swimming pool video, and it's going to be very difficult to get it to work. There will also be a fair percentage of people already infected waiting for the symptoms to show themselves. Surely it's already too late for it to work?

Once those who volunteered for infection and quarantine re-emerged they would both be able to help others and the economy and would act as a buffer to slow the remaining spread, even when others weren't socially distancing properly. It's intended as a means of flattening the curve rather than halting the pandemic. 


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People where I work are getting wound up by the double standards that company are now using. We all got a email the other day telling managers not to visit other sites run by the company and not to have any face to face meetings with customers. But because Toyota has shut and only a couple of us are needed to do the work that needs doing, the company have told all the others to report for work as normal and they will be bused to other sites around the country to help out because of staff shortages! So not only are they all being put together on a bus, but they are being taken onto sites where people are off work because of the virus.

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8 hours ago, smiths_tavrn said:

I'd imagine anyone who doesn't support the mainstream view is a quack in your eyes Bob. Seems like you're infected with political correctness. Now that is a deadly virus,

I understand many of the points he is making and, I myself, can’t quite get my head around the seriousness of this virus compared to old fashioned flu as he calls it. But, there are so many people, far more knowledgeable than any one on this forum, around the world that consider this to be a major crisis. It seems every government in the world is taking this very seriously, no doubt after consulting with their medical and scientific advisers, and taking drastic action. I don’t fully get it but then I’m no expert and so I trust the overwhelming opinion from the experts that this is serious. 

He also compared this to previous scares and said the government likes to scare us from time to time to keep us under control (pretty much that, I can’t remember his exact words). Seriously? The governments of the world are going to allow their economies to go into meltdown to scare us? I don’t think so. That was the final nail in his credibility coffin as far as I was concerned.

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8 hours ago, smiths_tavrn said:

I'd imagine anyone who doesn't support the mainstream view is a quack in your eyes Bob. Seems like you're infected with political correctness. Now that is a deadly virus,

Bob's  not the first poster you've called politically correct when they have been dismissive of your wild theories.

Do you have even the slightest inclination of what being PC is, means? 

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Might just be me but, after the last few days of doom and gloom, I sensed a return of the good old 'British Spirit' this morning on the school run.

Hopefully yesterdays messages from the Prime Minister and Queen have regalvanised the country.

Think the media have their part to play now. I wont go as far as calling them.out and out scare stories, but maybe a bit more balanced reporting would not fo amiss right now.


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11 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Might just be me but, after the last few days of doom and gloom, I sensed a return of the good old 'British Spirit' this morning on the school run.

Hopefully yesterdays messages from the Prime Minister and Queen have regalvanised the country.

Think the media have their part to play now. I wont go as far as calling them.out and out scare stories, but maybe a bit more balanced reporting would not fo amiss right now.


I'm seeing a bit of that at work. Once the first round of usual suspects threw the towel in for a week off, the ones of us who actually get the work done are generally more energised, mutually supportive and 'at it'. I'm not saying some of the self-isolators didn't have a cough or temperature, but it was amazing how it correlates between those you'd expect to duck off and those who did duck off.


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