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2 hours ago, ramit said:

Talked to our travel agency today.  They are still flying to Spain, even with the country mostly shut down.  We do not have residency in Spain or any essential company work to do there so we are as i understand it not allowed into the country on April 5.  i told the courteous young man that i understand their predicament and that they are hoping most passengers will cancel their flights, so as the company won't have to pay back the ticket, but informed him that we would do no such thing and that their offer of going sometime later in the year would be impossible for us, that we have only this window, adding that if they would put us on a flight to a high risk area in lock down where we are not wanted and told by authorities to stay away, there would be repercussions.  He jotted everything down and promised to look into our particular case.  You shouldn't be flying there with anyone i said, to which he hesitantly replied, well we are doing what we can in this difficult situation.

Will just leave this clip here for your amusement


Put the stupid woman into isolation for around 6 months - it's the only way some people will learn

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34 minutes ago, JoetheRam said:

Despite having had the full capability of working from home for the last 3 days, my workplace have only just today decided to give us the personal choice of whether or not we go into the building.

This has led to some people staying on at work who may or may not be carrying the virus as they don't want to be seen as somehow disloyal or shirkers.

I'm outta there and will be working at home for the foreseeable unless I'm needed for something that cannot be done remotely.

This organisation? Three letters... begins with an N and ends in S.


Bloody students.

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2 hours ago, ramit said:

Talked to our travel agency today.  They are still flying to Spain, even with the country mostly shut down.  We do not have residency in Spain or any essential company work to do there so we are as i understand it not allowed into the country on April 5.  i told the courteous young man that i understand their predicament and that they are hoping most passengers will cancel their flights, so as the company won't have to pay back the ticket, but informed him that we would do no such thing and that their offer of going sometime later in the year would be impossible for us, that we have only this window, adding that if they would put us on a flight to a high risk area in lock down where we are not wanted and told by authorities to stay away, there would be repercussions.  He jotted everything down and promised to look into our particular case.  You shouldn't be flying there with anyone i said, to which he hesitantly replied, well we are doing what we can in this difficult situation.

Will just leave this clip here for your amusement


Looks as if the Spanish have had enough of us. The have announced that all Spanish hotels will be closed next week.

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16 minutes ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

Well that's me done now for the foreseeable. Off to do a 1.00AM shopping run later. Not sure about a bog roll hunt. Thinking about something more along the following lines tbh...



Just a normal shop then.

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1 hour ago, 1of4 said:

Depending how the company words it's policy on paying back unworked hours.

A company I once worked for made me work, pay back, the same amount of hours as I had previously not worked. Meaning the  first 24 extra hours I worked on my return to work were paid at the flat rate without any overtime premium.

Ours would be paid back at time and a half for weekday and Saturdays and double time for Sundays. But because I don't do any work for the Toyota UK plant and deal with parts going to Europe, Turkey and South Africa, I've probably done less than 10 hours overtime this year and would be paying back for the rest of my working life.

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41 minutes ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

Well that's me done now for the foreseeable. Off to do a 1.00AM shopping run later. Not sure about a bog roll hunt. Thinking about something more along the following lines tbh...



You need nuts with that lot..

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Got told today annual pay rises have been scrapped and annual bonus due in June has also been stopped. Throw in a cancelled holiday to Gran Canaria at Easter (now moved to September - fingers crossed), my 87 year old gran with dementia and a serious heart condition being rushed into hospital with breathing problems (once treated told to get her back to the care home as its a safer environment for her right now) and now schools closing its fair to say it's been a poo week so far. 

Thought I was doing OK until I heard Eurovision had been cancelled, how will I cope! 


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20 minutes ago, JoetheRam said:

Anyone more worried by a potential "lock down" scenario of police and the army patrolling the streets deciding who is and isn't allowed out, than the virus itself?

I'm concerned about trying to implement a lock down in a prison. Like theyre going to walk beind their doors the night before a lock down. 

We're outnumbered 30:1 as it is. 

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