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3 minutes ago, Pearl Ram said:

To protect the less than 1% ? ?‍♂️ You might be alright with somebody kicking it earlier than they might have ordinarily, I’m not and don’t mind doing my bit to contribute to their safety.

amazon fly GIF

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49 minutes ago, Van Gritters said:

So you believe all this BS that’s going on? How old are you? Do you have any underlying health problems? Do you want to be controlled?

Do I believe that over a million plus people have died from this in 9 months- that we know of -yes

Perhaps if people had kept there respective poo together instead of treating the summer respite like an 18-30 holiday the current measures wouldn't be necessary.

 Are you doing 20 years hard labour in San Quentin or can you go our tomorrow, do some shopping, see relatives, , go to the chippy, go to the park etc etc. 

I have - for your information - been and seen the sharp end of this thing, so if you want to stamp like a toddler you may get more sympathy elsewhere.


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6 minutes ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

Do I believe that over a million plus people have died from this in 9 months- that we know of -yes

Perhaps if people had kept there respective poo together instead of treating the summer respite like an 18-30 holiday the current measures wouldn't be necessary.

 Are you doing 20 years hard labour in San Quentin or can you go our tomorrow, do some shopping, see relatives, , go to the chippy, go to the park etc etc. 

I have - for your information - been and seen the sharp end of this thing, so if you want to stamp like a toddler you may get more sympathy elsewhere.


Thank god the Government have got a grip, and didn't encourage the population to get out and mix during the summer with a short sighted discount scheme.

Imagine the mess we'd be in now?

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20 minutes ago, 1967RAMS said:

Possibly because someone you care about may be in the the 1% 

Why are we treating the 1% like they are too stupid to make decisions for themselves.

My parents went 4 months without seeing their grandkids.

They are now comfortable enough to come and see them, knowing the chances of them (a) catching the virus are very slim and; (b) the chances of them getting seriously ill from it are even slimmer.

I just dont get the argument. If people are vulnerable then surely they need to be shielded regardless of what the other 99% of the population are doing.

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1 hour ago, Van Gritters said:

This virus kills less than 1% why do 99% have to suffer restrictions??

Several reasons:

1. 1% of an entire country is a lot of people. 

2. If this disease did just burn through without restrictions, a lot more than that would die when the NHS is overwhelmed. 

3. Death isn't the only consequence, many people who haven't even shown symptoms initially are shown to have negative impacts from the disease, including organ damage. 

In countries where they really were all in it together, and were led by leaders who could at least pretend to be competent for more than 5 minutes, the lockdowns effectively controlled the virus, and life is largely back to normal. 

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2 hours ago, reverendo de duivel said:


I don't know any of the answers. i don't know what to believe.

At the moment, although we see our local economies crashing all around us, the big tech companies, Facebook, Amazon, Google etc are absulutely booming. Jeff Bezos billions are multiplying quicker than the list of forest's ex managers.


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58 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Why are we treating the 1% like they are too stupid to make decisions for themselves.

My parents went 4 months without seeing their grandkids.

They are now comfortable enough to come and see them, knowing the chances of them (a) catching the virus are very slim and; (b) the chances of them getting seriously ill from it are even slimmer.

I just dont get the argument. If people are vulnerable then surely they need to be shielded regardless of what the other 99% of the population are doing.

The problem is the vulnerable can’t be protected properly. Cases are shooting up in care homes again. No visitors allowed so must be staff taking it in ( mainly young people ). If I was old and vulnerable. I would rather go out and take my chances than be locked indoors indefinitely. The economy value of no lockdown is massive. Firstly millions more taxpayers contributing and secondly if around 200,000 old and vulnerable people die, it will save billions in benefits and care costs. The trouble is the government can’t win. Lockdown and it’s a breach of civil liberties, do as you like and they will be responsible for all the deaths. I would just hope for a little more clear thinking and honesty from the government. They are obviously allowing herd immunity to develop amongst the students and a 10 PM curfew will not help and probably even increase spread. In my opinion 95% of pubs are doing things right. Shut the 5% permanently, that would solve the spread in hospitality 

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4 hours ago, Van Gritters said:

So you believe all this BS that’s going on? How old are you? Do you have any underlying health problems? Do you want to be controlled?

Another candidate for Bill Gates's 5G mind control conspiracy institute?

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4 hours ago, reverendo de duivel said:

Best we can do is make educated guesses based on what information we have and how we interpret that bearing in mind everyone's circumstances are different.

I like educated guesses.

Utterly batshiat insane guesses - well, that's another story.

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8 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

Loving some of the signatures on that declaration,

8 Dr. Shipmans

Dr. Dre

Dr. Seymour Clevage

Dr. Boaty McBoatface

Dr. Koch Womble

Dr. Bernard Castle (Optometrist)

Dr, Dido Harding (Excel expert)

twitter is mostly a huge pile of poo but occassionaly, its really funny. And those names are really on the petition.

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On 09/10/2020 at 11:06, SchtivePesley said:

No such thing as isolated Uni halls though. I know 3 people with kids at Nottingham Trent Uni at the moment. All freshers, all in different halls, all have tested postive, and all their halls are rife with it. They don't know each other, but they have all been out in the various student nights at pubs, mingling with the student population. But these pubs aren't staffed by students - they are staffed by people from the community, the trams and buses and taxis are driven by people in the community, shops where they buy their stuff - staffed by the community.

Cases in Nottingham have risen seven-fold in a matter of days. This is the exact exponential scenario that we warned about and a lot of people poo-pooed. OK, so no students have died yet, but they will. There will be students with pre-existing conditions who won't be so lucky as those who just feel a bit "under the weather" and don't take isolation seriously

70,000 confirmed cases of students with it in USA. Zero deaths. 


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