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14 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

The first death in UK is being reported as February.

I'd therefore hazard a guess that the virus was here in January at the very latest.

So between January and the end of March there was no social distancing, no masks and people just carrying on as normal.

We not have social distancing and masks and on the whole people behaving sensibly. 

And we are told that cases are as high as at the peak.

Something really doesnt add up here.



They're not & I wish they'd stop showing that graph. Yes, the number of positive tests is similar to April but they were testing hardly anyone back then.

The news show that graph but then say that estimated cases in the first peak were around 100k per day. OK then, stop showing that first peak on the graph because it's totally misleading and pointless with the amount of testing done now.

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2 minutes ago, therealhantsram said:

The governments coronavirus track and trace app is live in app stores today. 

The risk in my area is apparently Medium. 

Has anyone got an area risk of anything other than medium? Call me cynical, but I am a bit suspicious it's the same regardless of where you are in the UK. 

Just installed it myself.

Apparently it's only either Medium or High. The definition of Medium is that yours, or a neighbouring area has rising cases - which must be pretty much everywhere - even if the absolute numbers are still relatively low.

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8 minutes ago, therealhantsram said:

The governments coronavirus track and trace app is live in app stores today. 

The risk in my area is apparently Medium. 

Has anyone got an area risk of anything other than medium? Call me cynical, but I am a bit suspicious it's the same regardless of where you are in the UK. 

Downloaded it and mine said write out your will and only put a tenners worth of petrol in the car.


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1 hour ago, Tamworthram said:

On one hand this isn’t a great bit of news.

However, you could turn it on it’s head and suggest that it’s a good job some people have invested in such firms. Without investment they cannot develop the drugs. 

Only a very tiny minority (it seems) don’t think we need a vaccine as soon as possible and I can’t see how any of the advice he is giving (lock downs, social distancing etc.) is influenced by his financial interest unless, you believe in conspiracy theories and think he is scaremongering in order to promote a vaccine. If so, he is by no means alone.

It would probably be better, in order to avoid any suspicion, if he didn’t have this shareholding but, provided he declares a pecuniary interest if he ever gets close to decisions regarding choosing suppliers then I don’t see a problem.


This also seems minor compared to the value of contracts the government has given out to it's friends, often when they have zero experience in the field they are being paid for. 

It's probably a good time now to pretend you have a company who can quickly build huge car parks. Or say you can find someone who can quickly build huge car parks.

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15 hours ago, TexasRam said:


No - not allegedly. That's just how viruses work.

You and others are advocating that we don't adopt measures to control the virus (for whatever weird reasons)

If we don't adopt measures to control a virus - it gets out of control

It's not "allegedly" and it's not "a dangerous unsubstantiated theory" - it's a medical fact.

You know facts - the things you profess to only deal in?


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49 minutes ago, therealhantsram said:

The governments coronavirus track and trace app is live in app stores today. 

The risk in my area is apparently Medium. 

Has anyone got an area risk of anything other than medium? Call me cynical, but I am a bit suspicious it's the same regardless of where you are in the UK. 

I have downloaded it and it is saying high for my post code.

According to the BBC website, Tamworth has 27 cases per 100,000 (compared with a national average of 19) so, I can't imagine what the app must be showing for the really high infection rate areas.

Personally, and I know the privacy police would be strongly opposed, but I think the app should be mandatory not optional. Even then though, it will only work if a) you report symptoms if you have them and b) if you get an alert you act upon it. Sadly, an bamfords out there are not likely to do either of these.

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10 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

I'm 2 hours drive from Derbyshire so probably a bit too far for you! The new rules yesterday barred indoor sports so seems to imply outdoor is fine. 


Looking at this BBC article it suggests its not allowed what you are doing, if your football is informal? I've read through the Gov sites and it seems to suggest its not allowed.

So if you have a facility that is permitting you to continue hiring it - then fair play!

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9 hours ago, Uptherams said:

Would be interesting to know if this is just investigative journalism or people in government passing on info when suitable. A bit like how the news of Ferguson's Dangerous Liaisons were delayed until the point he suggested a different course of action to the government. 

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5 minutes ago, rammieib said:


Looking at this BBC article it suggests its not allowed what you are doing, if your football is informal? I've read through the Gov sites and it seems to suggest its not allowed.

So if you have a facility that is permitting you to continue hiring it - then fair play!

"Whoever is organising formal matches must conduct a risk assessment and ensure compliance with Covid-19 secure guidelines, which includes players arriving changed and ready to play, social distancing during warm-ups and avoiding equipment sharing."

We take a register each week. I think someone may have done a risk assessment, or at least the school did and told us what to do. I think the bibs are washed each week too. We always turn up ready to play anyway and any warmups are usually an individual jog and stretch, normally the first 15 mins of the game for me!

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1 hour ago, SchtivePesley said:

No - not allegedly. That's just how viruses work.

You and others are advocating that we don't adopt measures to control the virus (for whatever weird reasons)

If we don't adopt measures to control a virus - it gets out of control

It's not "allegedly" and it's not "a dangerous unsubstantiated theory" - it's a medical fact.

You know facts - the things you profess to only deal in?


We will see won’t we. Unfortunately  for me you can’t loose in your argument. Deaths don’t toll up again, then you will say “I was right we should have put in all these restrictions”. Death do toll up again, and you’ll say “see I was right this is a terrible virus”. 
Again unfortunately but in the UK my hypothesis won’t be played out, and we will reap what we sow. There is a poo storm coming and it’s not a virus that for the 99.98% majority is nothing more than a common cold.

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5 minutes ago, djfred84 said:

Add covid 19 on top that's about 100000

And that extra 50k were nearly all within a couple of months too! 

You know that theory that parents aren't able to remember how hard it is to raise a baby, meaning they often sign up to have another one or two?

Perhaps there is an evolutionary reason why people seem to blank out pandemics that kill off loads of older people. I guess from a purely evolutionary purpose, why not kill off the elderly? They can't reproduce or properly look after children. They are a drain on resources and money that could be spent improving the lives of healthy, younger people.

If you agree with my new theory, please accept it as fact and spread it like a virus.

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1 hour ago, Tamworthram said:

I have downloaded it and it is saying high for my post code.

According to the BBC website, Tamworth has 27 cases per 100,000 (compared with a national average of 19) so, I can't imagine what the app must be showing for the really high infection rate areas.

Personally, and I know the privacy police would be strongly opposed, but I think the app should be mandatory not optional. Even then though, it will only work if a) you report symptoms if you have them and b) if you get an alert you act upon it. Sadly, an bamfords out there are not likely to do either of these.

And C)..if your phone is less than 5 years old.

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9 hours ago, sunnyhill60 said:

Which other virus has killed 50K in a year in UK?


2 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

Influenza in 2018


2 hours ago, maxjam said:


Never really paid much attention to flu tbh prior to this year so googled that;


Interesting to read that in 2018 60k+ people died from flu in the UK which was the 2nd time seasonal flu had killed more than 60k people since records began (they only began in 2006)

Also interesting to read that the outbreak was caused by 2 different strains - Japanese Flu and Aussie Flu.  I guess we weren't so precious back then about naming viruses from the parts of the world from which they originated...

@sunnyhill60seems to be correct - for example, according to BMJ, in first seven months of 2020, over 50k excess deaths estimated to be due to covid in UK.


However, I've no idea where @G STAR RAMand @maxjamgot their figures from. Although looking at that Daily Mail article I suspect they might be confusing overall deaths with excess deaths.

Most sources I found were quoting estimates from the flu seasons covering the years 2014/15-2017/18, Here the flu is estimated to have led to an average of about 17k excess deaths per season (range about 12k to 28k).

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