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4 hours ago, BaaLocks said:

Nope, don't agree. If there had been clarity and direction from the start - with leaders following those actions - and a set of consequences that were clear and in place then we wouldn't have the same level of flagrant disregard that we see today. Government allowed too much to be advisory and open to interpretation because - frankly - they feared the litigious (and party funding / support withdrawal) response of being too draconian towards the private sector and the knowledge that they will need every ally as we march towards Brexit.

Or, if you want to follow the other line of thinking, they were too slow to dispel the herd immunity group think at the front end of the lockdown and from there the genie was well and truly out of the bottle. One famous trip to the opticians merely served to show those that wanted to that there was no leadership to speak of, then VE Day, BLM, bank holiday beaches were merely an extrapolation of that for those that chose to see it as the excuse they needed.

And when some form of relaxation came, the measures were unclear and unenforced (as anyone who has been to a pub in the past six weeks has seen) so everyone has drawn the conclusion that was right in front of our noses - they don't know what they're doing. Pop test and trace, testing, PPE, EU vaccine programmes, quarantine / immigration and every other touchpoint on top and you'd be somewhere near barmy to have confidence in this crew to manage us out of this.

I don't buy it's on us to just know how to behave - if that was the case we wouldn't need traffic lights, drink driving laws, seat belt regulations or planning permission.

Thank you, after a hard day at work this raised a chuckle.


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4 hours ago, BaaLocks said:

Nope, don't agree. If there had been clarity and direction from the start - with leaders following those actions - and a set of consequences that were clear and in place then we wouldn't have the same level of flagrant disregard that we see today. Government allowed too much to be advisory and open to interpretation because - frankly - they feared the litigious (and party funding / support withdrawal) response of being too draconian towards the private sector and the knowledge that they will need every ally as we march towards Brexit.

Or, if you want to follow the other line of thinking, they were too slow to dispel the herd immunity group think at the front end of the lockdown and from there the genie was well and truly out of the bottle. One famous trip to the opticians merely served to show those that wanted to that there was no leadership to speak of, then VE Day, BLM, bank holiday beaches were merely an extrapolation of that for those that chose to see it as the excuse they needed.

And when some form of relaxation came, the measures were unclear and unenforced (as anyone who has been to a pub in the past six weeks has seen) so everyone has drawn the conclusion that was right in front of our noses - they don't know what they're doing. Pop test and trace, testing, PPE, EU vaccine programmes, quarantine / immigration and every other touchpoint on top and you'd be somewhere near barmy to have confidence in this crew to manage us out of this.

I don't buy it's on us to just know how to behave - if that was the case we wouldn't need traffic lights, drink driving laws, seat belt regulations or planning permission.

Don't follow any lines of thinking except your own.  Don't make anyone responsible for your choices, except yourself.  Don't look for leaders, or guidance and i ask you all to imagine this, that there are no leaders, there is no guidance, there is only you and what you choose to do and the responsibility for your actions is yours alone.  You are right to question authority, God speed to you.  IMO i'ts a show, a theater to enthrall, captivate and terrorize the audience into submission, which was the goal to begin with.

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2 hours ago, Van Wolfie said:

Nah, still a cop out. The rules have changed along the way because it's an unprecedented fast changing situation but they have been communicated at every stage.

Selfish people claiming to be confused as justification for not being able to follow simple rules unless they are spoon fed and threatened with punishments like naughty children.

I've lost a lot more faith in the public during this than I have in politicians (all of them, btw)

I'm sure most of the people who you say are unable to follow simple rules, only broke them in a very limited and specific manner.

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8 hours ago, Van Wolfie said:


I've lost a lot more faith in the public during this than I have in politicians (all of them, btw)

I really can't agree with this. The vast bulk of people have done exactly what they were told - from wearing a mask, not going on public transport, not traveling to work, not seeing loved ones, to just not leaving the house! - no matter how poorly justified, no matter how illogical or reactionary or vaguely based on some science that is then almost immediately revised and shown to be contradictory to the next new plan..no matter how shambolic the long term planning is, how embarrassing the track n trace has been, no matter how poorly led and how unbelievably hypocritical and underhand the government appear.. ...the huge majority just do it. with a bit of a grumble at most. 

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Can't say were I work other than its a medical facility and not in Derbyshire. Back in March we got hit hard by Covid with many staff off ill, due to people not being sure about what was happening so no social distancing and no PPE when seeing patents.

I was off ill for over a month (which has never happen before) Thankfully I and all the other staff made a full recovery. And it wasn't until June and the start of anti-body testing that it was confirmed that we had had Covid.

However this week has seen a spike in staff calling in ill and being ask to have a Covid test which have come back as positive include some staff who had already been tested positive for Covid anti-bodies.

So the theory that was going around that you can't get Covid twice seems not to be true.


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£100bn on testing for Covid-19. More dodgy deals. Someone needs to send Boris for an MRI scan.

Current politicians are saying stuff like history will judge we did they right things. If this carries on it will be the complete opposite. One of the biggest screwups in modern history. 

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4 hours ago, Uptherams said:

£100bn on testing for Covid-19. More dodgy deals. Someone needs to send Boris for an MRI scan.

Current politicians are saying stuff like history will judge we did they right things. If this carries on it will be the complete opposite. One of the biggest screwups in modern history. 

Monumental screw ups.

Develop a test you can take at home - if this thing is passed on by droplets they need an instant result saliva test or breath test that they can give to people and it has repeatable use.

it only needs to be 99% accurate as any positive test can then be done with a professional check.

But no - we want to roll out three million tests a day. That’s 1 in 20 taking a test every day. They are in dream land.

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6 hours ago, TexasRam said:

Got to love our brothers and sisters in OZ, they say it like it is. Absolutely bang on. 


Yeah, someone working for a Murdoch tv channel can really be trusted to have no other agenda.

I wonder if the Aus government have looked at western Europe and thought they may want to try and avoid thousands of deaths? 

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1 hour ago, rammieib said:

Monumental screw ups.

Develop a test you can take at home - if this thing is passed on by droplets they need an instant result saliva test or breath test that they can give to people and it has repeatable use.

it only needs to be 99% accurate as any positive test can then be done with a professional check.

But no - we want to roll out three million tests a day. That’s 1 in 20 taking a test every day. They are in dream land.

Cummings mates are gonna make a fortune out of this.

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20 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

Cummings mates are gonna make a fortune out of this.

That's a bit harsh. 

It's a natural progression to go in four years from a company that matches your DNA to your makeup requirements, endorsed by the drummer in Duran Duran, to a company that matches your dietary requirements to your DNA, endorsed by the not at all dodgy ex Thai leader Thaksin Shinawatra (thanks Google), despite no scientific evidence of the benefits of either project, to a provider of the UK's world beating 90 minute no lab required home Covid test being rolled out.

All this, at the bargain price of only £181m pounds.


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8 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

Yeah, someone working for a Murdoch tv channel can really be trusted to have no other agenda.

I wonder if the Aus government have looked at western Europe and thought they may want to try and avoid thousands of deaths? 

Don’t like hearing non scaring mongering facts ? Bored of your constant lockdown loving, we’re all going to die, we must never have a normal life again BS...blocked 

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How we get out of this horrendous mess I don't know. Seems just to be impossible to arrest or slow down without draconian measures. 

Without a vaccine we cannot come back to normality - it cannot come soon enough. Feels like life has been mostly on pause for 6 months now.

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16 minutes ago, alexxxxx said:

How we get out of this horrendous mess I don't know. Seems just to be impossible to arrest or slow down without draconian measures. 

Without a vaccine we cannot come back to normality - it cannot come soon enough. Feels like life has been mostly on pause for 6 months now.

I dont think a vaccine is the be all. I think the implementation of drugs that can help minimise the effects in those worse affected will also be effective in allowing us to return to normal.

There are lots of trials going on, a drug i take for my blood cancer is being trialled and has had very successful results so far. The main issue with people who die is this cytokine storm but the drug im on inhibits the bodies immune response and therefore prevents it, or stops it in those who have got seriously ill.

I think if we dont get a vaccine we wil end up with a situation where other drugs help treat it in those most at risk, and we accept although its not a nice thought, that some people will continue to die. If those levels are low as they are now then in my mind its another illness, like the flu or colds.

I think the ramping up of the flu jab will be a good thing this winter, the more we can leave hospitals free for covid and minimise flu admissions will be key too.


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18 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

I dont think a vaccine is the be all. I think the implementation of drugs that can help minimise the effects in those worse affected will also be effective in allowing us to return to normal.

Indeed - i've never had a flu jab, but that's because I don't think there is much chance it would  kill me if I caught it

I'm less bothered about catching covid19 and having a week in bed, and more bothered about catching it and it killing me

Vaccine for the vulnerable (and anyone else that wants it) and drugs to minimise effects for everyone else is my view

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