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The Politics Thread 2020


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1 minute ago, Alpha said:

Yeah and if he was being pulled up on the "superior black race" comment that he easily waved away as "I was hacked" then we would have grounds to hammer him

I'm the same as you. I'm not sure what he actually said wrong. 

His enemy Jarrel Miller actually came to his defence and gave some perspective. 

A lot of races, nationalities and religions support their local business. 

Jarrel Miller spoke about how African and Caribbean communities are consumers but produce very little. That what he took from that speech was to stop gang crime, stop blaming each other and support the rise of these communities. To help themselves. 

I wouldn't say it was anti white. Just pro black. And he is black. 

I wonder if the people truly offended by it are the same ones that for years are complaining about fake news political correctness. "Oh, you can't say anything now without offending them!". 

Should be pulled up on his hacked comment though. That was dismissed too easy. Anybody who talks about superior races shouldn't get a free pass, should they?

For me, it's not much different than saying ''support British'', he just wants to help people within the black community as you say, no part of that speech made me think he was a racist or was wrong. I was nodding along to most of it. Boxing fans love making a mountain out of a molehill. 

The ''hacked'' defense is far too easy though I agree, it tends to be the go to excuse for anything people get caught out for on a social media site. I don't know if I believe that story all too much. It definitely got skipped over a bit more than you would expect for people talking about superior races.

I think in normal circumstances, the Joshua speech doesn't bother anyone. People are just looking for reasons to be offended at him, and he probably could have said anything and offended people. I'll continue to support him as I did before.

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I'm probably in a minority here who doesn't believe these statues should be pulled down or defaced. I was brought up and educated to explore and investigate the lives of people who had statues erected in memory of them and even as a child I was aware that some, indeed quite a few, had a rather abhorrent side to their character. Consequently I have always had the view that these people were of their time and times and attitudes have moved on. Sure I can understand people may find them offensive but getting rid of these statues is not going to change what happened and we need to focus on improving people's lives now and in the future.  Constantly looking back fuels anger, anxiety and may in cases escalates hatred. As ever this is purely my opinion and I understand and respect those who have differing opinions. Please extend the same courtesy to me. Thank you.

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Sith Happens
6 minutes ago, reverendo de duivel said:

His name will be splashed all over the papers tomorrow.

how do you know ? has the information been 'leaked '

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4 hours ago, Paul71 said:

It is utterly disgusting, what on earth must the family of Keith Palmer thing of this? I am appalled, I know it may be very harsh but I hope the person in it is recognised and he is receiving a call form his employer today explaining why he will no longer be required to turn up for work.


So - someone help me out here. Is this guy a BLM protester or an EDL Football Thug Patriot? 

So hard to tell from behind

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Sith Happens

I see Stan Collymore has received an awful message relating to recent events from someone calling themselves dcfcleo , hope leo isn't a member on this forum. 


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1 hour ago, Paul71 said:

I was angry last week that the BLM protests were potentially putting lives at risk because of the lack of social distancing,  I also won't agree with the way the statue was removed,  or the vandalism, however what happened yesterday has left me feeling ashamed.  I just hope that people know that these thugs don't represent the views of the majority of us.

I certainly don’t feel ashamed , people like that are duck all to do with me just as no black person should be ashamed of anybody who behaves badly 

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33 minutes ago, Dappled Ram said:

I'm probably in a minority here who doesn't believe these statues should be pulled down or defaced. I was brought up and educated to explore and investigate the lives of people who had statues erected in memory of them and even as a child I was aware that some, indeed quite a few, had a rather abhorrent side to their character. Consequently I have always had the view that these people were of their time and times and attitudes have moved on. Sure I can understand people may find them offensive but getting rid of these statues is not going to change what happened and we need to focus on improving people's lives now and in the future.  Constantly looking back fuels anger, anxiety and may in cases escalates hatred. As ever this is purely my opinion and I understand and respect those who have differing opinions. Please extend the same courtesy to me. Thank you.

Unfortunately the statues have done little to educate many people about the past. 

How else could they be doing Nazi salutes in front of monuments to WW2 heroes? 

This alone shreds the argument that the statues educate anyone. 

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Just now, GboroRam said:

Unfortunately the statues have done little to educate many people about the past. 

How else could they be doing Nazi salutes in front of monuments to WW2 heroes? 

This alone shreds the argument that the statues educate anyone. 

No it might support the thought that statutes don’t educate everyone, but you carry on raging to support your one eyed argument.

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How do people think about possible proposals to introduce a specific criminal offence of "Desecration of War Memorials". At present the law is covered by criminal damage and there is a "threshold" whereby damage less than £5,000 is handled by magistrates and only above that number does prosceution proceed through the criminal courts.

There is potential for jail sentences of up to 10 years.

For me, memorials are property and therefore treatment should be consistent with that of offences against other property. This proposal would seem to introduce an uneven playing field in that ripping down the Colston statue may land you a find, whereas spray painting churchill may get you several years inside. 

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10 minutes ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

How do people think about possible proposals to introduce a specific criminal offence of "Desecration of War Memorials". At present the law is covered by criminal damage and there is a "threshold" whereby damage less than £5,000 is handled by magistrates and only above that number does prosceution proceed through the criminal courts.

There is potential for jail sentences of up to 10 years.

For me, memorials are property and therefore treatment should be consistent with that of offences against other property. This proposal would seem to introduce an uneven playing field in that ripping down the Colston statue may land you a find, whereas spray painting churchill may get you several years inside. 

I don't want to send people to prison for spray painting a memorial. Or pissing on one.

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57 minutes ago, Eddie said:

Yesterday, I think I lost hope.

Don't give up hope @Eddie. Just wait for when that wonderful deal with the EU comes out of the oven, all golden and lovely at the end of the year. When our splendid manufacturing industry begin selling it's wears around the world. With the factories and mills at full capacity, the people of Great Britain enjoying all the benefits of full employment and the rewards it brings.

Then we will all come together as one nation in the celebrating of our heroes, in erecting statues of Johnson, Sunak, Raab, Gove, Hancock, Patel, Sharma and the rest of our glorious leaders and maybe one for Farage and  even Cummings.

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Sith Happens
3 minutes ago, AndyinLiverpool said:

I don't want to send people to prison for spray painting a memorial. Or pissing on one.

I would suggest that education through a few hundred hours community service cleaning chewing gum, litter, graffiti,  piss would be more appropriate. 

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3 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

I would suggest that education through a few hundred hours community service cleaning chewing gum, litter, graffiti,  piss would be more appropriate. 

Just get them to clean it off. All these things are in public places, so the public will have ample opportunity to tell these people what they think of them.

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32 minutes ago, i-Ram said:

No it might support the thought that statutes don’t educate everyone, but you carry on raging to support your one eyed argument.

Raging? OK. 

I presume you must be raging that people are attacking the right wingers waving their right arms about? Didn't really think you were, but maybe my idea of raging is wrong. 

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2 hours ago, Eddie said:

Sanitised. No picture of the lout pissing on the memorial, no Nazi salutes - and the narrative described them as 'demonstrators' or 'counter-protesters' whereas last week it was 'rioters'. Controlling the narrative targets public opinion - and by George, it works.

Amazing. You really are utterly shameless. I've provided you links to the very publications you are whinging about. Not one of them refers to rioters on their front page.

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To be honest I'm not a huge fan of the slogan BLM. I would much rather it be ALM. All lives matter. All people have the right to be treated fairly and equally. There should be no discrimination against anyone regardless of whatever race they are. I just find the slogan Black lives matter diversive not unifying.

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6 minutes ago, Dappled Ram said:

To be honest I'm not a huge fan of the slogan BLM. I would much rather it be ALM. All lives matter. All people have the right to be treated fairly and equally. There should be no discrimination against anyone regardless of whatever race they are. I just find the slogan Black lives matter diversive not unifying.

It's not 'Black Lives Matter' at the exclusion of everybody else; it's 'Black Lives Matter' as much as everybody else.

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