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Lawrence and Bennett Convicted of drink driving

Message added by Day

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37 minutes ago, atherstoneram said:

Perhaps the hierarchy/manager at the club thought the players were mature enough (after previous incidents) to understand what the night was all about, after a days team building, a meal with a drink included to unwind,discuss and focus on the future after a shaky start to the season.with transport laid on to get players home provided at the end of the evening.I do not think whatsoever they would have been given permission to act carte-blanche to get off their heads. I am astounded at Keogh if i am honest, a team captains responsibility extends off the field and should have been keeping them in check at an event like this

Who knows if the drinking would have come to light if the accident happened, i would like to think it would have

You put a group of young lads together in a pub and think that maturity will kick in you are either naive or stupid. Them I have lost count of the amount of times I have said I’m just popping out for one or I’ll be back by 8 and rolled in at 3 in the morning 

I remember watching Gary Neville (think it was Salford) where he talks about the team being allowed out for a meal, 2 glasses of wine or beer was allowed. Next morning half the team roll in battered, and he said there was no surprise, he knew it was going to happen as they had put them in that environment if the first place and even though they set a limit it would be ignored.

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12 minutes ago, Tombo said:

Forest are usually good at outdoing us when we do something shambolic.

Lets see you beat this one Dogs

I miss Fawaz. 

Demis Roussos had such great potential with his match fixing, bakery burning, heroin smuggling antics, yet he's so far disappointingly beige.

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4 hours ago, Ruda Harliss said:

Pol Pot, Idi Armin, Hitler, Jeffrey Dahmer, Ian Brady............Mason Bennett and Tom Lawrence?

Apologies for calling this statement but as I read through the hysteria this morning it was the one statement that jumped out at me.

We all are in agreement , I think, that what they did was Stupid, extremely dangerous, reckless and completely inexcusable. Of course they should be punished and it will probably fall short of what some people believe is appropriate.

Human history has thrown up some monsters. Also some Idiots,  let’s not confuse the two.

Just an idiot that’s dragged the reputation of the club into the mud..shown a complete lack of respect and professionalism and potentially endangering people’s life’s and helped  to finish the career of the now ex captain . Not to mention his erratic form for the club which now has become obvious why , he’s took the p**s out of everyone... but no not a monster.. just to give it perspective 

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I can stomach the stupidity of the individual's actions...each have their own reasons/story/excuse... But it's the seeming totally endemic lack of professionalism and poor attitude/ethic that is really troubling me. 

Sure a few can have a couple of beers, maybe even over-do it a little....but there seems such a low starting level of respect for the club that it allows things to just get totally out of hand.

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34 minutes ago, AdamRam said:

You put a group of young lads together in a pub and think that maturity will kick in you are either naive or stupid. Them I have lost count of the amount of times I have said I’m just popping out for one or I’ll be back by 8 and rolled in at 3 in the morning 

I remember watching Gary Neville (think it was Salford) where he talks about the team being allowed out for a meal, 2 glasses of wine or beer was allowed. Next morning half the team roll in battered, and he said there was no surprise, he knew it was going to happen as they had put them in that environment if the first place and even though they set a limit it would be ignored.

We have all done that me included, however what most of us don't do is A Drive and B let it Interfere with our careers. lucrative or otherwise.


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11 minutes ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

As said in the other thread, Keogh's nan passed away on Thursday. Clearly, that doesn't explain his actions on Tuesday, but he's clearly going to be in a very dark place at the minute.

We all lose people. Most of us don't use it as an excuse to put others at risk.

Im sorry to learn he lost his nan. I am however sure his nan would be so upset he has behaved in such a deplorable way.



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46 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

We all lose people. Most of us don't use it as an excuse to put others at risk.

Im sorry to learn he lost his nan. I am however sure his nan would be so upset he has behaved in such a deplorable way.

That's why I said it doesn't explain his actions at all. I'm just saying that he will be in an absolutely awful place at the minute, so I hope people aren't horrible to him if they come across him or anything like that.

And, don't forget, he didn't directly 'put others at risk'. He let himself down as a captain and an experienced player, but he shouldn't be put in the same bracket as Bennett and Lawrence.

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Just now, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

That's why I said it doesn't explain his actions at all. I'm just saying that he will be in an absolutely awful place at the minute, so I hope people aren't horrible to him if they come across him or something like that.

And, don't forget, he didn't directly 'put others at risk'. He let himself down as a captain and an experienced player, but he shouldn't be put in the same bracket as Bennett and Lawrence.

I agree the others should be treated more harshly.


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1 hour ago, Popular side said:

Just an idiot that’s dragged the reputation of the club into the mud..shown a complete lack of respect and professionalism and potentially endangering people’s life’s and helped  to finish the career of the now ex captain . Not to mention his erratic form for the club which now has become obvious why , he’s took the p**s out of everyone... but no not a monster.. just to give it perspective 

Just 1 idiot? What about the other driver and ALL the passengers?

and as for Keogh, he has to take responsibility for his decisions. You’re post seems to put it all on one person?

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