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Lawrence and Bennett Convicted of drink driving

Message added by Day

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Is it possible to pin the various newspaper articles to the top of this thread - so that we can easily find the latest news being published about the incident (as opposed to social media rumours) ... (although it might be helpful to have links to any factual social media too, such as photographs... 

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3 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

Im with you.

Its horrific. 

Sack them.

To be like that then drive

Deserves the sack and a short spell inside to learn from his mistakes 

Then maybe if he's lucky a lower league club will take a punt on him if he's seen to have learnt

Absolutely abhorrent behaviour

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Didn't comment when I heard the Keogh news I as didn't know what to say. 

Still don't really apart from they are total berks, they could really have derailed our season here!

The fact that the club stress in their statement that they laid on cars and the players stayed behind is utterly damning! It also will go against them in court along with the fact that there was someone injured in the incident.

You could have argued that we wouldn't have missed Lawrence and Bennett for a few games. Now that problem becomes ten times the size as we can't replace Keogh, there's not transfer window and he's key to how we are trying to play as well as being captain. 

You've got to give Cocu a free hit here as he's really been given the poo end of the stick. Hopefully we can hit mid table get some of the wasters out in Jan and if not Jan then next summer. Cocu needs to cut out whoever he thinks is a problem.  

The other concern is that I get the feeling this isn't done and there's more to come, I can't put my finger on it but what we've seen, heard so far doesn't seem to sit right at the moment........I hope I'm wrong. 

*******Jeysus no sooner had I finished I see the Mirror stuff pop up*******


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It doesn't look good, due to what happened later on but that video will only have made the press due to those later events of the night, I highly doubt it would have seen the light of day if the crash and subsequent charges didn't happen. How many other videos are there out there of that nature? Probably not just of our players either, I'd imagine.

The fact that it appears to have been posted on Huddlestone's account doesn't mean that he was aware of what happened later on in the night and that they drove home, does it?

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1 minute ago, LittleEatonRam said:

National laughing stock. ZERO sympathy or tolerance for this. 

Well done Huddlestone as well. This just gets worse and worse, and I get more and more angry.

If this isn't dealt with in the most severe terms I will never forgive those in charge of this club.

I can see a lot of fans becoming alienated if the club handle this badly, no doubt at all they'll be reading the forums over the next few days to gauge things


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29 minutes ago, Pearl Ram said:

Rehabilitation my arse, they would have had plenty of guidance from the PFA regarding this kind of behaviour and clearly chose to ignore that, add the fact that Bennett was at a drink aware event 24 hours prior to bending his motor illustrates to me they would only be paying lip service to any kind of rehabilitation. It’s punishment, punishment, punishment all the way for me, Mel Morris doesn’t deserve this kind of c rap from players, Cocu doesn’t deserve it, the good name of the club, and us as fans either. They make me puke, I’m fizzin’. Bunch of tosssers.

Tend to agree. I wouldn't give a hoot if the three of them never played for my club again. Likely that Keogh has finished his own Derby career and the other two wouldn't be missed. My guess that Lawrence will be kept on (as he has a transfer value, albeit significantly less than we paid) and sold to the first club that come calling. Bennett's game time will be reduced to zero and will be more or less given away to a league 1 or 2 club. 

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I'm trying to stay calm and level-headed over this.

My calling for the heads of those involved isn't an overreaction as I despise drink drivers, but I would have understood if that punishment wasn't carried out as it typically isn't the done thing (even if I would still hope the club would look to get rid), however this latest video of Bennett has pushed my limits.  I would never forgive those running the club if they continue to support Bennett after all of this.

It's only by pure luck that this isn't far worse and, from his perspective, a little girl could easily have woken up without her father.

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22 minutes ago, Mostyn6 said:

He had a great game against Leeds last weekend!

joking apart, no players have had good games this season, so you singling out Lawrence is a bit harsh and daft. 

When people say he a great player and will be missed,That is what I replying too. 

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34 minutes ago, Kernow said:

Lovely to see our new club captain being a good influence.


33 minutes ago, Millenniumram said:

Just said similar in the other thread. No way should he be captain with that. Growing to despise this squad as a whole

In fairness, 

We don't know that Huddlestone was involved in the drive back. We don't know that he didn't leave earlier, in a taxi, like a reasonable adult.


Mocking friends who've had too much is pretty standard behavior. I've never once believed any of them are going to be stupid enough to try and drive home.


If Huddlestone was in the cars; or Huddlestone was aware they were going to drive home - then I agree with you both, it's just awful. But we don't know that that's the case and if it wasn't he's behaved pretty normally. 

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6 minutes ago, Cam the Ram said:

In the 2nd clip filming Mason sat drinking at the table you can hear Chris Martin talking as well. Not quite sure who it is that shouts, "go on then Bitto (?)," but I'm pretty sure it isn't Keogh, Lawrence or Huddlestone. So there's at least 5 other players seeing Bennett in a bad way and still the incident was allowed to happen. I'm sure more news will come out in the coming days on the other players involved and things will only get worse 

I think people need to be careful, just because it appears certain other players may have been there in the videos does not mean those players were involved in what later happened, it's entirely possible they could have left in taxis before the others left.

Let's let the club find out what happened before tarring them all with the same brush, shall we?

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7 minutes ago, SuperDerbySuperRams said:

Nothing too wrong with them filming and joking. We’ve all done that. But allowing someone in that state to drive home... You’re not only a bad team mate, but an awful friend 

I agree. But we don't know if Huddlestone was still there when they went home.

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After seeing that video I’ll be disappointed if Bennett isn’t gone in January at the latest. Same for Lawrence if he was in that state too.

How can you drink like that and then expect to train properly in the next few days? Only 2 months in to a season as well after probably a full summer drinking.

It’s not like Bennett’s even a first team player, you’d think he would be doing everything possible to better himself.

Clearly their lifestyles come before Derby. I’d literally give my left nut to be in their career position.

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2 minutes ago, MK-Ram said:

I'm trying to stay calm and level-headed over this.

My calling for the heads of those involved isn't an overreaction as I despise drink drivers, but I would have understood if that punishment wasn't carried out as it typically isn't the done thing (even if I would still hope the club would look to get rid), however this latest video of Bennett has pushed my limits.  I would never forgive those running the club if they continue to support Bennett after all of this.

It's only by pure luck that this isn't far worse and, from his perspective, a little girl could easily have woken up without her father.

That hits home right there. If the club support him after this reprehensible behaviour, I'm not sure many of us could support the current ownership of the club

I hope he does a short spell inside for his actions,not as an act of punishment but hopefully so he can do some growing up. 


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I know these players are adults so should be treated as such, but why on earth do you choose to drink recklessly like that when you’re a pro footballer. They get paid all these thousands upon thousands a week to be in tip top shape then they’re out drink stupidly like that in a week we have a game. If you’re going to drink stupidly like that at least do it in the off season- let alone going into a car while in that state..

This is the footballer mentally all over, thinking they’re above the law. I defend these idiots  to my non football liking friends, trying to explain why they get paid as much as they do. If they’re going to act stupidly like this then I just won’t bother. This has made me so angry, give me all the money they do and I won’t touch a drop of alcohol. They can drink all all they want, like James Milner says, when they retire. You don’t even have to do that, just drink sensibly by limiting it to to or three glasses on wine maximum rather than pretending to be a university student who shout LADZ LADZ LADZ. While in your profession, be the best you can, on and off the pitch. Children rightly or wrongly look up to these people, so do players in the Derby youth teams. This has made me more angry as the day has gone on.

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3 minutes ago, SaintRam said:


In fairness, 

We don't know that Huddlestone was involved in the drive back. We don't know that he didn't leave earlier, in a taxi, like a reasonable adult.


Mocking friends you've had too much is pretty standard behavior. I've never once believed any of them are going to be stupid enough to try and drive home.


If Huddlestone was in the cars; or Huddlestone was aware they were going to drive home - then I agree with you both, it's just awful. But we don't know that that's the case and if it wasn't he's behaved pretty normally. 

I agree, this could’ve been way earlier in the night. But I’d still expect football players in the season to not be acting like complete muppets and getting wasted- senior players like him should be stopping it, not encouraging it. This whole drinking culture is disgraceful to me when you’re a professional athlete, particulary  when we’re in such poor form. 

It probably is the case that he wasn’t involved in the cars since I’ve not seen him mentioned anywhere, and he probably did go home safely. I wouldn’t call for his sacking in that case. But I still don’t think it’s acceptable behaviour, certainly not for a captain, so I’d be reprimanding him and handing the captaincy elsewhere.

Any player involved in the cars should be sacked however imo.

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