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The Politics Thread 2019


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Jeremy Corbyn showing me that he just as incompetent as Boris Johnson in his BBC interview this evening. I’m all for nationalising services, it is the moral thing to do, however, the way he wants fund any spending his borrowing, more borrowing, taking even more income tax from top earners (who already pay half of the entire income tax). Can someone please explain to me how this man can pay for all of his spending? Because he hasn’t convinced me that his policies are sustainable. I completely understand his morals, he has a good heart and soul, however he cannot run a country. In my view. Sitting on the fence on major issues, I can’t vote folks like that. 

And Boris is just as useless. Kinell what a time for a voter ?

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13 minutes ago, Uptherams said:

Corbyn being torn to shreds by Andrew Neil. 

Absolute fantasy economics. 

All the anti semitism thing and the vast nationalisation a tax  stuff. Labour isn’t really labour. It’s run by the lads and lasses who used to give away the SWP mag on St. Peter’s street. Gobby wannabe Marxists who weren’t born when there was an iron curtain and have no idea what it meant. They also got a E in arithmetic. 

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Corbyn and his policies will bring the country to it's knees. He just cannot make the numbers add up. As shown tonight. He is expecting the "rich" to fund it all. It just does not work. They will just up sticks and probably take their companies with them. Who the duck will invest in this country once this joker, Abbott, McDonnell, McCluskey  (he will probably call the shots let's be honest) etc take over? On a personal level, I just cannot see Corbyn meeting and dealing with other worlds leaders. He seems to me the sort of bloke who will just wander about big conferences wondering what to say as people just brush him aside.

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3 hours ago, jono said:

Oh come Stiv. Lies are not segregated on party lines. 

Or if they are, any normal person would agree that promising to deliver on the biggest democratic vote in the country's history, and then actively doing everything to block it, must be regarded as the biggest political lie of all time.

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1 hour ago, TimRam said:

Corbyn and his policies will bring the country to it's knees. He just cannot make the numbers add up. As shown tonight. He is expecting the "rich" to fund it all. It just does not work. They will just up sticks and probably take their companies with them. Who the duck will invest in this country once this joker, Abbott, McDonnell, McCluskey  (he will probably call the shots let's be honest) etc take over? On a personal level, I just cannot see Corbyn meeting and dealing with other worlds leaders. He seems to me the sort of bloke who will just wander about big conferences wondering what to say as people just brush him aside.

The thing about Corbyn and Brexit isn’t whether he is for or against or sitting on the fence. It’s this assumption that he or the Labour Party could somehow get the Europeans to suddenly give us a super dooper deal with all sorts of extras and concessions that the haven’t been available to the current government. Really ? And then we’d get another referendum where he reckons all his party will then get behind the will of the people whatever it is. ... nope .. ground hog day 

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While no one agrees with every political party's every policy - well, I'm assuming they don't, I've never personally met anyone who does, reading through Labour's manifesto really gives me hope for the future. 

Austerity and trickle down doesn't work, I think that's pretty much accepted by most people now, so energising the economy from the bottom up seems brilliantly simple and doable. Take back control from faceless financiars who's only loyalty is to their tax havens and invest in people who will actually spend money in the local economy.

Reversing tax cuts back to less than 2010 levels for Corporations and those earning over £80k is not excessive (we will still have lower Corporation Tax than France and Germany and much lower for small businesses with profits below £300k) is a no brainer that will hugely benefit all legitimate businesses and especially small businesses due to boosting the majority of peoples spending power.

I love the bit about fining big companies who don't pay their suppliers on time - its an absolute killer for many small businesses and self employed people - and long overdue. If they don't pay in a month it should be doubled every month until they do pay, in my opinion, Labour being a bit soft there ?

Keep cash moving around the economy, it benefits everyone at grass roots level. Allowing the elite to siphon it all off into off shore accounts is destroying the very fabric of this country.

Public services should be run for the benefit of the public. For the people who live here. Not for people who own a name plate on an office door in Belize or the Cayman Islands.

I don't believe Labour will win enough seats to form a Government but I hope and pray that post-Corbyn, they keep this philosophy and belief that there is a better way and not let the Party drift back to the Tory lite policies that have allowed us to drift into this hateful, divided situation we find ourselves in..

A strong opposition to the race to the bottom merchants is desperately needed for all our futures.

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Labour mishandled Brexit from the very beginning, but it got worse when they shifted their position. They have ended up with no credible position other than that of tactical opportunists, and in shifting to support Brexit they merely validated a right wing Tory policy. They now can’t be pro or anti with any real conviction. 

By contrast the tories have actually got themselves out of a hole. The party has united around a soft Brexit. Farage has been placated with some typically secret rancid deal, and they are about to walk it. 

Anyone who votes Tory wants bloody shooting but here we go again.  

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8 hours ago, uttoxram75 said:

While no one agrees with every political party's every policy - well, I'm assuming they don't, I've never personally met anyone who does, reading through Labour's manifesto really gives me hope for the future. 

Austerity and trickle down doesn't work, I think that's pretty much accepted by most people now, so energising the economy from the bottom up seems brilliantly simple and doable. Take back control from faceless financiars who's only loyalty is to their tax havens and invest in people who will actually spend money in the local economy.

Reversing tax cuts back to less than 2010 levels for Corporations and those earning over £80k is not excessive (we will still have lower Corporation Tax than France and Germany and much lower for small businesses with profits below £300k) is a no brainer that will hugely benefit all legitimate businesses and especially small businesses due to boosting the majority of peoples spending power.

I love the bit about fining big companies who don't pay their suppliers on time - its an absolute killer for many small businesses and self employed people - and long overdue. If they don't pay in a month it should be doubled every month until they do pay, in my opinion, Labour being a bit soft there ?

Keep cash moving around the economy, it benefits everyone at grass roots level. Allowing the elite to siphon it all off into off shore accounts is destroying the very fabric of this country.

I struggle to see how increasing minimum wage, implementing a 4 day week and increasing corporation tax is going to help small businesses.

I understand your logic re getting money moving around the economy but it's a big gamble if it doesnt come to fruition. 

More and more money is being spent online with the big companies so I wonder if there is any analysis to support your idea that more money would be spent with small businesses?

As for the fines for companies not paying on time, in my experience it's just as likely to be the small businesses struggling with cash flow that are defaulting on payment due, the bigger companies tend to pay on time but are able to negotiate longer terms.

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So Labour want to get rid of the marriage tax relief. Corbyn said people will be better off because they will up the minimum wage and childcare but a lot of pensioners take advantage of this married tax relief. These are people who have one pension income and are able to use the other persons tax allowance. These are not in the top 5% or will the benefit from a rise in the minimum wage or need any childcare.

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9 hours ago, Andicis said:

I'm a student, so most would expect me to be aligned with labour, but I can't at all here. Corbyn's numbers are pure fantasy, I don't think he can deliver almost any of the things he is promising. He got absolutely mauled by Andrew Neil tonight.

I'd quite like to see Andrew Neil interview football managers straight after a game.

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8 minutes ago, Van Gritters said:

So Labour want to get rid of the marriage tax relief. Corbyn said people will be better off because they will up the minimum wage and childcare but a lot of pensioners take advantage of this married tax relief. These are people who have one pension income and are able to use the other persons tax allowance. These are not in the top 5% or will the benefit from a rise in the minimum wage or need any childcare.

Corbyn missed a trick IMO. If he'd said we're not increasing income tax for anyone under 80k I think it would have been a better response. Then follow up with the statement that changes in marriage allowance will be more than made up by other changes being announced, and it's a move towards equality.

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11 minutes ago, Van Gritters said:

So Labour want to get rid of the marriage tax relief. Corbyn said people will be better off because they will up the minimum wage and childcare but a lot of pensioners take advantage of this married tax relief. These are people who have one pension income and are able to use the other persons tax allowance. These are not in the top 5% or will the benefit from a rise in the minimum wage or need any childcare.

Except they do need childcare. Just as they need schools, apprenticeships etc. It's part of the whole. More childcare means more freedom for parents, more independence for women, less stress for parents, a more equitable society, a better atmosphere all round. Believe that or don't believe it but policies have knock on effects (there are plenty of experts telling us the negative knock on effects of Labour's policies) but to say someone who doesn't have children doesn't need childcare is tunnel vision.

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13 hours ago, TimRam said:

Corbyn and his policies will bring the country to it's knees. He just cannot make the numbers add up. As shown tonight. He is expecting the "rich" to fund it all. It just does not work. They will just up sticks and probably take their companies with them. Who the duck will invest in this country once this joker, Abbott, McDonnell, McCluskey  (he will probably call the shots let's be honest) etc take over? On a personal level, I just cannot see Corbyn meeting and dealing with other worlds leaders. He seems to me the sort of bloke who will just wander about big conferences wondering what to say as people just brush him aside.

The companies have, more or less, already gone. 

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23 minutes ago, AndyinLiverpool said:

Except they do need childcare. Just as they need schools, apprenticeships etc. It's part of the whole. More childcare means more freedom for parents, more independence for women, less stress for parents, a more equitable society, a better atmosphere all round. Believe that or don't believe it but policies have knock on effects (there are plenty of experts telling us the negative knock on effects of Labour's policies) but to say someone who doesn't have children doesn't need childcare is tunnel vision.

So the pensioners on low income taking advantage of a combined tax allowance should suffer to pay for it?

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6 minutes ago, Van Gritters said:

So the pensioners on low income taking advantage of a combined tax allowance should suffer to pay for it?

In my opinion, everybody should pay for it. I don't need geriatric services in the NHS but I pay for it and am happy to do so. 

We bitch and we moan about services and the decline of this and that, then bitch and moan when somebody suggests that we can't improve them for free. 

If you don't agree, then vote for a party that has different priorities. It's really quite simple. 

However, it won't stop people whining about the state of services, modern society, knife crime etc when the party that doesn't prioritise health, education, law and order wins and saves everybody a few quid.

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