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No more Chelsea loans please


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It is all well and good Chelsea sending young players to cut their teeth in the lower leagues, but those players have to be good enough, it cannot be at the expense of our promotion push.

Tomori - continuously makes mistakes, big mistakes, it is almost like he watched Keoghs game and thinks he will have a bit of that. I do think Tomori will be a big player in the future, but that doesn't help us now.

Mount - where has he been for the last few weeks? I haven't really seen him do anything to influence the match in a long time. Again he will be a good player in the future, but certainly not good enough for Chelsea let alone England. 

If we are going to loan players that have little influence on our team I would much rather give our own young players a run out. 

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2 minutes ago, GrimsbyRam said:

Laughable if you want to attack Mount for today!  Probably 8 players you could criticise before him.  Without our 'loans' we would be mid table!

I agree but in the back of my mind I’m thinking do the loans really care where Derby finish, as long as they do ok?? Next year they’ll be back with their parent club or farmed out elsewhere so do they really care ?

dont get me wrong, I’ve loved having them here........but, just but 

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I'll gratefully accept more good loans from Chelsea. What we need to be careful of is the direction we're meant to be heading. We're neither here nor there this season for me.

We're not really transitioning, more patching up holes that will resurface next summer. We're blooding other teams' players instead of ones that could help the club in the long term, not just the short. I've got no problem outplaying United and Chelsea on their own patch but there needs to be some gradual improvement to both individual players and team performance over the domestic season. 



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Ok I’ll try and scrabble something out of this thatbiant taking the OP out of context.

The problem with all our loan players is that while they show great potential and they are brilliant with time on the ball, they no longer are afforded that time. They are here to learn, and there’s nothing wrong with that, but from a derby perspective they need to learn fast and be ready to battle. Too many times they are taking an extra touch on the ball or wanting to do something individually fantastic rather than the best pass to keep the ball. The Championship is a battle and the only way you succeed is if you understand that and are willing to scrap to control the game. That’s what they need to learn and haven’t done yet. Mount, for example, has all the potential in the world but until he starts to dominate his opponent then there’s gonna be that question mark.

The team as a whole have had an ok first half of the season, BUT they need to look to be stepping up in this second half and I think the likes of Mount, Wilson and Tomori have gears to go if they want to be a success FOR Derby County.

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It’s days like today when the injuries to Davies and Forsyth are really telling.

Anyone who saw Tomori’s debut vs Leeds knew what we were in for. We simply have to take the rough with the smooth. Some days he’ll look top class, other days he’ll look like trash. He’s 21 and still very much developing on every level.

From day one it has been evident that he needs a real leader and wise old head to play alongside him, otherwise he’ll be exposed.

As much as I like Keogh, he is not the player to marshal a defence and lead young players. History shows he is at his best when he has an experienced partner to play with.

As for Mount, he’s had a few moments but has been disappointing on the whole. But maybe our expectations were a tad unrealistic and we were all guilty of being sucked in by the hype.

Usually we wouldn’t expect a 19-year-old loanee to come in and have such a massive influence. Why was Mount so different?

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5 minutes ago, Jourdan said:

It’s days like today when the injuries to Davies and Forsyth are really telling.

Anyone who saw Tomori’s debut vs Leeds knew what we were in for. We simply have to take the rough with the smooth. Some days he’ll look top class, other days he’ll look like trash. He’s 21 and still very much developing on every level.

From day one it has been evident that he needs a real leader and wise old head to play alongside him, otherwise he’ll be exposed.

As much as I like Keogh, he is not the player to marshal a defence and lead young players. History shows he is at his best when he has an experienced partner to play with.

As for Mount, he’s had a few moments but has been disappointing on the whole. But maybe our expectations were a tad unrealistic and we were all guilty of being sucked in by the hype.

Usually we wouldn’t expect a 19-year-old loanee to come in and have such a massive influence. Why was Mount so different?

What massive influence, he has come on on loan and performed well overal. He was and still is a good player, that’s why he was loaned in.

Come back Tom Lawerence, this forum appears to have missed you as a scapegoat and appear to be lining up any and everyone in your absence.

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18 minutes ago, tomsdubs said:

Mount is just marked out of every game now, Florest had 2 men on him every time we came forward. Actually watch the games before you jump to individual criticism.

Thank god we have Bryson to take advantage of the space lmao

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My thread was not an attack on those two players, both will go onto play at a far higher level than derby will ever play again I would imagine.

My point is, whilst they are learning They will make mistakes (mount less so), we don't really have the room for mistakes.

I know players cost money, but I would rather have our own Barry Bannan in midfield than a young lad cutting his teeth, or our own centre back commited to the cause than Tomori.

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45 minutes ago, MackworthRamIsGod said:

It is all well and good Chelsea sending young players to cut their teeth in the lower leagues, but those players have to be good enough, it cannot be at the expense of our promotion push.

Tomori - continuously makes mistakes, big mistakes, it is almost like he watched Keoghs game and thinks he will have a bit of that. I do think Tomori will be a big player in the future, but that doesn't help us now.

Mount - where has he been for the last few weeks? I haven't really seen him do anything to influence the match in a long time. Again he will be a good player in the future, but certainly not good enough for Chelsea let alone England. 

If we are going to loan players that have little influence on our team I would much rather give our own young players a run out. 

So what you are saying is more Lpool loans yeah?

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Don’t want to seem harsh on the lad but Mount hasn’t been as impressive as the Chelsea fans made him out to be. He’s been good for a young player but not outstanding.  I suppose when Chelsea haven’t had too many players have come through your academy and been successful , it’s probably natural that Chelsea would hype him to be something that he’s not. Not a criticism of him personally, but maybe it’s a warning to us in the future with someone like Sibley-not to overrate him and to say something like he’s the new Lampard like Chelsea fans did/do.

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5 minutes ago, MackworthRamIsGod said:

My thread was not an attack on those two players, both will go onto play at a far higher level than derby will ever play again I would imagine.

My point is, whilst they are learning They will make mistakes (mount less so), we don't really have the room for mistakes.

I know players cost money, but I would rather have our own Barry Bannan in midfield than a young lad cutting his teeth, or our own centre back commited to the cause than Tomori.

Any player in this league will make mistakes, that’s why they are playing at this level. Teams are not going to roll over and let us tickle their belly whilst giving us the three points, and the way we play will lead to mistakes, regardless of if they are loans or not.

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