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Random stuff that people do that annoy me


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If tradesmen could form an orderly queue, I'm the sucker who willingly drops his trousers before taking it up the arse.

'Sure, I'll agree a price before you do 25% less work, then charge 25% more'.

'Of course we'll provide a written estimate of the cost, it will just say for services rendered, rather than a breakdown of the individual items comprising the job, if that's ok with you?'

Meanwhile the wife's telling me the job looks just how she'd wanted it, and my objections are because I've got champagne tastes on Lambrusco budget!


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54 minutes ago, Phoenix said:

Letters addressed "Dear Mr Smith deceased,"

Well it would be annoying if you were Mr smith and you weren't dead. I guess if you were dead you wouldn't care. 

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Sith Happens
44 minutes ago, PistoldPete2 said:

Well it would be annoying if you were Mr smith and you weren't dead. I guess if you were dead you wouldn't care. 

Maybe Mr smiths family aren't happy

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Sith Happens


Well no thats not fair, but i say OAP's just because i've witnessed two incidents of very similar nature involving OAP's in recent times.

Today I went for my bloods to be taken, there at 7.30 opening time.

There is always loads of people there early and by about 7.45 there was about 20 people waiting. One old lady came down tutting and moaning about so many people being there. Moaning she had somewhere to be, so she takes her ticket but then decides she is better than the rest of us and says shes going to have a word with the nurse taking the blood, off she marches down interupting as someone has their blood taken.

Fortunately the nurse told her to queue like the rest of us and sent her back. She then had a loud conversation with whomever would listen saying it was ridiculous as she had somewhere to be and all these 'young' people here having their blood taken and will probably not even have anything wrong with them.

There was a similar occurance last year when i went for my flu jab, same process, ticketed system, saturday morning, some old fella clearly well down the pecking order moaning about the 'young' ones there who dont need it.

I am not an agressive type but part of me really wants to go up and tell them to shut the **** up, that they havent got a clue, awfully sorry old lady that im in my 40's and have an incurable blood cancer, sorry its slowing you down getting to your blue rinse or whatever you have planned.

Maybe next time do what the rest of us do and get there early. I could argue why at 7.30am or a saturday are there OAP's there anyway, when all these 'young' people need to get to work but are behind you lot in a queue when you could go any day or time.


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This thing the budget airlines seem to do where they "encourage" you to not have hold luggage by charging a fortune for it

Then the second they have you in the boarding queue they insist on checking all your hand luggage into the hold, meaning you have to take everything you need for the flight out of the bag and carry it awkwardly onto the plane and hope they don't trash your hand luggage by chucking it about




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The people who claim there are more than 2 genders. There are males and females end of. 2 people appeared on good morning Britain the other day and got involved in a heated debate with piers Morgan. They identified themselves as "non binary" and identified themselves as a fox and an owl.

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8 minutes ago, McLovin said:

The people who claim there are more than 2 genders. There are males and females end of. 2 people appeared on good morning Britain the other day and got involved in a heated debate with piers Morgan. They identified themselves as "non binary" and identified themselves as a fox and an owl.

Did they identify Piers Morgan as a snake?

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Disagree with a lot of things Morgan says, particularly with his views on mental health but have to agree with him on this debate. The world's gone mad with all this terminology. There's a man, and there is a woman. Non of this pan sexual veganista owl bs.

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31 minutes ago, McLovin said:

Disagree with a lot of things Morgan says, particularly with his views on mental health but have to agree with him on this debate. The world's gone mad with all this terminology. There's a man, and there is a woman. Non of this pan sexual veganista owl bs.

If you don't like it, ignore it.

What effect is it to anyone else if they identify as non-binary? I view the world as fairly black and white, I'm a logic man instead of creative, but if their viewpoint puts them at ease with themselves, who would I be to deny them peace of mind?

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Things that annoy me - people being outraged and offended by things unnecessarily.

Case in point, the McDonald's advert about the child whose father died. Found this article, agreed very much with:



Crucially, what a lot of people spewing outrage all over social media have misunderstood is this: the death of the boy’s dad is not solved by him eating a Filet-O-Fish. The message isn’t “Don’t worry about your dead parent – eat some fast food!” Simply, he is pleased he finally has something in common with his dad. When your parent dies when you are young, anything, no matter how small or seemingly inconsequential, that helps you feel closer to them is a revelation and a comfort.




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28 minutes ago, Animal is a Ram said:

If you don't like it, ignore it.

What effect is it to anyone else if they identify as non-binary? I view the world as fairly black and white, I'm a logic man instead of creative, but if their viewpoint puts them at ease with themselves, who would I be to deny them peace of mind?

That's fine, but then they you get accused of being racist(heavens knows why) transphobic, homophobic and sexist if you don't agree with it. Can't win.

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1 hour ago, Animal is a Ram said:

If you don't like it, ignore it.

What effect is it to anyone else if they identify as non-binary? I view the world as fairly black and white, I'm a logic man instead of creative, but if their viewpoint puts them at ease with themselves, who would I be to deny them peace of mind?

Which toilet would you make them use? Which prison would they be sent to? 

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10 minutes ago, Animal is a Ram said:

I wouldn't make them use any toilet - they use the one which best serves their need. As for prisons.. I don't know enough about them.

places are obliged to provide public toilets, workplaces, pubs etc etc. If you owned a business, like a restaurant, would you find it fair that you have to open a variety of amenities to cater for people who just want to be a bit different?

Similarly, what about things like the Olympics? These non-binary people would soon demand inclusion.

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