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Random stuff that people do that annoy me


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10 hours ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:

Russ Abbott.

Not seen him for 20 years and he still annoys the hell out of me.........:lol:

Dunno, could do with him at the iPro, he might be able to create an 'atmosphere'

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8 minutes ago, Ewe Ram said:

Why can't we have other options than just to 'like' a post? 

I wish we could have a button that you click when a post has made you think 'bullshit'. 

See what you're saying EweRam but if you think a post is BS just respond and explain why. I think that's reasonable. You know what people are like, if there was an option to give 'thumbs down' as it were then it's just another negative option to use and as many people prefer negativity than positivity without even having a valid reason. Well, it would be carnage out there. :lol:


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22 hours ago, Phoenix said:

The drivers that turn in to a lane that's turning off, but at an angle, leaving their butt-end sticking out into your lane, thus obviating the benefit of the turn off lane at a single stroke. This happened about 5 times in my week in the Lake District.

Mind you, wish I was still there.

The standard of driving on our roads is shocking at times.

The number of people who pull out to overtake on a dual carriageway but fail to travel near the speed limit is frustrating, cant you see how many of us who want to do the speed limit (or maybe a bit more) are held up by you? And then oh look there is another lorry travelling about 200 meteres in front of the one you have very slowly overtaken, so you are going to be lazy now and just sit on the overtaking lane at 60 until you have overtaken that lorry, and then again maybe the one in front of that one, look you clearly arent in a rush so why not pull in after you have overtaken the first one and only return to the overtaking lane when you are good and ready to overtake the next one? Or ideally dont bother at all unless you are prepared to travel at a speed that is more inkeeping with the overtaking lane?

Oh and idiots at road works, branston is typical of this, it tells you 800 yards before which lane is closed, if everyone would start moving over here they would run much smoother, but no the number of people who insist of flooring it right upto where the cones merge the road into one lane causing everyone to brake as they try and then force their way in.

Then people a traffic lights who take an absolute age to pull off when it turns to green, honestly if people would just get on with it, no need to rush or anything but get a move on.

People on traffic islands who move on the island when its obvious they cannot clear it because of stationary traffic, causing everyone else who is attempting to navigate the island to be held up because they are now sat blocking entry on to the island.

People who travel upto traffic lights that are on red and sit and block entry from a side road, look its on red just leave a gap and let everyone out.




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2 minutes ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:

See what you're saying EweRam but if you think a post is BS just respond and explain why. I think that's reasonable. You know what people are like, if there was an option to give 'thumbs down' as it were then it's just another negative option to use and as many people prefer negativity than positivity without even having a valid reason. Well, it would be carnage out there. :lol:


I agree. But I'm a pacifist and don't like confrontation ;)

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15 minutes ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:

Pervert van drivers. Stop ogling women and concentrate on the road you knuckleheads. As if these women are going to be interested in you anyway what with your intelligence and emotional understanding.

They are probably too ugly anyway haha

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On Wednesday, September 21, 2016 at 12:10, reveldevil said:

Those toasting machines you find in holiday hotels.

4 times through yesterday just for a light browning, today I put 2 larger slices of local bread in(felt like toast before I'd put it in), after a long wait looked inside and realised the bread was stuck at the back of the toaster!

Did the decent thing, and grabbed a croissant and yogurt before slipping off.

I'm hoping the resulting blaze destroyed any incriminating CCTV evidence!


Oh god yes!! Two likes for that..It is the ultimate really petty but really annoying thing! Put it through twice...hmm still a bit pale and soft...once more I think....Oh hell totally fricking burnt!! Actually tried giving it a push start this year to try and give it a 'half' go. Always someone trying to edge in too and you want fruit juice but you daren't leave in case the toast gets snatched!! 

PS what the hell is with the jam too? It's like snot!!

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14 minutes ago, Chester40 said:

Oh god yes!! Two likes for that..It is the ultimate really petty but really annoying thing! Put it through twice...hmm still a bit pale and soft...once more I think....Oh hell totally fricking burnt!! Actually tried giving it a push start this year to try and give it a 'half' go. Always someone trying to edge in too and you want fruit juice but you daren't leave in case the toast gets snatched!! 

PS what the hell is with the jam too? It's like snot!!

Even more annoying when toast is the only edible thing on the brekkie menu, deep fried bacon ffs, burnt at top, raw at bottom, still in 6 slice bundles where they'd put it in!

Who wants a choccy donut for breakfast, or worse Chicken Wings!


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On 24 September 2016 at 09:43, Tony Le Mesmer said:

Haha made me laugh this Paul and I fly very very infrequently.

The bit I can most relate to is the kids kicking the back of your seat. I get this all the time in the cinema and it winds me up no end.

I make a point of telling my kid to not kick the seat in front of her but then think why bother. Every frigger else is letting their kids do it without a care in the world so why should I be the odd one out.

This reminded my of my first long haul flight to the Far East a few years ago. With wife (who's been round the globe a zillion times and knows the ropes ) got ourselves aisle seats each but next to each other. Then as we sit down a poor girl was really fretting cos she wasnt next to her friend. She look genuinely quite distressed, so mr nice guy here says ok I'll swap and just moved back and across one row. Ha ha she was a clever madam .. Sitting next to her ( now me ) and just comming back from stowing his overhead luggage, (oh I am such a soft mug  ) 6"-6" character from Sesame Street .. Sweaty, huge couldn't sit still his  2 kids right behind me with ineffectual wife bouncing or crying, kicking seat backs.... 10 hours of this .. No wonder the damsel looked happy when I'd offered to swap. Never again ! :blink:

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