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Reading v Derby County


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Just now, Millenniumram said:

It’s an exaggeration but it’s somewhat understandable after that sending off. Dunno if you were at the match but their goalie made a save, and instead of watching his man to make sure he didn’t count the proceeded to turn away and hit the ground in frustration. His man then glider past him unaware before he had to take him out. The passion is admirable so to discount a good player like him is unfair, but that was a serious lack of professionalism. Pissed me off no end

I can understand being annoyed. I'm annoyed at players often, but to say he should never play for us again? It's too far, and a little ridiculous! He had a bad game. All players have them. But to ask for him to never play for us again is a joke.

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5 minutes ago, GenBr said:

Do we have enough goals going forward though? Especially when Vydra isn't in the team. Of our top 5 scorers 1 doesn't even play for us anymore, 1 won't play again this season, 1 of them hasn't scored this year yet, 1 of them is Bradley Johnson and we had better hope the last one doesn't get injured before the end of the season. 

Still think we will get playoffs, but still think we are missing something when it comes to attack - our wingers have started to score a few recently, but midfield doesn't contribute anything from a goal scoring perspective.


To be fair, would you expect a midfield of Huddlestone and Ledley to chip in with many? Not exactly prolific over their careers. 

Today, we didn't have Vydra and scored 3 goals, so it didn't slow us down today! I think we have enough fire power, with players on form, but that's just the issue - getting the players to play to their potential.

I'm 99% positive we'll make the playoffs, what happens once we get there is a lottery, but I'd like to think we're a good shout to win them.

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Reading beat us at home when we were in form. And wont at a canter. A point is a good result just not at this time of the season that's all.

Every game is big with such a fine margin each time. We need to show our mettal vs Fulham

Overall playoffs will be achieved i think. I am looking forward to the run in.

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3 minutes ago, Andicis said:

We got more draws than probably we should have, but it wasn't exactly a stinker of a month was it! I'm not talking about autos, I'm talking about the playoffs. There is a big gap between us and Boro, do you really think they'll breach it? If you were a Boro fan, you would have more reason to moan today! They dropped two points at Sunderland. Sheff Utd dropped points vs Hull. These teams are hardly lighting the league up.

Who do you propose will over take us to knock us out of the top 6?

I don’t know but someone ain’t gonna have a challenge to catch us. Luckily for us like you say teams are slipping up, but where’s our next win gonna come? If we can’t win our last three games how the hell are we gonna beat Fulham, Cardiff and wolves?! It’s our own form that’ll cost us, don’t forget Middlesbrough have to play us yet!

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Just now, Millenniumram said:

I don’t know but someone ain’t gonna have a challenge to catch us. Luckily for us like you say teams are slipping up, but where’s our next win gonna come? If we can’t win our last three games how the hell are we gonna beat Fulham, Cardiff and wolves?! It’s our own form that’ll cost us, don’t forget Middlesbrough have to play us yet!

These teams are hardly untouchable. It's the championship, anyone can beat anyone. There is no reason why we can't beat all three of those teams. At the end of the day, if we drop out of the playoffs, we didn't deserve to be there. But as of right now, we are in them from merit, and are the 4th best team in the league. Therefore, we cannot be written off. We're better than Fulham, that's why we're above them.

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1 minute ago, Millenniumram said:

I don’t know but someone ain’t gonna have a challenge to catch us. Luckily for us like you say teams are slipping up, but where’s our next win gonna come? If we can’t win our last three games how the hell are we gonna beat Fulham, Cardiff and wolves?! It’s our own form that’ll cost us, don’t forget Middlesbrough have to play us yet!

You mean the Boro who also scored 3 today and also only secured a draw? 

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4 minutes ago, 86 points said:

You mean the Boro who also scored 3 today and also only secured a draw? 

I mean the Boro that seem to beat us every year without fail, aside from one game this year. We’re about due the double over them mind tbf.... tho we’ve yet to do the double over anyone this season 

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We should have won that, we were the better team especially for the first 30 mins of the second half where we should have put the game to bed. Didn’t see Bairds faul so cannot comment on the sending off. Though Palmer was very good. The fullbacks struggled with the Reading wingers. Also we failed all game to get the second ball, every time we won a header we never got the 2nd ball. I’m very disappointed 

the derby support was awesome so well done to all of you. 


We should have won it 

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1 hour ago, TigerTedd said:

Depends what ‘it’ is. If it’s second place, well that probably started fading a few games ago, but we were fortunate to even have a chance. If it’s promotion, then it would still be a remarkable collapse to end up loosing our top 6 position from here. Not quite time to start getting depressed about their being nothing to play for in February (we’re not forest). 

If you mean the world, that’s not scheduled to end til 9th December 2026. 

Ah well, at least we'll be sat nicely in the top 2 when the world ends.

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