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Official: Will Hughes joins Watford


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12 minutes ago, Kernow said:

I think it's very important. We've already outright rejected two bids from Huddersfield, both bids were higher than the reported value of the Hughes deal. So it looks like we value Ince more than Hughes and I'd agree with that based on personal impact to the squad with regards to points won.

I don't think there have been any reports of another bid coming soon from Huddersfield, and the fact we rejected their bids instead of negotiating suggests that the most recent bid of £8.3mil is still way off what we would take for him. I'm hoping we'll be looking at roughly double that, and that'll be too high for Huddersfield who seemingly have worries about signing players who they won't be able to afford WHEN they get relegated immediately.


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I can't help but feel people think this is a bigger loss than it is. I know us fans are fond of hughsey but has he really been that great recently. Is he really gonna be a massive loss? I really don't think so. There's a reason the interest from the big clubs came and went. 

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It's actually happened, and for once I'm glad I don't know the fee as I don't think it benefits anyone knowing exactly what we've got from Hughes leaving. 

It's a brave move, as was loaning out Martin, because this will be used as a stick to beat Rowett with. 

He needs to find a genuinely better replacement to fill that void in the team. We lacked quality in the middle of the park with Hughes, now he's gone it's much worse. Thorne returning helps substantially, but it doesn't deter the fact that we need to sign a high quality replacement before the season starts.

On Hughes, all the best to him. I really hope he goes on to prove his worth in the Premier League, because he is a great player to watch on his day. Now, I seem to remember a (in)famous quote on here: 'there's 100s of players in Spain like Hughes' - let's go find one! 

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1 minute ago, Ambitious said:

He needs to find a genuinely better replacement to fill that void in the team. We lacked quality in the middle of the park with Hughes, now he's gone it's much worse. Thorne returning helps substantially, but it doesn't deter the fact that we need to sign a high quality replacement before the season starts.

I don't think we're going to find a better footballer than Hughes that we could attract and afford. We can definitely find somebody who suits what Rowett wants to do more than Hughes though. Anyone with an insight into football, which GR obviously has, can appreciate Hughes' talent, so it's unlikely that he's been sold because Rowett doesn't think he's any good.

As a player, Hughes is better than most centre midfielders who have been promoted in recent years. PL sides have also stayed up with, in my opinion, inferior players to Will in general, but they do a better job in their teams. The key is to get the balance right with our footballing style. It might not be as pretty as the style that Will Hughes suits, but if it's more successful and effective then how many are actually going to complain?

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9 minutes ago, WhiteHorseRam said:


Hope he goes right to the top.

Thanks Will.


That's ace that! It's a bit sad for a 24 year old man to be upset about this but that video just goes to show why I love the guy so much! He's a real talent... have a like for putting a smile back on my face! 

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Needed the move but I want us to get as much for him as we can. I was hoping his transfer would have a big fat fee and multiple clauses such as a hefty sell on clause not a measly 15%, loan to us if things don't pan out and right to buy back if they get relegated and us promoted, etc. 

I await the full details.

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