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1 hour ago, DerbyRam! said:

Oh hang on so now everyone isn't hating on Vydra anymore?


I thought he was the worst buy ever for this club a week ago??....

He is, look how much he cost and what he gives in return. However maybe we've got someone to allow him to play well with?

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3 hours ago, DerbyRam! said:

Oh hang on so now everyone isn't hating on Vydra anymore?


I thought he was the worst buy ever for this club a week ago??....

All any player should ask is that he's judged by his performances on the pitch. Last night he played well and people are saying so. 

If a player puts together a series of good performances, then is the time to decide if he has been a good buy.

He's got three positive comments from me now - still outweighed by the negative ones. I want every Derby player to succeed  but I know some will and some won't. 

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Quote from McClaren on Vydra, I'm glad to hear it! I think he can play a part in the final part of the season, it's very encouraging to hear.

“He’s been unlucky but from day one his attitude has been excellent. 

“He is not a lone striker; he plays in a two. We’ve had to play him there because we’ve only had Darren Bent (prior to David Nugent’s arrival in January) and Nick Blackman has been injured. 

“He has been thrust into that position and he has shown a great attitude towards it. 

“He has been a bit unlucky and he has scored the best goal that hasn’t been given this season for us, the transition goal against Leeds for offside. 

“Every single day, he has plugged away. He’s not moaned or sulked; we all have bad days but consistently he is there.”

Read more at http://www.dcfc.co.uk/news/article/2016-17/mcclaren-wants-vydra-to-grasp-opportunity-to-shine-3611835.aspx#LOJQKblzL6df1eaq.99

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On 2/28/2017 at 20:45, RamNut said:

So why doesn't schteve pick him?



(he has always looked decent imo - i don't get the negativity)

A) steve is not very good at building a team around his players 

B) it's steves not so subtle way of emphasizing how much better he is than Pearson because if Pearsons crown jewel can't crack the side then Pearson is ipso facto even more of a failure.  It's an ego thing.

vydra is a very good footballer

its a sad commentary that mac is saying that Vydra had to explain to Mac what type of player he is. Can you believe it ? And he's still not playing him in the correct spot , but at least he's out there now.

I just hope our fortunes can exceed the liabilities of this manager and I use the word manager loosely. Also noticed when asked by Gibson about Brighton that he admitted he had thoughts on that game only to revert back to saying he was focused on Preston. Lord help us he needs to focus on the next game ONLY. 

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6 hours ago, Ninos said:

A) steve is not very good at building a team around his players 

B) it's steves not so subtle way of emphasizing how much better he is than Pearson because if Pearsons crown jewel can't crack the side then Pearson is ipso facto even more of a failure.  It's an ego thing.

vydra is a very good footballer

its a sad commentary that mac is saying that Vydra had to explain to Mac what type of player he is. Can you believe it ? And he's still not playing him in the correct spot , but at least he's out there now.

God you're so negative. But I didn't *need* to tell you that did I.

If Vydra is so good why haven't we seen it, we've still only seen bits. £8m for bits and you rubbish Chris Martin! Lol.

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Think vydra will come good if we can get into a position of being able to play two up front at least 50percent of the time ,, by that I mean we need to be able to switch it up for different games and during games if needed but he has to be played through the middle off Martin or nugent ( yes bents scoring more just now so why not him instead of vydra?? Age long term) and not put out on the left , we have done far too much of taking strikers and trying to shoehorn them into wingers ,,, 

              Ince.     Martin/ nugent   Russell


 for this I believe we need to buy the best cm with ALL the attributes to play in a midfield two as we can afford and attract and real work on the trading ground to make this change seamless , looking at our squad this purchase would for me just about take us to competing for promotion properly 

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Vydra should've played through the middle instead of Ince on Saturday.

Ince is great, but we only really manage to bring him into the game fully when he's out wide and available to receive it. And Vydra is much more suited to central. So it makes sense. I'd like us to try that instead tonight. One positive from Saturday was the great attacking freedom we seemed to use, with players rotating around up top. Hopefully we continue in that vein.

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45 minutes ago, Srg said:

Vydra should've played through the middle instead of Ince on Saturday.

Ince is great, but we only really manage to bring him into the game fully when he's out wide and available to receive it. And Vydra is much more suited to central. So it makes sense. I'd like us to try that instead tonight. One positive from Saturday was the great attacking freedom we seemed to use, with players rotating around up top. Hopefully we continue in that vein.

Agree with everything you say there, Srg. Who would you play on the left though? 

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8 hours ago, Ninos said:

A) steve is not very good at building a team around his players 

B) it's steves not so subtle way of emphasizing how much better he is than Pearson because if Pearsons crown jewel can't crack the side then Pearson is ipso facto even more of a failure.  It's an ego thing.

vydra is a very good footballer

its a sad commentary that mac is saying that Vydra had to explain to Mac what type of player he is. Can you believe it ? And he's still not playing him in the correct spot , but at least he's out there now.

I just hope our fortunes can exceed the liabilities of this manager and I use the word manager loosely. Also noticed when asked by Gibson about Brighton that he admitted he had thoughts on that game only to revert back to saying he was focused on Preston. Lord help us he needs to focus on the next game ONLY. 

The problem with you mate is that when you turn against someone you start to jump at every little thing you can. 

Having a conversation with Vydra is in no indiciative that he didn't know his limitations beforehand. 

And your point 'B' is, quite frankly, ********. To the extent that I feel substantiating would be a waste of my time.

I mean, come on, your picking him out on saying "yeah, I'm 99% focused on Preston, 1% on Brighton". It could well be a case of him thinking about subs earlier…

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11 minutes ago, Nuwtfly said:

Agree with everything you say there, Srg. Who would you play on the left though? 

Well I'm certainly not a Johnny Russell fan, and I think at some point we really need to give Mason Bennett a run, and a home game against Preston would be ideal for that. That said, it will be Johnny Russell.

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having a front 4 rather than a front 3 gives Vydra more of a chance to come inside, so although I'd like to see him more central I am sure he can adapt to a leftish position. He is a good footballer.

Really looking forward to tonight and hoping this new set up develops. Our failing without Martin to hold or George to push us forward, has been the big gap between the middle and the front. Bent has done well but has been feeding on scraps because of that gap. Vydra would have been in the same position as Bent with 433 but without his strength / physical presence. I have come to realise that Vydra isn't a Derby 433 CF but that doesn't mean he can't be a great striker in a slightly different set up. 

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1 hour ago, Srg said:

Vydra should've played through the middle instead of Ince on Saturday.

Ince is great, but we only really manage to bring him into the game fully when he's out wide and available to receive it. And Vydra is much more suited to central. So it makes sense. I'd like us to try that instead tonight. One positive from Saturday was the great attacking freedom we seemed to use, with players rotating around up top. Hopefully we continue in that vein.

Would agree, I was disappointed to see Vydra on the left on Saturday would like to see him down the middle , move Ince to the right wing its a no brainer, however....

33 minutes ago, Srg said:

Well I'm certainly not a Johnny Russell fan, and I think at some point we really need to give Mason Bennett a run, and a home game against Preston would be ideal for that. That said, it will be Johnny Russell.

I thought Johnny Russell had his best game for a while on the right and has looked poor on the left 


I think McLaren will do nothing and keep  the same team , I certainly don,t think he would drop Russell to bring someone else in on the left in order to move vydra to the centre and if miracles did happen it would be Anya and not Bennet 

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Macca said on his ramsplayer interview that Vydra himself spoke to him and the coaches and told them a lone striking role is not his best position.

he asked to tried out on the left feeding off another striker.

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7 minutes ago, Boycie said:

Macca said on his ramsplayer interview that Vydra himself spoke to him and the coaches and told them a lone striking role is not his best position.

he asked to tried out on the left feeding off another striker.

...and people piled on here saying he didn't give a poop....

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