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4 hours ago, RamDon said:

Did you actually say that? Timmy Sherwood is the epitome of a "rah-rah" manager. He got a bounce at Spurs but the players soon worked out that he was utterly lacking in substance. He has little or no tactical nous. He has no noticeable skill in identifying or grooming talent.

Honestly, I can't think of a worse manager in the history of the EPL off the top of my head (although the Poison Dwarf always comes to mind).


John Carver maybe?   Or Brian Laws?   But yeah, Sherwood would do a poor job at Derby in my opinion.  Warnock would be a better choice results wise....but i don't want him anywhere near the club, it's bad enough we have to let him into the stadium as manager of an away team every now and then. Not to mention the ugly football his teams play. 

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Martinez has had a tough last year at Everton, and while they haven't looked great, I still think we could do much worse. I wouldn't be ecstatic with his appointment, but I could see it working toward the/a 'Derby Way'. He has done well in the past around this level (see Wigan spell), fits the character we need and probably has more pulling power with players than say Rowett or Wassall. Hope Wassall stays with the academy though, he's proved to be no fool.

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2 minutes ago, SouthernRam said:

Martinez has had a tough last year at Everton, and while they haven't looked great, I still think we could do much worse. I wouldn't be ecstatic with his appointment, but I could see it working toward the/a 'Derby Way'. He has done well in the past around this level (see Wigan spell), fits the character we need and probably has more pulling power with players than say Rowett or Wassall. Hope Wassall stays with the academy though, he's proved to be no fool.

The guy can't defend. When he did well at Everton my pals in Liverpool said to wait until he had to rebuild the Moyes defence. Said he would come undone. 

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Not excited by the Martinez link, looking on Wiki he only had a 29% win ratio at Wigan thought it was better than that to be honest, did well at Swansea but that Everton team should be so much better than they was under him last year. 

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I thought there had been something like 25 enquiries/speculative applications received by the club after clement left?

And one assumes Martinez wouldn"t have been among those at the time.

So mirror now saying this is the best 4 out of that lot we can come up with?

Who were the rest? Folks that post on here?

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7 hours ago, Highgate said:

John Carver maybe?   Or Brian Laws?   But yeah, Sherwood would do a poor job at Derby in my opinion.  Warnock would be a better choice results wise....but i don't want him anywhere near the club, it's bad enough we have to let him into the stadium as manager of an away team every now and then. Not to mention the ugly football his teams play. 

Just to clarify: are you suggesting John Carver or Brian Laws as potential Derby managers or as worse premiership managers than Timmy Sherwood-Forest*?

One can't be too careful around here with such things. I am pretty sure Mel reads this stuff and is often guided by the comments. I once made a sarcastic reference to silly old 'Arry doing anything for a buck and, lo and behold, he was our "football consultant" within days.

I'm not certain if it's fact or not but I have it on good authority (from a guy who whispered it out of the side of his mouth which, I'm sure you'll agree, adds extra credibility...although it can render it more difficult for a partially deaf guy like myself to lip read) that the real cause of the communication problems between Mel and PC - and the lack of trust between Mel and Steve Mc - was Mel's tendency to respond only with silly puns.

With regard to John Carver, I think Timmy has him covered in the vacuity stakes. At least Carver knew how to get a point across.

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8 hours ago, Highgate said:

John Carver maybe?   Or Brian Laws?   But yeah, Sherwood would do a poor job at Derby in my opinion.  Warnock would be a better choice results wise....but i don't want him anywhere near the club, it's bad enough we have to let him into the stadium as manager of an away team every now and then. Not to mention the ugly football his teams play. 

When you're on a wind-up it's best to make it at least slightly credible.

On a serious note, wouldn't it be hilarious if either Laws or Carver ended up at the Gumps.

On a more serious note, if the shortlist were to be as claimed by the Mirror my rank would be:

1 Pearson

2 Martinez

3 Rowett

4 Wassall

But I'd only really be interested in the first name on the list. Martinez would bring Clement football back while also losing defensive solidity.



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1 hour ago, Carl Sagan said:

When you're on a wind-up it's best to make it at least slightly credible.

On a serious note, wouldn't it be hilarious if either Laws or Carver ended up at the Gumps.

On a more serious note, if the shortlist were to be as claimed by the Mirror my rank would be:

1 Pearson

2 Martinez

3 Rowett

4 Wassall

But I'd only really be interested in the first name on the list. Martinez would bring Clement football back while also losing defensive solidity.



Pearson only for me from that list.

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If, and that's a big if, The Mirror is right and those four are the four candidates, then it has to be Pearson. As already mentioned, Wassall cannot get the job because there will be some who will want him to fail. He won't be able to do any right and the second we hit any patch of bad form, people will turn on him. Rowett doesn't play 'the Derby Way' so it would be a strange choice from Mel. Martinez could likely return to Spain, and I don't think a coach who is poor defensively is what we need. We've just managed to kind of sort our defence out. Pearson is the best option of the four. He combines decent football with being extremely hard to beat. He broke 100 points with Leicester and kept them up. He hasn't really properly failed at any of the clubs he's been at. Plus his personality will sort out our mentality. He won't settle for having players around who can't handle the pressure. I think he'll really sort us out.

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