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I would do yourself a favour and stop immediately.  Seasons 3,4 and the TV movie finale are appalling, and I mean deep-fried, grade A, tip top ****...

Dr Tancrety is a case in point.  Her story is beyond stupid...

I feel like I have to see it through, it reminds me of those terrible films you start watching on Channel 5 at 2am and have to stay up just to see the ridiculous ending.

22 episodes a season tho is just mental, you know how you're supposed to pull out and pinch the head to last longer, that's what it feels like watching this, it could have been so good but ended up so ****.


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I feel like I have to see it through, it reminds me of those terrible films you start watching on Channel 5 at 2am and have to stay up just to see the ridiculous ending.

22 episodes a season tho is just mental, you know how you're supposed to pull out and pinch the head to last longer, that's what it feels like watching this, it could have been so good but ended up so ****.


You'll be happier if you just stop, trust me.  If you want to watch a show involving US Marshals, watch Justified instead, brilliant show...

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I wrote it out here so I can copy and paste it into a Skype message when the missus is talking to me again :lol:

Is this one of those weird we met online playing World of War, she's in Texas, you're in Alvaston, never met but talk on Skype every night kinda girlfriends?

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Is this one of those weird we met online playing World of War, she's in Texas, you're in Alvaston, never met but talk on Skype every night kinda girlfriends?

Ha! Nah, she lives in Derby. Skype is just easier than texting when we're at our own homes because texts quite often don't go through. I blame giffgaff.

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watch out @Tombo the Blacklist gets really rubbish really quickly....get out now while you still can...


Started watching The Americans this week.....awesome so far, mid way through series 1.

Also watched Transparent Season 1....and i can't decide if i loved it or hated it, very like the series Girls i thought.

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I'm currently on season five of watching Game of Thrones - Again.

I thought it was amazing the first time, but watching it again is actually better because I know the storyline, the characters and the purpose from the very beginning.

There is so much going on, that the first time of watching it I didn't have a clue who most of them were talking about and it's not until this time around that I can fully understand the path many take.

People like Renly, Stannis, Loras Tyrell, Roose Bolton, Janos Slynt, Rhaegar Targaryen, Lyanna Stark, Meryn Trant etc. are all names/characters that are used in dialogues in seasons 1 / 2 / 3 etc.  but the first time of watching, I had no idea who they were because a lot of them don't actually appear/become more important until later seasons.

So much of the dialogue in the first few seasons just got lost on me. But watching through again, it's more understanding.

For instance, I totally forgot / or never realised that Janos Slynt had a big role to play in Kings Landing in the first two seasons, before going to the Wall. I also wondered why he was just an outspoken pr!ck! I get it now.

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You're breezing through em to say you're not a big fan!

Missus is away, house to myself, feet up on the dog, TV on. Been away a week tomorrow, finished the last 2 seasons of Sons of Anarchy and now almost a season and half of Prison Break. 

Got another week to go after that, should be able to get a couple boxsets in that time before she gets back and puts ****** on

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I'm currently on season five of watching Game of Thrones - Again.

I thought it was amazing the first time, but watching it again is actually better because I know the storyline, the characters and the purpose from the very beginning.

There is so much going on, that the first time of watching it I didn't have a clue who most of them were talking about and it's not until this time around that I can fully understand the path many take.

People like Renly, Stannis, Loras Tyrell, Roose Bolton, Janos Slynt, Rhaegar Targaryen, Lyanna Stark, Meryn Trant etc. are all names/characters that are used in dialogues in seasons 1 / 2 / 3 etc.  but the first time of watching, I had no idea who they were because a lot of them don't actually appear/become more important until later seasons.

So much of the dialogue in the first few seasons just got lost on me. But watching through again, it's more understanding.

For instance, I totally forgot / or never realised that Janos Slynt had a big role to play in Kings Landing in the first two seasons, before going to the Wall. I also wondered why he was just an outspoken pr!ck! I get it now.

I watched it on my own, and just persuaded the wife to watch it, and thought exactly the same

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Doesn't that annoy you? that theres so much going on you need to watch twice? Don't get me wrong I like to use my brain a bit but Game of Thrones takes the piss, gave up after 4 seasons, still couldn't remember everyones names so enough was enough

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Doesn't that annoy you? that theres so much going on you need to watch twice? Don't get me wrong I like to use my brain a bit but Game of Thrones takes the piss, gave up after 4 seasons, still couldn't remember everyones names so enough was enough

Thing is, it basically covers the world [Game of Thrones' world] therefore it can never just have one or two main characters, as so much is going on at different places at different times.

From what I can gather too, there is so much more which is missing from the books with important characters yet to feature or will never feature in the TV series. Like Lord of the Rings too. They could have quite easily made that a series, such was how much of it was missed from the books.

Most series focuses on just one protagonist, with many other characters having side roles.

GOT really is unique in that it doesn't have one main protagonist... The protagonists in the show are the locations [The wall, King's Landing, the East and the North] and who is in them, rather than the other way round.

I think the TV producers have done quite well in getting just one season of ten episodes from each book. So much to go on, there could have quite easily been three seasons for every book. But they've not stretched it out like The Walking Dead. At least GOT has a proper direction, with each episode actually advancing the storyline.

I get why some may give up on it though. It's complex, the most complex TV series ever made IMO. 

The only other series I can think of where there isn't just one main character but multiple characters with each having their own part to play was LOST. But that was awful, If it was't for Sawyer being an awesome character, I probably would have dumped it long before I did (around season 5).

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I sometime get the feeling that people watch things to be in on the latest thing, like it's somehow cool to watch Walking Dead and Game of Thrones.

It could just be different viewing tastes but I got no enjoyment from watching Game of Thrones, it started off and I was at a complete loss, a few episodes in I thought ok this could be good then they started throwing characters at me left right and centre, didn't know what the hell was going on. Was nice to know who people were on about with Jon Snow tho so I kinda stuck with it. Do you ever get that I don't want this to end feeling? start slowing down watching so it lasts a little while longer? I couldn't wait to get to the end of Game of Thrones by season 4.

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Doesn't that annoy you? that theres so much going on you need to watch twice? Don't get me wrong I like to use my brain a bit but Game of Thrones takes the piss, gave up after 4 seasons, still couldn't remember everyones names so enough was enough

Daveo, I always find your football posts, well reasoned and balanced, but your taste in TV shows is crap!!!  You gave up on GoTs but continue with Prison Break?!?!??!?!?!!!????!  That's like breaking up with Kelly Brook cus she talked too much and shacking up with Barbara Windsor...

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Daveo, I always find your football posts, well reasoned and balanced, but your taste in TV shows is crap!!!  You gave up on GoTs but continue with Prison Break?!?!??!?!?!!!????!  That's like breaking up with Kelly Brook cus she talked too much and shacking up with Barbara Windsor...

Prison Break is ****, but it's the kind of **** that makes you want to see how ridiculous it gets. Think of it as a Eastenders/Hollyoaks kinda thing. It's easy watching so doesn't feel like a chore, I can sit here on the Macbook posting away with it on in the background, knowing I'm not missing much, just another near miss of capture, you know nothing actually happens until the last 3 episodes.

GOT you have to watch, like really watch, kick the dog to be quiet, evict the missus and sit there with 110% focus, not a hint of tirdness, you need to be alert, have a notepad and pen out so you don't forget anything, pausing to Google the characters name they are talking about so you know who they are talking about.

Thats not entertainment, I feel like I'm back at school revising for a English exam with a Shakespeare book, having to read it just so you know what the teacher is banging on about.

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