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Caerphilly Ram

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  1. Clap
    Caerphilly Ram reacted to Duracell in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    I’ve been worried about our existence since we went into administration. This news hasn’t made me any more worried than I already was.
    Personally, I don’t understand what was so magical about Kirchner. To me, he was just another Alonso, only slightly more effective in that he was doing it all in his first language. How many sensible people do you know whose first thought in a business deal is to go on Twitter and swear at one of the other people involved? I think he was only ever serious about one thing - getting some attention from some English football fans. Even the way he tweeted his doubts like some sort of pretext and then hours later, he announced he was pulling out. I think we’ve dodged another chancer. 
    To put a positive spin on it, I’m sure anyone serious is much more likely to be anonymous at this point. 
  2. Like
    Caerphilly Ram got a reaction from Kathcairns in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    Whilst I agree with everyone that it’s an extremely worrying time for the club I look to keep myself grounded by what little facts there are at present;
    - As of now, the club still exists. Tomorrow is promised to no one so I’m taking it one day at a time.
    - There are still people interested in buying the club, if there weren’t we would already have been liquidated and all the noise from the admins, media and CK would be moot.
    - IF we sell players in January and that facilitates the ongoing existence of the club, yes with a potentially weakened team but not necessarily, then the goal we all want is achieved anyway. Say we sold Knight, £5-10m (yes optimistic I know), and got a couple of other high earners off the bill, the Wayne fills their spots in the squad with cheaper options in terms of wages (frees/loans with no fee). The admin could service some of the debt, the club still fulfils fixtures, with less debt we are still then an appealing proposition for purchase we go down a league but the club carries on.
    Derby County isn’t dead yet, we can carry on supporting the club as long as it exists, be aware of the risks we will go bust and also the possibility we won’t, take it one day at a time and see where we end up. Some people from either side of the fence may get chance to say I told you so, I hope we still have a club at the point that happens. Enjoy the festive season, hold your loved ones close, COYR ? 
  3. Like
    Caerphilly Ram got a reaction from Gisby in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    Whilst I agree with everyone that it’s an extremely worrying time for the club I look to keep myself grounded by what little facts there are at present;
    - As of now, the club still exists. Tomorrow is promised to no one so I’m taking it one day at a time.
    - There are still people interested in buying the club, if there weren’t we would already have been liquidated and all the noise from the admins, media and CK would be moot.
    - IF we sell players in January and that facilitates the ongoing existence of the club, yes with a potentially weakened team but not necessarily, then the goal we all want is achieved anyway. Say we sold Knight, £5-10m (yes optimistic I know), and got a couple of other high earners off the bill, the Wayne fills their spots in the squad with cheaper options in terms of wages (frees/loans with no fee). The admin could service some of the debt, the club still fulfils fixtures, with less debt we are still then an appealing proposition for purchase we go down a league but the club carries on.
    Derby County isn’t dead yet, we can carry on supporting the club as long as it exists, be aware of the risks we will go bust and also the possibility we won’t, take it one day at a time and see where we end up. Some people from either side of the fence may get chance to say I told you so, I hope we still have a club at the point that happens. Enjoy the festive season, hold your loved ones close, COYR ? 
  4. Like
    Caerphilly Ram reacted to Sussex Ram in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    Lots of differing opinions on here, most of them fairly well balanced, which makes for a great read. One thing we can all agree on is that this process is tiresome, frustrating and (as @angieramsaid) pretty much blind to the fans.
    I always try to come back to the facts, which admittedly are few. Quantuma publicly stated there were 3 bidders in the running. Now there are 2. In my mind, CK’s withdrawal is only a massive problem if he was “first in the queue” to be preferred bidder.
    But if he was first in the queue, why would he pull out now? If he was first in the queue, why did he (allegedly) increase his bid twice? If he was first in the queue, why haven’t Quantuma (allegedly) spoken to him in a long time?
    On balance, those questions make me believe that CK was unlikely to be named the preferred bidder- in which case we have lost very little. I say “very little” in the context of avoiding liquidation, which to me is the main (only?) goal at this stage. Long term we all obviously want a committed, savvy and rich (!) owner who brings the club success- and CK MIGHT have been that owner. But it is impossible to say right now who will be the best owner for DCFC in 3 years’ time.
    Final note on my use of the word “allegedly”. Those who are desperate to know something are likely to believe anything. For those reading this thread and feeling despondent, remind yourself of the difference between opinion and fact, and keep the faith. COYR.
  5. COYR
    Caerphilly Ram reacted to Ram-Alf in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    Quantuma announce that the prefered bidder wont be announced before Xmas, How CK found out I  do not know, But he then proceeds to throw his pacifier(Dummy)out of his perambulator, He then tells all and sundry on social media that he's going to talk to his team on where he goes from here, CK can certainly Talk the Talk, But being able to put one foot forward without putting it in his mouth is a different story.
    I get the feeling he thought DCFC was his, He wooed the Derby fans by social media, Coming over here, Pictures taken, Talking to WR and his Agent, Showing the EFL that he has the loot to go forward...so why did Quantuma not buy into all this and snap that £60 million out of his bank account...an answer I do not know.
    There was something not right imo about him, It's like the Best Man at a Wedding, He gives out a great speach has all the guests rolling around with laughter, But once the speech is over the Chief Bridesmaid doesn't fancy him as he's to loud, He moves onto another Bridesmaid and with all his charm she kicks him into touch.
    DCFC move forward, Appleby and a n other are still there we believe, I'm an optimist I believe Quantuma are here to get the best possible deal that they can for the creditors and we the fans.
    Chin up folks, It's not the end, But the begining of the end...we'll be fine
    All have a great Xmas
    Uncle Alf
  6. Clap
    Caerphilly Ram reacted to Gaspode in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    Folk need to remember that the administrators have to follow a set process and are bound by rules that ensure they do their best for the creditors (not the fans!). If they breach those rules they’d be in deep do-do with the authorities and wouldn’t be able to practice again. They’re not allowed to drag the process out to line their own pockets (as some are suggesting), they’re not obliged (or allowed) to make all of the details of bids public, nor are they allowed to sell the club to the loudest bidder just because some supporters think he’s the messiah…. If we end up going bust, it’s Morris that’s to blame, not the admins….
  7. Like
    Caerphilly Ram reacted to LazloW in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    I don’t think there is any chance that we’ll go into liquidation… but then I:
    * Never thought we would have broken FFP rules;
    * Never thought we’d go into Administration;
    * Never thought we’d have 21 points taken off us;
    * Never thought Mel was a wrong ‘un having defended him from pillar to post;
    * Never thought we’d need to sell the ground;
    * Always thought the powers that he knew why they were doing and believed what they were telling us…
    So, perhaps I’m not the best judge!
  8. Clap
    Caerphilly Ram reacted to QuitYourJibbaJivin in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    Anybody else of the feeling that’s the admins were quite happy to let CK go nuclear? In a way it strengthens their hand in negotiations with creditors, with the loudest bidder publicly and very loudly pulling out of the race, creditors can see that if they don’t accept something soon, they will eventually end up with nothing.
    Taking CK’s tweets at face value, you get the impression that the admins never really took him seriously 
  9. Cheers
  10. Haha
  11. Haha
    Caerphilly Ram got a reaction from GenBr in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
  12. Haha
  13. Haha
  14. Haha
    Caerphilly Ram reacted to BucksRam in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    "Whilst every effort has been made to further delay proceedings, further extend embargos and pander to our hard-done-by friends at Middlesbrough and Wycombe, the EFL are disappointed to note that DCFC has unfortunately announced their preferred bidder.  We are currently in discussion with Steve Gibson, Rob Couhig and Kieran Maguire to understand if there's a good reason to challenge this. Further points deductions are being considered as a result of Quantuma providing the Derby County fanbase something to be happy about." 
  15. Clap
    Caerphilly Ram reacted to The Scarlet Pimpernel in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    It all sounds reasonable to me, apart from the disgusting behaviour of the two parasite clubs that is. 
  16. Like
    Caerphilly Ram reacted to strawhillram in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    Everyone is entitled to an opinion: be it optimistic or pessimistic; positive or negative; wrong or right; fact or fiction.
  17. Clap
    Caerphilly Ram reacted to jono in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    I don’t think for a minute that any really would;  but there are those who express themselves in a kind of “my death wish / doom seer opinion will be proved right” kind of way, to the point that you begin to think being  right is more important to them  than actually surviving. .. A kind of Spike Milligan inscription of a headstone .. “I told you I was Ill”
  18. Clap
    Caerphilly Ram reacted to BramcoteRam84 in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    Three bids on the table despite the position with HMRC. One of the bids involves Gadsby - like him or loathe him won’t let club go to the wall. Yet seen comments that we’re miles away from a takeover and it looks like liquidation. Honestly some people - get a grip! There is nothing in Jim’s post that Indicates they won’t name a preferred bidder next week and if things were so negative then why would they tell the whole squad and staff what’s happening as Rooney confirmed the other day?! Previous comms has just been with Rooney. 
    Honestly think people just see what they want to see rather than take what is said. 
  19. Clap
    Caerphilly Ram reacted to uttoxram75 in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    HSBC got their fine reduced from £91m to £64m today by not contesting the FCA decision on money laundering. 
    Natwest got fined £265m four days ago for money laundering as well. 
    No individual faces jail though. people made decisions to allow drug and terrorist money to be laundered much as people allowed DCFC to not pay tax to HRMC.
    Maybe we should go after the individuals who make these decisions, that might stop it!
    If the head honcho at HSBC, Natwest and DCFC went to prison for a decade or two some of the financial irregularity which plagues our society may be reduced?
  20. Like
    Caerphilly Ram reacted to Shuff264 in Tom Lawrence - Joined Rangers   
    He's a match winner and we will miss him if/when he leaves.
    He's scored or assisted 8 of our 18 league goals this season, thats not including goals like Plange v Blackpool that was made by him.
  21. Like
    Caerphilly Ram reacted to DerbyPride in Will Hughes   
  22. Clap
    Caerphilly Ram got a reaction from Van der MoodHoover in Cardiff City (A) Matchday Thread POSTPONED   
    This appears to be some odd slight aimed at me. My post included a link to the Cardiff City website in which THEY advise arriving 2 hours before, I then added my own experience of attending one of the Wales internationals last month when I arrived 45 mins before kick off without issue, at a point when Covid Passes were already deemed necessary and being checked in Wales.
    I was providing factual information in response to someone else’s query. Not sure how that’s been missed. 
  23. COYR
  24. COYR
    Caerphilly Ram got a reaction from OohMartWright in Cardiff City (A) Matchday Thread POSTPONED   
    I’m looking forward to this, it’s “local” for me. Have been a few times in recent years with my bluebird mates and had to sit on my hands in the home end, secured a ticket in the away end this time to soak up the atmosphere of our excellent Away following….and to join in ? ? 
  25. Clap
    Caerphilly Ram reacted to VulcanRam in Cardiff City (A) Matchday Thread POSTPONED   
    Enjoy, just tread Caerphilly.
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