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  1. Clap
    Ramifications reacted to MackworthRamIsGod in The Administration Thread   
    In a short period of time Kirchner has told us Rooney will be here next season. He has also confirmed that circa 40 players are needed and that initial investment is needed.
    And now we are hearing the EFL are happy with his proposals and we could be starting next season without a points deduction.
    Sounding good.
  2. Like
    Ramifications reacted to Magicman in What players would you bring in on trial   
    Get Shinnie and Jags back. 
  3. Like
    Ramifications reacted to Abu Derby in The Administration Thread   
    He might be good for us, average or just terrible. Know more in a years time. 
  4. Clap
    Ramifications reacted to SirBrian in The Administration Thread   
    CK is the only bid to be accepted, he his a sporting man for his company sponsors top golf tournaments, and i can see Rooney and CK having a good working relationship in the interest of your club Derby County give him a chance be happy, for again he his the only one who as come up with the cash.
    Rooney has implied that he will be staying with the club under CK ownership, so let look forward to the next chapter in Derby county's history, not having ago at you Roy, what do you think CK will think of the negativity on this forum against him when reading these pages when his investment is trying to save the club. COYR
  5. Like
    Ramifications reacted to Eatonram in The Administration Thread   
    In October Kirchner stated, and I paraphrase "I am not a Billionaire, I'm not sure this matters, however the Admins are very dilligent and just to get to this stage I had to prove funds of £100m in liquidity"
    Now of course it may just be a big con and the administrators have had the wool pulled over their eyes.....but I doubt that.
  6. Like
    Ramifications got a reaction from RamuelLJackson in The Administration Thread   
    When you want something bad enough, you'll pay for it. If it eventually turns out to be Chris Kirchner, Ashley didn't want us bad enough. He had the same opportunities. 
  7. Like
    Ramifications reacted to RoyMac5 in Captain Tom Lawrence   
    Tom Lawrence
    Skipper Tom Lawrence is one of a number of players out of contract this summer. Rooney said: I know Tom wants to play for this football club, he wants to play for me.
  8. Like
    Ramifications got a reaction from Wolfie in The Administration Thread   
    When you want something bad enough, you'll pay for it. If it eventually turns out to be Chris Kirchner, Ashley didn't want us bad enough. He had the same opportunities. 
  9. Clap
    Ramifications got a reaction from Curtains in The Administration Thread   
    When you want something bad enough, you'll pay for it. If it eventually turns out to be Chris Kirchner, Ashley didn't want us bad enough. He had the same opportunities. 
  10. Like
    Ramifications reacted to IslandExile in The Administration Thread   
    Does the club, the name, the history, the support not carry any value?
  11. Like
    Ramifications got a reaction from Crewton in Relegation rivals watch   
    I thought it was going to be a tall order when we lost to Millwall at home. 
  12. Clap
    Ramifications reacted to Rammed79 in The Administration Thread   
    He can tweet what the duck he likes as long as he pays the bills 
  13. Like
    Ramifications reacted to Elwood P Dowd in The Administration Thread   
    We don’t appear to have much choice -15 points this season at least stops the misery spreading into next season???
  14. Like
    Ramifications reacted to IslandExile in My Dream Ticket...   
    In the style of an American presidential election campaign, my "dream ticket" pairing would be:
    - Kirchner as owner of the club.
    - Derby City Council as owners of the ground.
    So, I know there's a lot on here do not like Kirchner. After all, it was immature for him to shoot his mouth off the way he did. But we've all been frustrated with Mel, the EFL and the Administrators so it's kinda understandable. Not excusing it but I see why he might have freaked out.
    He did seem interested, enough to attend games, wear the coat and put together a plan - that ensured the academy would remain a primary focus. Also, Wayne was on board with him, a factor which should not be underestimated.
    I think the council recognise the importance of the club to the community. Their ownership of the ground would keep it relatively secure (especially compared to some of the alternatives).
    Their rumoured involvement and the lowering of the overall cost of bidding for the club may be what has reignited Kirchner's interest, if the rumours are true.
    So I'm backing a Kirchner-Council dream ticket.
    Who would you prefer?
  15. Like
    Ramifications reacted to Rammy03 in Captain Tom Lawrence   
  16. Clap
    Ramifications got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Curtis up top for the last 6 games   
    Addingham Ram has sold it to me. Got to be worth a try. It could be a masterstroke. 
  17. Like
    Ramifications reacted to Addingham Ram in Curtis up top for the last 6 games   
    I'm with you on this Jimbo.
    We just don't seem to be much of a threat away from home.
    Take the last 3 away games. According to the BBC Sport stats, we had the majority of the possession in all 3 games, yet came away with nothing.
    So we aren't a team that relies on counter attacking football, even though we sometimes consider ourselves to be. We still try to build slowly from the back. So we don't necessarily need pace up front. What we need is a target man.
    Someone suggested the young lad who was on the bench recently. This is not the time for yet another debut. We need somebody who will make a nuisance of himself, and who won't be intimidated by the opposition's centre half's.
    I think throwing Curtis up front from the off as a wild card at Swansea could be a masterstroke. It would confuse the hell out of them.
    We're also not brilliant at closing down from the front, so I'd tell Curtis not to run around too much, just occupy their central defenders, and stay as high up the pitch as he can.
    I'd also put Fozzy in as well, still the best crosser of the ball that we have. Get Fozzy and Byrne to put crosses in from deep, don't try too hard to get to the byline. Give Curtis more of a chance to win any ariel battles. Get Lawrence and Kight / Ebiowei running off Curtis, and I dare say there would be some good scraps to feed off!
    We only have 3 home games left. That's potentially 9 points. I can't see that being enough. We need something from Swansea, and possibly QPR and Blackpool as well.
    I say go for it!
  18. Like
    Ramifications got a reaction from Premier ram in Lee Buchanan   
    I thought he played as well as I have ever seen him play. 
  19. Angry
    Ramifications reacted to Bubbles in The Administration Thread   
    Radio Derby have stated it was Stephen Pearce who appointed Quantuma!!! No wonder he’s still there doing nothing and collecting a large wage which could of been used to keep a couple members of staff!?
  20. Like
    Ramifications reacted to RoyMac5 in Lee Buchanan   
    Thought he had a decent game today. Got into some good positions in the box too. Maybe just needed to be a bit braver at times out wide. But still he's doing well.

  21. Like
    Ramifications reacted to jimtastic56 in Rams v Preston Matchday Thread   
    Wish we would just try 3 centre backs for once . Especially after the run we have been on.
  22. Like
    Ramifications reacted to Addingham Ram in Relegation rivals watch   
    It's fingers crossed time now that we're on the home stretch.
    So if Fulham win their next 3 matches, they will probably have mathematically clinched promotion by the time we play them at home.
    That would certainly put a slightly different perspective on what on paper looks a pretty tough game.
  23. Clap
    Ramifications reacted to loweman2 in Daily Mail Article 50 year anniversary a positive post   
    I was privileged to be asked by @Matt_Barlow_DM of the Daily Mail to assist him in putting together a full double page article celebrating the 50 year anniversary of Derby County becoming the Champions of England, please share its a great write up, so great to see something positive about our great club.
  24. Like
    Ramifications reacted to Rammy03 in The Administration Thread   
    Collymore's a banker and all that...
  25. Clap
    Ramifications reacted to Jimbo Ram in The Administration Thread   
    Welcome back Roy Mac, the forum just hasn’t been the same without you ??
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