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  1. Like
    Ambitious got a reaction from Miggins in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    Hosking does come across very well. I just hope his words turn to fruition. He almost seems optimistic. 
  2. Like
    Ambitious got a reaction from David Graham Brown in Simon Jordan   
    Simon Jordan is bang on the money 90% of the time. 
    I don't think he likes Rooney or trusts him with the job, because I believe going by his comments that he sees Derby as a club who shouldn't be a starting point for first-time managers. He had similar reservations regarding Lampard, I believe. 
    I think what has happened here, certainly going on a few comments on TalkSPORT today, is that (like our fight with the EFL) only half-truths are being spoken, considered and taken in the completely wrong direction. The Championship is an afterthought of a lot of these stations and it shows in their level of research. 
    Mel Morris has clearly closed the tap off and put us into administration when he didn't have to. He could've paid the debts himself and got the club back to a good starting point. However, as he admitted in his interview with Radio Derby, once he decided he would not benefit from any of the finances he put in, he decided against using his own money. He put debts on the club. It's as simple as that.
    Rooney was given the opportunity to start his career here, obviously not in these circumstances, so he has every right to feel coerced into a position that he didn't sign up to. The lack of communication has been painful for us, never mind the manager of the club. I just think he's not completely factored everything in. 
    People still look at Mel for putting money in the club, the £200m comment is utter drivel (and we know it) as nearly half of that accounts to the stadium that he has in his possession. He's still coming away with this as some unlucky person who gave his last ££ to the club in order to achieve success. He didn't. He gambled and when he decided to want out then he decided to pile debts on the club. I guess he said he doesn't want any of the money owed to him back, although I'm not entire sure that is 100% the case. I guess we will see. 
  3. Clap
    Ambitious got a reaction from RAM1966 in Simon Jordan   
    Simon Jordan is bang on the money 90% of the time. 
    I don't think he likes Rooney or trusts him with the job, because I believe going by his comments that he sees Derby as a club who shouldn't be a starting point for first-time managers. He had similar reservations regarding Lampard, I believe. 
    I think what has happened here, certainly going on a few comments on TalkSPORT today, is that (like our fight with the EFL) only half-truths are being spoken, considered and taken in the completely wrong direction. The Championship is an afterthought of a lot of these stations and it shows in their level of research. 
    Mel Morris has clearly closed the tap off and put us into administration when he didn't have to. He could've paid the debts himself and got the club back to a good starting point. However, as he admitted in his interview with Radio Derby, once he decided he would not benefit from any of the finances he put in, he decided against using his own money. He put debts on the club. It's as simple as that.
    Rooney was given the opportunity to start his career here, obviously not in these circumstances, so he has every right to feel coerced into a position that he didn't sign up to. The lack of communication has been painful for us, never mind the manager of the club. I just think he's not completely factored everything in. 
    People still look at Mel for putting money in the club, the £200m comment is utter drivel (and we know it) as nearly half of that accounts to the stadium that he has in his possession. He's still coming away with this as some unlucky person who gave his last ££ to the club in order to achieve success. He didn't. He gambled and when he decided to want out then he decided to pile debts on the club. I guess he said he doesn't want any of the money owed to him back, although I'm not entire sure that is 100% the case. I guess we will see. 
  4. Like
    Ambitious got a reaction from Kathcairns in Simon Jordan   
    Simon Jordan is bang on the money 90% of the time. 
    I don't think he likes Rooney or trusts him with the job, because I believe going by his comments that he sees Derby as a club who shouldn't be a starting point for first-time managers. He had similar reservations regarding Lampard, I believe. 
    I think what has happened here, certainly going on a few comments on TalkSPORT today, is that (like our fight with the EFL) only half-truths are being spoken, considered and taken in the completely wrong direction. The Championship is an afterthought of a lot of these stations and it shows in their level of research. 
    Mel Morris has clearly closed the tap off and put us into administration when he didn't have to. He could've paid the debts himself and got the club back to a good starting point. However, as he admitted in his interview with Radio Derby, once he decided he would not benefit from any of the finances he put in, he decided against using his own money. He put debts on the club. It's as simple as that.
    Rooney was given the opportunity to start his career here, obviously not in these circumstances, so he has every right to feel coerced into a position that he didn't sign up to. The lack of communication has been painful for us, never mind the manager of the club. I just think he's not completely factored everything in. 
    People still look at Mel for putting money in the club, the £200m comment is utter drivel (and we know it) as nearly half of that accounts to the stadium that he has in his possession. He's still coming away with this as some unlucky person who gave his last ££ to the club in order to achieve success. He didn't. He gambled and when he decided to want out then he decided to pile debts on the club. I guess he said he doesn't want any of the money owed to him back, although I'm not entire sure that is 100% the case. I guess we will see. 
  5. Like
    Ambitious got a reaction from Derby4Me in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    Hosking does come across very well. I just hope his words turn to fruition. He almost seems optimistic. 
  6. Haha
    Ambitious reacted to RadioactiveWaste in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    Would you lend money to an insolvant company?
    It's quite possible a mysterious benefactor has provided the facility. Or perhaps the loan has gone to the administrator? Maybe Rammie was brought back to be used as collatral? He's locked in an attick somewhere in Chad until the loans are repaid?
  7. Clap
    Ambitious got a reaction from Ram-Alf in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    Hosking does come across very well. I just hope his words turn to fruition. He almost seems optimistic. 
  8. Clap
    Ambitious got a reaction from IslandExile in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    Trevor Birch confirmed their plan is to remove parachute payments, pool the TV revenue with the Premier League in which the EFL get a 25% share. 
    I say good luck getting the Premier League agreeing to such a thing. 
  9. COYR
    Ambitious got a reaction from Derby4Me in Operation Fill the Ground v Swansea   
    If we can get to anywhere near what we had pre-COVID which was near 27,000 then that would be a huge effort for a midweek game, especially as Reading won't bring a huge following. 
    It's bound to be a great atmosphere regardless. I'm really looking forward to the game. 
  10. COYR
    Ambitious got a reaction from sage in Operation Fill the Ground v Swansea   
    If we can get to anywhere near what we had pre-COVID which was near 27,000 then that would be a huge effort for a midweek game, especially as Reading won't bring a huge following. 
    It's bound to be a great atmosphere regardless. I'm really looking forward to the game. 
  11. Like
    Ambitious got a reaction from Kathcairns in Operation Fill the Ground v Swansea   
    If we can get to anywhere near what we had pre-COVID which was near 27,000 then that would be a huge effort for a midweek game, especially as Reading won't bring a huge following. 
    It's bound to be a great atmosphere regardless. I'm really looking forward to the game. 
  12. Like
    Ambitious got a reaction from OohMartWright in Operation Fill the Ground v Swansea   
    If we can get to anywhere near what we had pre-COVID which was near 27,000 then that would be a huge effort for a midweek game, especially as Reading won't bring a huge following. 
    It's bound to be a great atmosphere regardless. I'm really looking forward to the game. 
  13. Like
    Ambitious got a reaction from Ellafella in Operation Fill the Ground v Swansea   
    If we can get to anywhere near what we had pre-COVID which was near 27,000 then that would be a huge effort for a midweek game, especially as Reading won't bring a huge following. 
    It's bound to be a great atmosphere regardless. I'm really looking forward to the game. 
  14. Haha
    Ambitious got a reaction from Simon84 in Players asked to defer wages   
    I don’t like it. 
    The players should be free to say no, without punishment. Some players can afford a deferral more than others.
    If a life long Derby County fan with 100s of millions in the bank can’t be arsed to sacrifice for the club then why should the players?
    I’m a Derby fan and I would be saying get me my money or allow me to walk. There is absolutely no certainty this deferral will ever be paid. Are we not just delaying the obvious? 
  15. Haha
    Ambitious reacted to TuffLuff in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    I loathe to make a joke like this one, but it did make me laugh

  16. Clap
    Ambitious got a reaction from Gritstone Ram in Views From the Outside 21/22   
    My unpopular opinion is that I believe the Premier League SHOULD shut up shop. 
    I heard on the radio that the revenue generated by the Premier League is currently 50/50 between overseas and the UK. It has changed significantly and quickly as it once stood at 90/10. Now, I don't think that is a bad thing at all and obviously for the Premier League it's fantastic. The apatite for the league is great, but let's not pretend that grew because of the promotion and relegation. It grew because of the dominance of the top 6 and 90% of that overseas revenue is due to them, without question. The balance will soon shift where the Premier League becomes a genuine tourist league. The revenue will be significantly dominated by overseas investment and in turn there will be requirements by the Premier League to pander, if that's the right word, to the investors. We aren't far away from Premier League games being played in different countries and again, I'm not totally against it. I wouldn't want Derby to be a part of it. 
    A permanent break from the Premier League would allow the EFL to focus on their brand. The majority of football supporters in this country support teams outside the top 20 clubs in the league. Undeniable. I would argue that the majority of football fans in the country, like me, aren't interesting the big clubs - the big names. They just want a game of football to watch at a reasonable price at a reasonable time. 
    The EFL then could become a competitor to the Premier League. The top division in the EFL becomes the Premier League for the 'national league' it's not a stepping stone any more. I genuinely believe it would garner more attention from the wider public, if marketed correctly. The biggest benefit is that clubs wouldn't have the disparity between the Premier League and Championship anymore, the pot of gold isn't there. 
    The only other option is going to be increased hand-outs from the Premier League down into the football league. The more the Premier League grows, the more help the Championship will need to stop it becoming a complete farce - more so than it already is. 
    Mel said only two teams in the past 10 years(?) have been promoted without completely blowing up their finances in their promotion year, excluding those promoted with parachute payments. You only have to look at the top 3 now. I think the frustrations with Norwich being promoted and relegated almost bi-annually is starting to cause questions too, from the Premier League. 
  17. Like
    Ambitious got a reaction from ramit in Wayne Rooney press conference   
    WAYNE ducking ROONEY!

  18. Like
    Ambitious got a reaction from Alph in Wayne Rooney press conference   
    WAYNE ducking ROONEY!

  19. Like
    Ambitious got a reaction from mrdave85 in Wayne Rooney press conference   
    WAYNE ducking ROONEY!

  20. Haha
    Ambitious got a reaction from ColonelBlimp in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    We have another point deduction incoming. If we go on the basis of -21 or depending if we can't pay wages -24 then we would be closer to the true figure. 
    I wish Mel Morris nothing but absolute misery until the end of his days. I hope he stubs his toe every step he takes and every wasp that descends on our shores stings his baw bag.  
  21. Clap
    Ambitious got a reaction from Reggie Greenwood in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    The irony, of course, is that season in question: Derby had 9th highest wage bill in the Championship (£40m) and Middlesbrough had the 4th highest wage bill in the Championship with £49m. Yet, it claims that we made it impossible for other teams to compete fairly? Aston Villa had a wage bill of £83m that same season, double ours. It's an outrageous claim. 
  22. Like
    Ambitious got a reaction from Tamworthram in Players asked to defer wages   
    Not punished, as such, I meant not coerced into it. They should feel as though they can say no if they want too - I'd imagine some are more comfortable than others at the thought of deferring a third of their wage. I personally wouldn't be comfortable with it. A few of our players, presumably, are high earners. The majority won't be. 
  23. Clap
    Ambitious got a reaction from Kathcairns in Views From the Outside 21/22   
    My unpopular opinion is that I believe the Premier League SHOULD shut up shop. 
    I heard on the radio that the revenue generated by the Premier League is currently 50/50 between overseas and the UK. It has changed significantly and quickly as it once stood at 90/10. Now, I don't think that is a bad thing at all and obviously for the Premier League it's fantastic. The apatite for the league is great, but let's not pretend that grew because of the promotion and relegation. It grew because of the dominance of the top 6 and 90% of that overseas revenue is due to them, without question. The balance will soon shift where the Premier League becomes a genuine tourist league. The revenue will be significantly dominated by overseas investment and in turn there will be requirements by the Premier League to pander, if that's the right word, to the investors. We aren't far away from Premier League games being played in different countries and again, I'm not totally against it. I wouldn't want Derby to be a part of it. 
    A permanent break from the Premier League would allow the EFL to focus on their brand. The majority of football supporters in this country support teams outside the top 20 clubs in the league. Undeniable. I would argue that the majority of football fans in the country, like me, aren't interesting the big clubs - the big names. They just want a game of football to watch at a reasonable price at a reasonable time. 
    The EFL then could become a competitor to the Premier League. The top division in the EFL becomes the Premier League for the 'national league' it's not a stepping stone any more. I genuinely believe it would garner more attention from the wider public, if marketed correctly. The biggest benefit is that clubs wouldn't have the disparity between the Premier League and Championship anymore, the pot of gold isn't there. 
    The only other option is going to be increased hand-outs from the Premier League down into the football league. The more the Premier League grows, the more help the Championship will need to stop it becoming a complete farce - more so than it already is. 
    Mel said only two teams in the past 10 years(?) have been promoted without completely blowing up their finances in their promotion year, excluding those promoted with parachute payments. You only have to look at the top 3 now. I think the frustrations with Norwich being promoted and relegated almost bi-annually is starting to cause questions too, from the Premier League. 
  24. COYR
    Ambitious reacted to Derbados in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    An extra 5000 fans going to the game will make a huge difference in revenue. Fans turning up so important 
    You heard them people, let’s get the stadium packed to the rafters 
  25. Clap
    Ambitious got a reaction from ImARam2 in Views From the Outside 21/22   
    My unpopular opinion is that I believe the Premier League SHOULD shut up shop. 
    I heard on the radio that the revenue generated by the Premier League is currently 50/50 between overseas and the UK. It has changed significantly and quickly as it once stood at 90/10. Now, I don't think that is a bad thing at all and obviously for the Premier League it's fantastic. The apatite for the league is great, but let's not pretend that grew because of the promotion and relegation. It grew because of the dominance of the top 6 and 90% of that overseas revenue is due to them, without question. The balance will soon shift where the Premier League becomes a genuine tourist league. The revenue will be significantly dominated by overseas investment and in turn there will be requirements by the Premier League to pander, if that's the right word, to the investors. We aren't far away from Premier League games being played in different countries and again, I'm not totally against it. I wouldn't want Derby to be a part of it. 
    A permanent break from the Premier League would allow the EFL to focus on their brand. The majority of football supporters in this country support teams outside the top 20 clubs in the league. Undeniable. I would argue that the majority of football fans in the country, like me, aren't interesting the big clubs - the big names. They just want a game of football to watch at a reasonable price at a reasonable time. 
    The EFL then could become a competitor to the Premier League. The top division in the EFL becomes the Premier League for the 'national league' it's not a stepping stone any more. I genuinely believe it would garner more attention from the wider public, if marketed correctly. The biggest benefit is that clubs wouldn't have the disparity between the Premier League and Championship anymore, the pot of gold isn't there. 
    The only other option is going to be increased hand-outs from the Premier League down into the football league. The more the Premier League grows, the more help the Championship will need to stop it becoming a complete farce - more so than it already is. 
    Mel said only two teams in the past 10 years(?) have been promoted without completely blowing up their finances in their promotion year, excluding those promoted with parachute payments. You only have to look at the top 3 now. I think the frustrations with Norwich being promoted and relegated almost bi-annually is starting to cause questions too, from the Premier League. 
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