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Posts posted by TomTom92

  1. 9 minutes ago, NottsRam77 said:

    Theyre hardly going to say were aiming for midtable though are they lol

    every clubs aim start of the season is that goal thats spouted froM players and management alike 

    I’m not sure the likes of Cheltenham are saying that…could be wrong. 
    Plus not sure Warne would be here if midtable was an acceptable outcome. He knows outside top 6 and half the fans will be on his back.

  2. 14 minutes ago, BramcoteRam84 said:

    It’s not even GSE x2, even when they ran the club we still lost £8m a year and they plugged the gap. Clowes won’t do that. 

    Hope he’s got some Arabian friends then. He talks about the last 30 years being underwhelming that isn’t going to change with a pocket of polos as our budget.

  3. Pretty sure DC, PW and numerous players have said promotion is the aim this season so not unexpected for fans to have this as the base line.  
    Agree 2 matches is too early to get the knives out. However, a poor end to last season, poor recruitment in the final third and up to now a poor start to the season isn’t looking good. 
    A win tomorrow will definitely ease any tension but likewise another defeat will see the heat turned up again.

    DC might give PW the season regardless but if it looks like we’re midtable at best then attendences will drop as well as general interest.

  4. 27 minutes ago, Andicis said:

    I would imagine they would try and tie playing time into a possible loan agreement. I'd rather not be forced to play a player regardless of form. Lying as a manager is a great way to piss off the squad. 

    So is signing someone like Tony Springett and losing matches.

  5. 14 minutes ago, Andicis said:

    Not being able to offer playing time guarantees ≠ anyone necessarily playing ahead of them. We just can't guarantee minutes. Maybe Blackpool could. 


    Maybe Warne should lie then. There’s no doubt in my mind that Weir would’ve been better than all 4 of our midfielders so not sure that’s an issue. 
    If Weir ends up being poor and doesn’t play then it’s just Brighton that we’ve peed off.

  6. 28 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

    I said at the start of the season I thought Top 6 was a realistic target and am still going for that.

    I've not looked beyond that to be perfectly honest but to answer your question I think there again will be a mismatch between what supporters think we will be spending to what we actually are allowed to spend as a club by Clowes.

    He's made it clear that he wants the club to be sustainable which means to me that even if the restrictions are lifted we won't see a quantum leap in terns of transfer fees being paid which will again restrict our freedom in the transfer market but not as much as this season. 

    Maybe a couple of low six figure transfer fees being paid out with with money being recouped from existing player sales.

    I think we're in for a grind in League 1 which some supporters still don't seem to either accept or find palletible. 



    I agree with your assessment about next season sadly. 
    Its GSEx2, that said even though I agree I’m still going to be raging when we’re farting around in league 1 in 3 seasons time.

  7. Just now, Tyler Durden said:

    In some instances the decision may be to do nothing. As there is nothing practical you can do with the situation. 

    I understand that there is a lot of frustration regards our transfer dealings this summer from some quarters having just replied to a similar post on another thread but this seems to be then spilling over into unrealism and then spiralling into a blame game mentality.

    We haven't replaced McGoldrick even know we knew all summer he was leaving. And? I could have replaced McGoldrick if I had a transfer budget of 10 million quid and unlimited wages. That's not the problem. 

    There’s frustration because I don’t think it’s unrealistic for us to expect/hope for top 6. Now we may get this with the squad we’ve got. In my opinion that’s doubtful. 
    Where do you expect/hope we finish this season? And assuming we don’t get promoted this season. What would be your expectations for next season without restrictions? 

  8. We might pull it out of the bag in the next 3 weeks. But my confidence in this possibility is low. 
    All the people defending Warne/recruitment team…what’s your expectations for this season? If it’s top 6 good luck to you.

  9. 1 hour ago, Tyler Durden said:

    The Japanese have a saying - fix the problem not the blame.

    Why are we intent on apportioning a scapegoat rather than focusing our efforts on solving the problem.

    The problem here seems to be that we can't attract the calibre of players we want to a L1 club with a minimal transfer budget. 

    How do we fix that. 

    I’m not sure how we fix it other than, replacing the recruitment team, manager or increasing the budget. 
    If you have any ideas I’m happy to listen.

  10. 1 minute ago, Tyler Durden said:

    But that's an inference though. Which I presume you've based on a logical thought process in your mind that we must have been in for some players this summer whom turned us down because as you quite rightly say every club misses out on transfer targets. 

    That was never the debate here. The debate was that all of these "misses" therefore MUST be down to Warne not having enough attraction as a manager. Inference again. None of us know the precise reasons why the players turned us down only the protagonists themselves.

    But it MUST be down to Warne. As they all should want to come to a club and play Infront of 30k supporters every home game. 

    Well if I’ve joined a debate and have missed the point of the debate then apologise. 
    But for my money if the window shuts and we’re found wanting. Blame must go to Warne and the recruitment team. It’s not like we’re Carlisle. Half the work should be done by default that we’re the size we are. 

    Some managers are strong in the market. They just have the gift of the gab. Warne for me hasn’t shown this. Then for me he’s tactically poor, doesn’t develop players so I’m starting to question what he brings to the table. 
    Im still Warne in by the way, but more and more that’s down to him seeming like a nice bloke and not wanting change as opposed to evidence on the pitch.

  11. Just now, Tyler Durden said:

    Same question to you as RoyMac - give me a list of players that you know categorically turned us down and for each player the precise reason why they made their decision. Go. 

    If that’s the criteria on discussing transfers on a forum then nobody apart from mystic BigTrav will have an opinion. 
    Every club misses out on targets that’s part and parcel. But if you’re telling me that we haven’t lost out on some good young talent to other league 1 clubs then sorry I’m not buying it. Without being arrogant at this level if we come in for a player we should be ‘winning the race’ more often than not. 
    If we haven’t lost out on any young targets then I’m questioning the recruitment team as to who they’re looking at.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

    Roy you've not answered my question as you can't. As neither can I.

    So you've proved my exact point with my reply in essence.

    It's only really Warne and Derby whom know which players they made serious offers for and then they turned us down.

    But we can then leap to the conclusion that because we haven't seen an influx of stellar recruits this summer then it's because the fault lies at Warnes door automatically. We don't know.

    But the lazy insinuation to draw if it suits your purposes is it must be. And none of use know the precise list of players we had an interest in, and if they did which club to they go to instead and why - for more money, to live closer to home etc etc 

    But no it must all be down to Warne as a manager. If that's the agenda you have.

    After disagree on this one. Maybe harsh to put it all at Warne’s door. I’m happy to question the recruitment team too. 
    But there’s been at least 3 occasions when a players been close then done their best Lord Lucan impression. 
    When the window shuts if we haven’t got our ducks in a row then there’s no excuses to be made. A club of our size in this division with a competitive budget should be having one of the better windows. 

  13. 3 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    When you look at the players who have moved from one club in our league or below to another they number quite a few players. Do you believe we weren't after any of them? When you look in the leagues above you might ask similar. If we were in for none of them then I ask you why not?

    Agreed the Weir news is just the cherry on top of the cake. 
    If you can’t sell 30,000 fans, a club full of history and a salary that’s competitive then there’s no hope.

  14. 1 hour ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Only promotion soon ie this season, and him wanting to stay will guarantee that. IMHO.

    PW said himself he'd walk away if he came to the ground and people were holding a 'PW Out' flag. If we miss out on top 6 there's no way the fans will accept it. However, at this rate he won't see halloween never mind the final match of the season.

  15. Worth noting that despite the near catastrophe and world falling apart of last pre season, we finished 7th after 46 matches. Surely a calmer pre season with an established manager and a recruitment guru should show an improvement?

    Especially when Ipswich and Weds have left the party and a points deducted Wigan and off field craziness Reading have joined it. 

    I can't help but feel Warne's 'needs to be a good person' has held us back. Sure i agree with the plan on paper, but give me the Devil up front if he knows how to hit 20 a season. 

  16. 12 hours ago, Ambitious said:

    Paul Warne is clearly a good manager and when the opportunity to hire came up, it would’ve been difficult to turn him away. He’s a manager with a proven track record on a small budget and is an impressive character - he’s very assured on what he wants and I think that translates quite well. 

    I think the problem is that football management is in itself an enigma so what works at one place doesn’t at another - you’re essentially trying to row a paddle boat in the ocean where any number of things can go in your favour or against you. I find it funny that so many people believe they have so much influence, but ultimately the best laid plans can go to wreck and ruin. Don’t get me wrong, some managers don’t help themselves, Warne hasn’t at times, but the biggest issue in his time at Derby has been situational football. Individual errors in critical situations have plauged his time here - he’s going to take some responsibility for that but it’s not fifa so he’s not controlling every player. Senior players have let themselves down, the important thing now is to try and get everything settled going into the next two league games. We’ve got two teams also yet to win a game - Oxford in particular seem to be in a little bit of a crisis after expected to go well this season. 

    Exactly this. How many good managers have we appointed and its gone boobs up? Its all about timing and luck, see Forest and Cooper, when he eventually leaves there's no guarantee that he'll smash it anywhere else. 

    Personally think there's been an overreaction this season. But I do take onboard that Blackpool first half was unacceptable and if you look at the downward momentum of last season, alarm bells will start ringing if things don't start going to plan. 

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