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Posts posted by TomTom92

  1. Warne all day long. 
    Whilst Warne has to make sure they’re a good person it’s a waste of time having this Thomas bloke. Ironically I thought we’d done good business defensively. Either I’m wrong as are others or Warne’s tactics are shafting them.

    Either way it doesn’t reflect well on Warne.

  2. 24 minutes ago, CBX1985 said:

    Three wins and they do.  Two losses and one win they will not.

    Agreed but that’s my point. Unless he pulls a rabbit out of the hat (on this seasons showing so far) he’s on the road to the sack. 
    The only other way pressure gets released is if Clowes comes out says sustaining the club is priority and if it takes us 4 years to go up then so be it and Warne’s the man for the job. 

  3. Think the end is nigh. 
    Warne’s going to need a serious turn around to survive medium to long term. Even if our results even out, are people going to accept a 12th place finish with the inevitable poor performances that such a finish entails? 
    There’s discussions to be had on recruitment, interview answers etc which we’ve started already. But if the fans feel as negative as they do now that isn’t going to change with a win against Fleetwood. Especially when Bolton and Peterborough are waiting around the corner.

    Think from Warne’s demeanour he knows it too. However, he has the cushion of compensation to make his tears go away.

  4. Just now, simmoram1995 said:

    As far as I know it can’t be used on transfers but on infrastructure and balancing the books. So you have two options sell and not use or don’t sell hold on , go on a free but might risk a slap on the wrist from the efl for not generating the agreed income 

    Thats my interpretation too. In that case we're snookered, whichever poor buggar takes over (assuming they do) they'll have ANOTHER rebuild to do next summer. 

  5. 1 minute ago, Gerry Daly said:

    So do I but I remember thinking at the time how decisive and even ruthless Clowes was to get rid of Rosenior and appoint Warne. I think Clowes is very reasonable man and he doesn't come over as prone to knee jerk reactions but I suspect he won't be as slow to pull the trigger as many seem to think

    We'll see.

    I do enjoy the argument of 'We can't keep changing managers' whilst i agree in some ways. Many teams have got promoted including Forest by keep rolling the dice until lady luck shines down accordingly. 

  6. There seems to be confusion over whether money received can be reintroduced in to the squad. If we can reinvest then it pains may to say but we may need to flog Bird and Cashin, especially if we bring a new man in. Can't expect them to pull up trees without the chance to sign a couple of players. 

    In relation to appointing a new manager Clowes is in a pickle. He either has to go for a Moore, Wilder etc who play 3-5-2 and would pick up where Warne left off or go for an Evatt (ambitious i know) or Simpson and go for an easy on the eye appointment which contradicts our current squad. 

    We've had a shocker, roll on next season.  

  7. 23 minutes ago, WarneOut said:

    I mean, I’m lost for words at this stage. 8Leeds has certainly got some of the details right, but I can’t understand how we consistently put in such embarrassing performances and results. Even playing our worst 11 and getting tactics wrong, we should still be able to beat Oxford. I’ve never even heard of any of their players.

    I don’t care about contracts, and I don’t care about those of you who continue to defend him, Warne has to go for the sake of the club and for my sanity.

    (The usual suspects can save the ‘you can sod off then’ posts, I won’t dignify them with a response.)

    I must admit the more I think about it the more I’m siding with letting him go. Our home record was impeccable before Warne. PP a fortress even in the dog days of Rooney and co. We look so toothless at home now, I mean how has he made 25,000 fans aka the 12th man irrelevant. 

  8. 6 hours ago, CornwallRam said:

    I think the problem with Warneball is that we don't seem to be able to play it.

    My understanding of the manager's tactics is -

    Get the ball forward quickly and attack with aggression at pace but with the extra centre back providing a bit of a shield for when we lose the ball.

    Use the wingbacks for width and get early crosses into the box, with two strikers and at least one midfielder trying to get on the end of them.

    Press high, hard and as a team to force errors and get possession high up the pitch. The extra defender again provides cover for when the press is broken.

    Most free kicks and corners driven into the box, where our well drilled players make the most of the opportunities. 

    Train hard to give our players superior fitness.

    Have a strongly supportive team ethic so players do not fear making mistakes and bust a gut to cover for each other.


    To me, that all makes sense. The problems are that we aren't doing very much of it and too many of the new recruits don't appear suited to it.

    Someone said we're fickle as fans. No we're not, we're just fans. Like all fans we want results, good football (whatever you define that as) and to feel the team are giving their all. Ideally a manager gives you all three, but most fans will remain supportive if any two of those are achieved. Eventually every fan will turn anti if none are achieved, and that's where we are right now. Paul Warne needs to change things very quickly or he'll be Warne out.


    Worth noting that our squad has more than a few oldies, add that to the new stoppage time rules and gas out Warne ball doesn’t seem that sustainable.

  9. 7 hours ago, Andicis said:

    Didn't we just sign a new head of recruitment? How involved was Warne with recruitment? Once again, people make assumptions and then berate Warne based on their own (probably incorrect) assumption. 

    Looking at our signings they stink of Warne. Plus if he has to vet them to see if they’re ‘good people’ then ultimately he has a part to play on the off chance it is all Mark Thomas’ work.

  10. Feels like when Cocu was in charge were a nice bloke is being backed with patience because we’ve been trigger happy before. 
    I was glad when PW came in for Rosenior. But at least under LR you could see a vague plan. Our home record was good and he appeared to make decent signings. 
    In all seriousness what are PW strengths? For me he’s tactically inept, poor in the transfer market, doesn’t appear to be a worldie coach and man management which I can half see as a strength is under scrutiny after his post match comments against Blackpool. 
    Problem we’ve got is if we sack PW, whoever comes in doesn’t really have time to assess the squad before deadline day. Plus we’ve spunked all of our budget on PW players. The only thing sacking PW would do would give the new man the perfect excuse to lower expectations as it wouldn’t be his squad. 
    I reckon truth be told DC is seriously considering pulling the trigger. But an early shot means A) he got it wrong and B) Mel x2. Depends whether DC cares what people think or not. 

  11. As @Malty eluded to i watched the post match interview and he didn't seem his usual chirpy self. 

    Of course he's only human, maybe he'd received a bad text from the mrs or maybe his boiler had broken. 

    But assuming his morale wasn't affected by outside reasons, maybe as @SSD suggested Warne has realised that whilst we'll back the team in numbers and whilst our support during the Rooney days were unmatched. If he drops the ball this season or even if we lose a couple of matches the knives will start to sharpen. Or perhaps he's down because our recruitment let him down?

    Who knows at the end of the day. Hopefully a win on tuesday will see him back to his positive self. 

  12. 8 minutes ago, Chopper said:

    Agree here, suggesting we can is far from suggesting we will. It may be that the budget is barely in 6 figures, it may be that Clowes will want every other avenue exploring before a fee is spent, and then spend only on the closest thing you can get to a 'sure bet' in football. Clowes isnt particularly wealthy in football club owner terms, he certainly doesn't strike me as a rash spender, so yeah he could offer us some manna in suggesting we could pay fees, but in real terms its not really going to happen.

    Are we still in the bodies through the door stage? If so demonstrating that we pay fees now may make that job more expensive. A couple more windows and maybe we'll start seeing modest fees on the final few peices of the jigsaw.

    Warne et al will say they expect promotion, they kinda need to when speaking about a club like Derby, but the rebuild is going to be massive and take years. I too fall for the sin of over expectation, but I wont be stunned if we stay in L1 for a bit and even have our lowest ever finish until we have fully found our feet.


    Good luck to Warne if this is the case.

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