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Posts posted by TomTom92

  1. Stuck between giving him til Christmas and out now. 

    Really want it to work as he think his approach to interviews etc are refreshing. But can’t forgive him if this season ends up being a no show.

    I’ve been very critical with him/the recruitment team regarding out poor forward line. Ultimately I don’t know how much input he’s got, but if we don’t get the players in or he can’t get a tune out of those we have then it’ll be him that gets the boot.  

  2. 44 minutes ago, On the Ram Page said:

    There seems to be huge criticisms of our recruitment so far but I believe it is no where near as bad as people are making out.

    In my view there were certain priorities:

    - no real alternative to Wildsmith - he could make as many mistakes as possible and had no competition

    - we used to get bullied in defence by big attackers and at set pieces, throw ins, with big defenders joining in. We conceded no end of goals from these. Davies, Stearman and Chester were let go (rightly so in the view of the majority on this Forum).

    We lacked aggression, pace and creativity in midfield. Our crossing was poor.

    We lacked pace and alternatives in attack, with only Collins and McGoldrick as forerunners. We then had the bombshell that McGoldrick was leaving.

    we also wanted to be more threatening in the position box from set plays

    New Arrivals:

    Vickers- on the little we have seen of him so far he looks a capable addition. Wild smith has made a couple of errors so far and looked a bit shaky on crosses. Many were calling for a change against Fleetwood but Warne stuck with him and he had his best game so far. Would have no problem with Vickers replacing him should there be further errors.

    Nelson - has had a few shaky moments but generally has looked pretty solid. Quite a few had him as our best player against Wigan (others not). He is a big strong guy and suffers no nonsense from the opposition. Signs of him organising a bit on Saturday.

    Bradley - everyone was delighted when we signed him and listened to his interview. Had a colossal game against Stoke in pre-season but following his mistake mid first half against Wigan has looked tentative. Not started last match but I for one still expect him to play an important role during the season. I remember Mark Wright and Craig Short both struggling badly when they came to the club. Bradley has had a very good career so far.

    Elder - pre-season ruined by an injury and not really got started yet. Remember the game against Matlock where his left foot looked very good passing and crossing. Hull fans very disappointed to lose him. He is another, I predict will be a big player for us.

    Ward - arguably the played the best of the new signings so far. Not pacy but able to find a yard to whip in dangerous crosses which Collins has thrived on. Annoyingly now injured.

    Wilson - again missed a lot of pre-season and we have only seen glimpses of him. Something there to work with. Will either be a gem or disappointment I think. Again annoyingly injured.

    Washington - again missed preseason - jury still out but has worked well with Waghorn so far. Probably not as quick as Imhad hoped. Done ok so far

    Waghorn - many on the Forum didn’t want him back (some said passed it) but breath of fresh air so far.


    So with the exception of Bradley no one has shown signs of promise. The injuries have rocked us this last week or so.

    we still haven’t found our pace up front nor our midfield destroyer but I am sure this hasn’t been without considerable effort. I don’t want us to waste our money if we can’t improve on what we have.

    Patience and Rams fans don’t go arm in arm. But generally our recruitment has been good, although disappointing with injuries to those signed (oh George Thorne). 




    Depends where we finish i guess. But seeing as we finished 7th last season and arguable the teams that got promoted are better than what came down, we should be a top 6 this season. 

    So far we haven't been at the races, whether thats due to the players or how Warne's using them is up for debate. However, we haven't replaced McGoldrick and we do look very one paced. Big 10 days ahead in the window i'd say. 

  3. 33 minutes ago, Srg said:

    Ironically, that's just what we've got. Bodies. They're not a functional midfield. Bring anyone we can in to improve the team or we won't achieve a thing. Smith isn't good enough anymore, Hourihane isn't good enough anymore, could we potentially mask their deficiencies with some more athletic players around them? Maybe, but they're both gone at the end of the year regardless.

    Would happily see us shift Hourihane and his presumed high wages. You play him 46 matches he'll come back with half decent numbers, but defensively he's not good enough and when the chips are down i don't have confidence that he'll score a worldie like he appeared to do at Barnsley and Villa.

  4. I like the idea of getting in two new midfielders as I don't particularly rate any of central midfielders. 

    However, i agree that the addition of two more bodies would leave us bloated. Especially as it would appear that Thompson is looking the part.

    Smith gives us cover at RB, so can't see him leaving. Unless we're adamant in bringing a new RB in. 

  5. 19 minutes ago, YorkshireRam said:

    Pure devils advocate: what if Warne is frustrated at the club's inability to get deals over the line, and his repeated attempts to draw attention to it are to put pressure on the people in charge of the deals to actually get bodies in the door?

    Good point but the pressure clearly isn't working because its the third or fourth time this has happened. 

    A lot of people have defended the recruitment team and Warne on this matter but with 10 days left, its time to put up or shut up.

    Plus surely a better way to put pressure on would be to say something like 'Yes we're closing in on a player, its with the recruitment team now to finalise the deal and work their magic. No timeframe of completion but i'd ideally want them in before saturday' therefore at least it distances himself from this mess. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Ambitious said:

    Maybe something to watch: Bristol Rovers owners have just invested £6.2m into the club and are expected to have a big push on signing Clarke-Harris from Peterborough. 

    It’s a strange one, but they’ve just signed Harvey Vale on loan who will probably be one of the most exciting players at this level so probably having a strong push. 

    Just seen a posh fan on twitter say he looks as immobile as ever this season. But how do you replace 20 goals. I guess us with McGoldrick can agree with that statement. 
    Someone mentioned Idah is available for loan at Norwich, I’d be all over that.

  7. 35 minutes ago, secretsquirrel said:

    Can’t understand the support forSimpson -a manager who was sacked byRochdale,Preston,Shrewsbury,and Stockport -

    Think as PW has proven there’s no guarantees on appointing a manager. Despite their history.

    Agreed that PS history is maybe weaker than a lot. But he’s a fan favourite so get the link.

  8. 14 minutes ago, Caerphilly Ram said:


    I get the frustrations with Warne at the moment, I get people wanting some clarity from Clowes, but doesn’t this one specific point ignore the fact Clowes gave an interview last season in which he said it could take time and the plan is to be established in the championship within a 5 year period. Take a year off that and you’ve got the 4 years you’re discussing.

    It’s not pretty at the moment, people are unhappy, however I don’t see why Clowes should come out and reiterate an expectation he’s already publicly stated. If you want to read it for yourselves it’s in this digital magazine, the quote I’m referring to is on page 23 and says;

    “Within 5 years we want to be established in the championship, and then perhaps thinking of the next steps. But the most important thing, above everything else, is just to have a healthy and stable football club.”


    Clowes intention has seemingly always been a patient one, he knows it’s going to take time, and as much as he’s spoken about budgets good enough for promotion he’s also tempered expectations in the same breath by saying words along the lines of “but nothing is guaranteed in football”.
    So in summary I think he’s planning on being patient, his expectations have always been linked to being established back in the championship in the next 5 (now 4) years, and the club is still in theory within his expected timeframe. The difference is whether performances/results improve enough for fans to be patient too. I wouldn’t fancy being David Clowes and wanting to stick to my values and principles along with the very clear expectations I’ve set when several thousand people aren’t on that same page.

    Fair point.

    Personally i take established as us having been in the championship for 1 maybe 2 seasons which cuts the timeframe in half. But yes i agree, if he keeps schtum having believed that the interview above sufficiently covers his expectations then i can't see how the atmosphere around the club will get better. Unless Warne turns it around.

    If Warne does stay until the end of the season but misses out on play offs then DC is gonna have big kahunas to stick with him. Alternatively if he gets the chop then expectations from the fans will rise with the appointment of hopefully an exciting candidate. 

    Wouldn't want to be in  DC shoes at all.

  9. 27 minutes ago, ramboy63 said:

    Yes quite worrying from his last few interviews one remarking heads have been turned and the other night saying things he cant talk about thats going on and needs to keep them under his hat

    I do think he as tried to get more players in but maybe he is being blocked from doing so,ie the money for Knight as not been spent on players and perhaps he as been told the same if Bird gets sold,who know just guessing but clearly something is not right 

    i was very optimistic for this season now after only three games we are in a real mess,not even that confident we will beat Fleetwood this weekend which tells you everything

    Sad thing is even though if we do beat Fleetwood I doubt the pressure will relax that much. The mood just feels wrong at the moment.

  10. Excellent post. 
    To say I feel sorry for the guy is a step too far, after all he’s wealthy and looks healthy. 
    But I do think truth be told between him and the fly on the wall, if he could get rid of Warne and it not be so detrimental or risky to the team he would. We’ve started so poor, the team looks lost and as one person put ‘it makes Rowett’s football seem like Barcelona’.

    Personally I think he has three options; Sack Warne and bring in who he see’s fit. Bring in a DoF and give them the remit of advising him accordingly come christmas. Or come out and dampen expectations and give Warne the vote of confidence and us fans have to suck it and see.

    Personally I’m leaning towards the DoF option first. If Warne opposes the idea then that’s a reason to get rid. If he doesn’t then a seasoned footballing head can properly start to run the ship as he see’s fit.
    I think this season is dead and buried already, it’s going to be a painful affair. Maybe if we can bring in a manager who can breathe fresh optimism in to the club that will stop the toxicity? 
    The scary part is come next summer we’ll have another rebuild to undertake, with the likes of Nelson, Bradley and Washington all still under contract. 
    Clowes’ decision to appoint Warne was bold and exciting at the time. However, it looks to be a mistake and a costly one at that.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Jourdan said:

    I realise how toxic things are becoming. The magic formula is better results and better, more cohesive football.

    Clowes coming out and saying promotion could take four seasons wouldn’t help matters one iota.


    It would just lead to people saying we have a useless manager and a useless owner.

    So we beat Fleetwood and then lose our next 2. We’ll still be in exactly the same place morale wise if not worse. 
    Hopefully Warne turns it around. But I think it’s gonna take more than win a couple, draw a couple and lose a couple for fans to ease off. The knives are out and ready to be used.

  12. Just now, Jourdan said:

    Well he has given Warne a four year contract.

    Why does he have to come out and do or say anything publicly?

    Have you not seen the comments on here and twitter? I know they don’t represent the whole fanbase but the tide in my opinion seems to be changing against Warne as the matches go by. 
    The toxicity isn’t going to magically go away. So either it gets spelled out that promotion could take 4 seasons and DC is happy with that or he says nowt and the heat continues to get turned up on Warne and the squad.

  13. 2 minutes ago, Jourdan said:

    OK, but think about it for a second.

    Which manager will want to come in and work with a squad that has been built on the premise of short term recruitment by two coaches with extremely differing styles?

    Which manager will want to come in and work with little to no flexibility and freedom in the transfer market, having seen most if not all of the budget swallowed up on putting together and retaining the existing group of players?

    Which manager will want to come in and work with a squad whose make-up is heavily skewed towards experienced players where age and physical condition is not on their side?

    Which manager will want to come in to lift morale and right the ship when pre-season is long gone and time on the training ground is more limited?

    Which manager will want to come in and reverse this worrying lurch in form and standards?

    Which manager will come in and like the squad he is inheriting and not see it as a weight holding us down?

    In the circumstances, the Derby job looks the most unattractive it has done in years, so the questions you are asking do not have simple and clear answers.

    Fair enough questions but unless Clowes comes out and dampens expectations and stands by Warne ala GSE style then I can’t see how Warne stays serving up his current dish.

  14. If you want 3-5-2 and an easy transition from Warne then there’s: 

    N Jones   
    D Challinor

    If you’re wanting a manager with a philosophy then we’ve got:

    Evatt - my pick but realistically why would he come?  

    Bonner at Cambridge is highly thought of but believe his style is direct 

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