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Posts posted by TomTom92

  1. Worth noting that despite the near catastrophe and world falling apart of last pre season, we finished 7th after 46 matches. Surely a calmer pre season with an established manager and a recruitment guru should show an improvement?

    Especially when Ipswich and Weds have left the party and a points deducted Wigan and off field craziness Reading have joined it. 

    I can't help but feel Warne's 'needs to be a good person' has held us back. Sure i agree with the plan on paper, but give me the Devil up front if he knows how to hit 20 a season. 

  2. 12 hours ago, Ambitious said:

    Paul Warne is clearly a good manager and when the opportunity to hire came up, it would’ve been difficult to turn him away. He’s a manager with a proven track record on a small budget and is an impressive character - he’s very assured on what he wants and I think that translates quite well. 

    I think the problem is that football management is in itself an enigma so what works at one place doesn’t at another - you’re essentially trying to row a paddle boat in the ocean where any number of things can go in your favour or against you. I find it funny that so many people believe they have so much influence, but ultimately the best laid plans can go to wreck and ruin. Don’t get me wrong, some managers don’t help themselves, Warne hasn’t at times, but the biggest issue in his time at Derby has been situational football. Individual errors in critical situations have plauged his time here - he’s going to take some responsibility for that but it’s not fifa so he’s not controlling every player. Senior players have let themselves down, the important thing now is to try and get everything settled going into the next two league games. We’ve got two teams also yet to win a game - Oxford in particular seem to be in a little bit of a crisis after expected to go well this season. 

    Exactly this. How many good managers have we appointed and its gone boobs up? Its all about timing and luck, see Forest and Cooper, when he eventually leaves there's no guarantee that he'll smash it anywhere else. 

    Personally think there's been an overreaction this season. But I do take onboard that Blackpool first half was unacceptable and if you look at the downward momentum of last season, alarm bells will start ringing if things don't start going to plan. 

  3. At the end of the day Saturday will be the true test. 
    Burton always put up a fight against us, but they won’t be as good as Blackpool or Wigan. Let’s see how we play and get on. 
    Draw - even stevens everything settles down.  
    Lose - Pressure mounts and questions will start to be muttered. 
    Win - everything’s peachy 

  4. The irony in this is that our defence is supposed to be our strength. Now maybe with a more organised manager e.g. Rowett they would look solid as a rock. 
    But I look at our midfield and become underwhelmed. Nobody in there to score a worldie when the chips are down. 
    As for our forwards it’s a mixed bag. No number 1 striker like Martin or Howard. NML, Sibley and Ward all ‘exciting’ but we’re playing 2 up top. 
    Is it the restrictions fault? Warne’s? Recruitments? Or the market? 
    We’ve lost to two of our rivals already and I wouldn’t back us against Barnsley, Bolton or Portsmouth. We’ve gone backwards.

    This isn’t me saying Warne out but any optimism (mine was limited anyway) is running away.

  5. 3 hours ago, Brailsford Ram said:

    If you want rid of Paul Warne and his coaching team, the cost of terminating their contracts now is likely to breach the terms of the business plan agreed with the EFL, which would probably incur another points penalty upon the club. As Harry Enfield would say "If that's what you want, that's what you'll get."

    Disappointing as the first two games have been, best to continue with the management in place for now. For me the game tonight was disappointing, particularly in the first half but the result was irrelevant in terms of our season; we lost to a team in our league, having made several changes, while several sides in the competition went out after being defeated by teams below them in the League. The Carabao Cup was a sideshow for us, confirmed by the fact that so many of our massive support didn't turn up to watch it.

    Disappointingly, we gifted two goals to Wigan on Saturday and paid the price; it is worrying that we have now only won one of our last seven games at home in the League. But we need to judge going forward just our results in League games. We now have Burton away, followed by Oxford and Fleetwood at home and Peterborough and Bolton away. It's a tough task but we need to at least wait until then before pressing the panic button. Following administration and the rescue, this was never likely to be as easy as we hoped.

    Seem to think when we appointed Warne it came out that the manager pot doesn’t come under the business plan. 
    However, it would be a nasty kick in the teeth for Clowes if he did have to get rid. The only positive is that Moore is out of work and on paper an obvious replacement.

  6. Losing in the league cup isn’t catastrophic, neither is losing 2 matches in a row. However, as it’s the start of the season until that first point and win is earned, fans will be on edge.

    It also doesn’t help that there’s pressure both internally and externally for us to be one of the front runners. Also our form towards the back end of last season will start to make things look unsavoury the longer our poor start continues. 
    I’m pro Warne and want it to work. But lose the next two and things will start to get sour on here and throughout the fan base in general. Can’t say I’ll be immune to this either.
    Hoping we’ve got a few decent signings up our sleeve ready to join asap.

  7. 37 minutes ago, FindernRam said:

    There was much talk about how hard players were being worked in pre-season, so how come we were out run by a load of players who apparently haven't been paid and seemed better motivated?

    I'd say because our style of football is run around like men possessed with little appreciation for keeping the ball. A tactic that has seen Warne promoted 3 times, however i doubt he had a bench as weak as ours during any of them times. If we could've made 5 good substitutes then i don't think we'd have noticed the fatigue the same.

  8. 1 hour ago, Raich Carter said:

    No EFL restrictions to hide behind? An interesting phrase. We are what we are. We are where we are. What is there to hide?

    I’d be interested to see who would win out of a match between PW promotion winning side 2 seasons ago and us today. I dare say Rotherham…which says it all. Yeah, it says we nearly went out of business and are building from the ground up with a Manager who's not yet had a full season in charge. PW had years at Rotherham to build his squad - he's not even had a full season here yet. 

    In relation to us not being able to spend transfer funds and the fact we only have a certain budget. Once the restrictions are lifted we'll see how much wonga Clowes is prepared to spend. I'm not saying for a second that the war chest should come out, but if we're still in league 1 then I think we may need to spend a bit more to at least get us back to a level were the club should be. As Charlton and Portsmouth are showing, if you don't go up sooner rather than later then you can get stuck and to have us stuck in league 1 would be a travesty.

    I'd argue our budget would be close to Warne's at Rotherham. Obviously I have no proof, but they ran/run a tight ship. You may be happy just to have a club and are willing to wait as long as it takes to move forward. But there's no patience in football these days and every season without glory is a season wasted. 


  9. 40 minutes ago, kevinhectoring said:

    what makes you think that ? I think PE indicated we can 

    Well the Knight and Bielik fees haven't been allocated to the transfer pot. 

    Long term we may be able to use them for transfers, but it doesn't appear that this season will be one of them.

  10. Doesn't help that we can't reinvest funds (not sure if the EFL were sticklers for this or whether we didn't have the foresight to add it to the proposal at the start of the season). 

    Also I concede PW knows far more about football than me, however he seems to have a thing for Birdy and I just don't get it. He drops 6/10 every week and whilst that's not the worst thing in the world, we can't afford this luxury when Smith is also in the XI. 

  11. 3 minutes ago, Sparkle said:

    Actually paying transfer fees and big championship wages killed us, free transfers and a wage cap gives us the chance to build from from rubble

    I mean you’re right in a literal sense. But my killing comment was referring to our inability to recruit well in the final third.

  12. 11 minutes ago, duncanjwitham said:

    Same here. There's lots of talk on here about how good our crossing is, but I'm not sure I see it.  I think Ward put 2 good ones in second half, but failed to beat the first man with everything else - including, ironically, the one we actually scored from - a decent defender would have dealt with that rather than flick it over his own box.  And I'm not sure anybody else managed to put a decent cross in all game, from open play anyway.

    Collins just went looking for the ball second half, because he got barely any of it in the first.

    Hopefully most clubs won’t have a McManaman in their squads.

  13. Collins doesn’t deserve the stick he gets but let’s not beat around the bush he’s an average league 1 striker. Which for us unfortunately is no good especially if he’s the number 1 striker at the club.

    Wouldn’t be surprised to see him leave depending on who we bring in. 

  14. The only way a loan will be entertained is if Smith rocks the boat and downs tools and even then I imagine Wednesday will wait until the last week of the window on the off chance another club makes a permanent bid.

    Not being able to spend a transfer fee has killed us.

  15. If we fail this season. Then next season will definitely be interesting. No EFL restrictions to hide behind. 
    I’ll never say a bad word against DC. However, he rightly pointed out in his interview that for the last 30 years our success has been somewhat limited. As this selfishly covers my years of supporting Derby I’m as keen as anybody to see us start achieving. 
    I fear if DC is GSEx2 then it could be another 10 years before we’re competing at the top end of the championship.  
    I’d be interested to see who would win out of a match between PW promotion winning side 2 seasons ago and us today. I dare say Rotherham…which says it all.

  16. 15 minutes ago, Anag Ram said:

    I’m all for a big number nine like Smith coming in but we have to have a Plan B.

    We don’t have a single forward capable of turning defenders or beating them with pace. 

    We’re assembling a team of slow players and hoping crosses will lead to goals.

    As Wigan (and not Derby) showed yesterday, a well organised defence can deal with crosses from the wing.

    Smith will help increase our chances of scoring. Collins seems a lovely character but I think even he knows he’s not a finisher.

    But we definitely need a pacy 10 and a driving midfield player or we will struggle this year.


    Think Washington is supposed to be the pacy striker who plays on the shoulder. But not seen enough of him to judge.

  17. Just now, Leeds Ram said:

    It is interesting how people see it so differently. I think the fact Forsyth was seemingly our most dangerous player speaks for itself. Not sure where Collins was six yards out unmarked for a shot? 

    First 10 minutes probably more like 8 yards out, but fluffed his lines either way.

  18. Bird’s the master of dropping 6/10 displays. Doesn’t offer goals and not a superb creative outlet. 

    However, he got injured last season and our season dropped so whether that was coincidence or not I’m undecided. 

  19. One of our main issues is that neither Smith or Bird score goals. That’s 2 out of our 3 midfielders, I’m not saying Bird should be sold because we’re so light in there and if we do sign a creative midfielder I’ll be intrigued to see who gets dropped. 
    Probably Smith to be fair, but until we sign a decent striker and midfielder then unfortunately we’ll fall the wrong side of even matches like today.

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