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  1. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland got a reaction from David Graham Brown in The Administration Thread   
    Anyone who wants MA should be listening to Gary Neville after the Newcastle v Arsenal game - “Mike Ashley stunk this place out”.
    The administrators have a fine line to tread - if they think there’s a real chance it’ll get done with CK then keep going.  Otherwise, move on.  While MA is far from ideal it’s better than no club.
    Ultimately, it MM’s mess.  He put us here, he’s stopping us from moving on.
  2. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to Nishfan in The Administration Thread   
    Perhaps CK is just calling out the abusive tweets, which is a positive way for someone with his following to deal with it 
     he’s trying to do something about it 
    his team will be working on the deal - CK calling out unacceptable tweets doesn’t mean he’s backing out etc 
    come on CK 
  3. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to Curtains in The Administration Thread   
    Don’t be stupid he doesn’t deserve abuse 
  4. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to B4ev6is in Kircher dont listen those idouts   
    Look those people throwing abuse at you are idouts and not really derby fans many of us are desperate for you to save us you and rooney make us great again I just know just give mel what ever he wants so we all can move on.
  5. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to Ghost of Clough in The Administration Thread   
    Do you sit next to the solicitor when buying a house? It's the same thing here.
    It may be a larger amount, but percentage wise, him buying the club is much smaller than most of us buying a house.
  6. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to BucksRam in The Administration Thread   
    If it helps I'm currently in the middle of a big implementation by an American company based East and West Coast....and we deal via video calls and emails. It's the modern way you know.  CK is CEO. He has a massively expanding company to run. He has a team over here sorting things for him.  I'm sure he's on the phone.  If it's still radio silence at 2359 tonight, then I'll start to worry. Until then....breathe. 
  7. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to ollycutts1982 in The Administration Thread   
    I wouldn't agree with that, in this day and age everything can be done at a distance, he has said he wont be moving over here so I'm sure he will be happy with his team over here dealing with it.
  8. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to BramcoteRam84 in Steve Nicholson leaving the Derby Telegraph   
    You only have to look at the comments from fellow journalists to understand how well regarded he is in the industry and how good he was. You even had Henry Winter posting on his Twitter feed. Excellent journalist that has had to suffer the digital age that has destroyed local reporting. His dedication to his role has been second to none. He’s a credit to Gerald Mortimer and he took on his mantle well, doubt we’ll see the like again l.
  9. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to May Contain Nuts in 48hrs will it see us over the line   
    The mistake you're making is thinking that those are things which are really theirs to handle, giving them imaginary powers and damning them for not using them. You're not the only one of course. It's been quite ridiculous.
    The Boro claim? 
    There were two ways to deal with the  Boro claim
    1. Make it go away via legal jiggery pokery, which they identified a method for and attempted. As the EFL hold the most important card (our golden share) it didn't come to pass. "They should have known it wouldn't work"? Maybe, but not trying it only left them with option....
    2. Come to an agreement themselves with Steve Gibson to arrange for him to receive some sort of compensation. Yeah, not happening, there'd be outrage from both the fans and the creditors.
    Money going from the pot to some unfounded BS claim would be a serious issue without it passing through a proper legal process, and passing it though a proper legal process would take an absolute age, that's assuming Gibson was willing to take it that way, and without dragging it out as long as possible.
    ...or the imaginary option 3, force the EFL to declare a stance in favour of Steve Gibson or force Mel Morris & Gibson to 'come to an accord' earlier. This was never going to happen until after the January transfer window had closed though, by design - it was out of the administrator's hands.
    The ground?
    The ground isn't in administration, they can't force the ground to be put into administration, they have no control over what happens with it.
    The best they can do with that is seek assurances from Mel Morris and get something in writing to the effect that he'll either sell for a certain amount or be willing to keep the stadium and charge an agreeable rental fee for its use, which seems to be what they have done.
    That doesn't make it legally binding though, and as we all know Mel Morris is wont to change his mind. It's likely that Morris has taken Kirchner's Twitter post calling him a naughty name as an affront and done exactly that, so that bit of writing effectively becomes even more worthless.
    It's 'his' stadium and his loan to MSD, he calls the shots at this point, nobody aside from MSD has the power to alter that situation. 
    People saying things like "they"re just puppets of MM" and "they've lost control of the process and been pulled this way and that on the whim of egos" are missing the point - that was always going to be the case, it would be the case for anyone who took on the job - there are aspects of the situation they do not have control of, never have, never will, they haven't 'lost' something they could never have in the first place.  It's a situation they inherited, not one of their making through this supposed incompetence.
    The only thing you can really point the finger at with any real assurance of being correct is bad PR which raised fan expectations.
    Even then the information they put out is likely only what they believed to be the state of play at the time of asking. They could have lied instead, or they could have said nothing. All approaches seem to lead to criticism though.
    Now, people can and I'm sure they will put forward some suggestions as to how they think things could have been dealt with better - and they may well all be valid, I can't say otherwise - but I'd suggest anyone positing "why didn't they..." or "they should have done..."  can't actually prove that their approach would have yielded any better results.

    You can see from Kirchner's recent tweets that he's getting a bit fed up of all the pestering and demands for answers at every step of the process, and he's (just) one of those for whom Quantuma are required to act as piggy in the middle. Imagine how they feel!
    'They'll never work in football again!"
    I doubt they'd want to.
  10. Like
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to S8TY in The Administration Thread   
    Agree with all of this…it is making the common football fan who love the game maybe walk away …I’m sick to death of claims and money talk …it’s about football !! or it used to be …really fed up with how the game has gone and how badly and corrupt the governing bodies are !!
  11. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to Bald Eagle's Barmy Army in 48hrs will it see us over the line   
    I think a lot of supporters underestimate the work Q have had to do with this takeover. 
    It’s really easy for us to think they’ve done a bad job when things don’t go to plan but the web of destruction MM has left behind is where the problems have always been. 
    FWIW, I do think it will be done by Monday and this time next week we could see the structure of the new DCFC taking shape. 
  12. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to B4ev6is in The Administration Thread   
    That is more or less saying that mate
    Stop picking hairs the future does look brighter now.
  13. Like
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to loweman2 in Derby County Shirt Collection   
    A few of them together.

  14. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to B4ev6is in The Administration Thread   
    For crying out loud stop being nagtive he is doing it because he wants make us successful again. With rooney at the wheel.
  15. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to BramcoteRam84 in The Administration Thread   
    @The Scarlet Pimpernel nailed it with his comment, pure opinion dressed up as fact.
    I’ll further clarify why IMO you’re talking nonsense.
    He had to show £100m to get in the door with Quantuma 
    He had to show £60m to the EFL and go through the owners and directors test, they’ve beefed this up since Birch came on board, hence why the EFL blocked Erik Alonso.
    He made an offer, Q thought they could do better so he pulled out. Looked at Preston and didn’t think they had the same potential so when Q came back to him he decided to proceed and has pretty quickly got himself to a position where the deal is close. The guy is absolutely not a tyre kicker.
  16. Like
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to KBB in The Administration Thread   
    Utter drivel.
  17. Haha
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to mrdave85 in The Administration Thread   
  18. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to SSD in The Administration Thread   
    A bloke who doesn't know how to run a football club brings in an experienced chief executive to keep on top of the day to day operations. And supporters keep whinging.
    Because clearly the idea of the owner calling the shots on all footballing decisions worked well for the club..... ?
  19. Cheers
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to Rambalin in The Administration Thread   
  20. Cheers
  21. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to Comrade 86 in The Administration Thread   
    Ah, the mythical Ashley offer in January where he claimed through the media he was preparing a £50 million offer, presumably intending to scare off other bidders. It didn't work. It never happened. He then allowed CK to take PB status with an offer nearly £20 million below what his media chums claimed he was willing to pay. He's full of shyte and has yet to lodge a formal offer according to Quantuma and this despite all the BS PR 'I'm still interested' guff. He's now claiming to have made a restructured offer, despite not submitting a formal bid in the first instance and with the period of exclusivity still being in place. Had he honoured his word and offered £50 mill in January, there's a fair chance we'd still be in the Championship. Let that sink in for a moment.
    As it stands, Quantuma are adamant that there's been no contact since last year so I think it's fair to assume that in respect of Derby County, he's nothing more than a stalking horse who is quite happy to see us go the wall whilst shafting every creditor, merely to save a couple of million of his reported £2.25 billion fortune. CK may not have his experience, nor his financial wherewithwal, but he's at least put his money where his mouth his and with the club teetering on the edge, I'll take actions over words all day long.
  22. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to BramcoteRam84 in The Administration Thread   
    Honestly some of these posts, either extremely downbeat people or seriously starting to think they might be from Forest WUMs!! 
    There is nothing to suggest CK won’t get his deal done in the next few days. Nixon (call him what you want) has sources in both CK camp and EFL and is saying nothing to worry about. The fact the deadline has been extended until Monday strongly implies it’s close. We might end up with a further extension but I think CK will get in done in the next couple of weeks.
    The ONLY way we will be liquidated is if the CK deal fails and we have no other buyers. That absolutely isn’t the case, we know Ashley is being active in the background, if the CK deal takes longer, or it falls through and they need longer to give Ashley a chance, then Q will secure more funding either from MSD or selling players, as long as there is interest in the club Q will find a way to keep it going, and the league will give us every opportunity to demonstrate funding we can continue.
    So Monday isn’t doomsday, however the speed at which the administration exit happens could have significant consequences for the immediate future, sort it next week we could possibly bounce straight back, delay a month, we’re down there for a few seasons possibly have a relegation battle next season, if it lasts all summer and into next season (two months) then we could do a Bolton or a Coventry. Every day is pivotal to the short term future.
  23. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to duncanjwitham in The Administration Thread   
    That’s my read on it too. Monday suggests they think there will be some serious movement this weekend, and they need a business day to put everything through. I think any other scenario would be either another week extension and fingers-crossed, or mutual agreement it isn’t going to work and Kirchner walks away.
  24. Cheers
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to plymouthram in The Administration Thread   
    I prefer Indiana's Bones from Summerskills brewery
  25. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland got a reaction from jono in The Administration Thread   
    Doom Bar and Hobgoblin.  A modern day twist on a pint of mixed.
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